View Full Version : Sleeper movies...

08-Jul-2006, 01:10 AM
Ok on to something a little lighter...

What are some of your favorite non-zombie, non-horror movies...or what is a sleeper movie that your average joe would like that most people never heard of.

I like "The Hustler" a lot...it is an older movie. Part 1 to Color of money. It is popular but I think younger people might have missed it.

Kentucky Fried Movie is another movie that I think everyone should watch and may have been missed.

08-Jul-2006, 01:14 AM
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean - older flick with Paul Newman

Twenty Bucks - $20imdb link (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108410/)

08-Jul-2006, 02:23 AM
dark city, i liked it, but i havent heard of it in a while.

08-Jul-2006, 02:51 AM

08-Jul-2006, 03:07 AM
ahhh yes!! One of Gilliam's best!!!!
Watched that one about 3 months ago; it had been YEARS since I'd last seen this gem!!!

08-Jul-2006, 11:59 AM
Ok on to something a little lighter...

What are some of your favorite non-zombie, non-horror movies...or what is a sleeper movie that your average joe would like that most people never heard of.

I like "The Hustler" a lot...it is an older movie. Part 1 to Color of money. It is popular but I think younger people might have missed it.

Kentucky Fried Movie is another movie that I think everyone should watch and may have been missed.

Most young people do not know of Lawrence of Arabia, or heard of it but never saw it. It is a fantastic movie if you take the time to watch it. It is long. Also a movie called "Parents" it is about a family of Cannibals back in the 50's. it is somewhat of a dark comedy and a great movie! Here is a link:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098068/

Plot Summary for
Parents (1989 (http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/1989))

Michael Laemie (played by Brian Madorsky) is a young boy living in a typical 1950's suburbanite home... except for his bizarre and horrific nightmares, and continued unease around his parents. Especially his father, Nick Laemie (played by Randy Quaid). Young Michael begins to suspect his parents are cooking more than just hamburgers on the grill outside, but has trouble explaining his fears to his new-found friend Sheila, or the school's social worker.

08-Jul-2006, 03:51 PM
Kentucky Fried Movie is another movie that I think everyone should watch and may have been missed.

Kentucky Fried Movie has been one of my favorites forever!

There are tons of "sleeper" movies... but I just woke up and don't feel like frying my brain trying to think of a lot.

Colors is one of my favorite movies. An early Damon Wayans, great roles by Don Cheadle, Sean Penn, and Robert Duvall. Great story/plot, too.

Went To Coney Island On A Mission From God, Be Back By Five is pretty cool... don't know if it's so much of a "sleeper", though, because it's independent.

The Salton Sea seems to be known by hardly anybody I know. I think that is one of the greatest movies of all time.

The list keeps going...

08-Jul-2006, 04:33 PM
Dunwich Horror..starring Sandra Dee...its old but different and yes it is a Horror movie.
Count Yorga Vampire
Return of Count Yorga
I just got up a while ago and cant clear my brain yet didnt have my coffee yet. That is all I can think of for now.

08-Jul-2006, 04:39 PM
Not sure if you'd call it a "sleeper", but, Pieces of April is a fantastic indie flick.

08-Jul-2006, 07:19 PM
The Dark Crystal. I normally don't go for these type of flicks but the richness of the puppet and set design as well as Trevor Jones' score always make this flick worth watching.

Nevada Smith is a western that gets frequent viewings on my DVD player. McQueen at his best.

The Secret of NIMH is one of the lesser known cartoons of the early eighties and much better than that Fivel crap that came out later from the same animator. Kinda dark for a kiddie cartoon and a really good score from Goldsmith.

The Substitute. Kinda silly at times but, hey, I'm a Beringer fan.

Time Bandits seems to have faded from most people's memory. I don't know why.

Alive is probably the best version of the Piers Paul Read book. Actually the only other version is a piece of Mexican junk called Survive and that's more funny than dramatic.

08-Jul-2006, 09:37 PM
This really isn't a movie but I enjoy watching the entire V series every now and then.

09-Jul-2006, 03:52 AM
two more:

dead birds, horror with no nudity, gore OR foul language and its still good.

i am legend, the vincent price version.

09-Jul-2006, 08:37 AM
Big Trouble in Little China

09-Jul-2006, 08:41 AM
i dont think theres anyone whos not seen that film.:D

09-Jul-2006, 11:45 AM
This really isn't a movie but I enjoy watching the entire V series every now and then.

Oh, my favorite 80s show. I remembered it so fondly...and then bought the DVD of the TV show (that came after the miniseries).:|

They shoudl have stopped after the mini-series.

09-Jul-2006, 01:43 PM
Can I say Theater of Blood with Vincent Price? It is a classic in my eyes and it is a movie not to many think about these days.

09-Jul-2006, 02:16 PM
Red Dawn...my GF and I watched this the other night, she never heard of it. I only had 1 star on comcast, I was like 1 star??? She agreed, while it was not a masterpiece it was not a turkey either...I always kinda liked it though.

True Romance is one of the best movies ever IMO and I run into people once in awhile that never heard of it.

09-Jul-2006, 02:45 PM
I never saw Big Trouble in Little China. When it came out I thought it was a stupid looking Indiana Jones rip, so never saw it. I don't know if it actually sucks, but first impressions...
Red Dawn was super popular when it came out. Alot of kids would say "I'm never joing the army, but if the rooskies invade, I'm there". And that's the film. Every teenage boys fantasy. Camping and blowing stuff up. In the 80s, anything that involved Killing commies was popluar.

I am legend is a great one. GAR got his uinspiration from the book. Omega man is a cool one too.

Not really a sleeper, but a favorite Old one for me is
Public Enemy, 1931 I think, with James Cagney. Pre Code ultra violence. It's got it all;
Cop Killing without punishment
loose women and all the naughty double entendres
Shell Shocked, ethically confused, WWI veteran
Cihicanery and back stabbing
Action packed vengence
Lotsa good subtext that good for repeat viewings

It's a bad ass movie, because of the pre censorship era, it is able to go alot farther. And Cagney. He's the bomb.
It hold up really well. And is one of the best gangster movies ever. To me, way better than the godfather.