View Full Version : Hitman: Absolution (video game)

Mr. Clean
15-Feb-2013, 08:10 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu1Aii7scBo (http://


Anyone playing this?

I been playing campaign on expert. EXTREMELY difficult. Sorta pissed at first about not being able to go back through the levels taking just whatever weapons you choose but seen someone explain it pretty well. You don't really go on contracts(seperate mode) during single player. Instead, it sorta follows a storyline. You have one level where you kill someone and then have a few levels evading the police or group of people. Most levels...you start out with The trade mark pistols and fiber wire.

It has a score system that always shows your current score. You lose points for killing people...but gain the points back for hiding the bodies. You lose major points for being seen....and we're talking not even cover blown. Just if someone gets curious about you.

It's not like the other games where you dress like a cop and get access everywhere. You dress like a cop and cooks pay no attention to you but if you come upon another cop....he will start becoming suspicious of you if your in his line of sight. Distance effects how quickly your cover blown and they move in to arrest you.

It also has this assassin sense bar that fills up when you silently kill people, distract guards, hide bodies, ect. If someone starts notice you a little too much you can use it to stop it or you can use it to stop time and place head shots on how ever many people you can aim at in the allotted time.(which isn't very long on expert.)

Contracts mode is an online mode where you can create missions or play other people's missions based on levels in the campaign....select weapons to take with you....your outfit....your rewarded with money based on execution, following directives, and how long it takes you to escape......With the money you can purchase weapons and upgrades which are VERY expensive. I haven't dabbled much in this so I'm not too familar with it yet.

Admin....I'm having a "can't have more than 1 video per post" issue like several months back.