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21-Feb-2013, 01:04 PM
Just doing some story editing, reviewing old material, and youtubing ( ain't multi-tasking fun? )

Found this when I typed in Zombie music on a lark.


The band is 'The Nearly Deads. ' fronted by Theresa Jeane ( which I just now looked up, but which everyone else probably knew already. )

This is the first time I've tried to place the actual video into the post, rather than just a link ( I'm not really a luddite, I just play one on TV ( as the old joke goes )

The song is OK, but Theresa is cute - and it's got zombies in it so who gives a fig anyway. As Douglas Adams would've said "Share and Enjoy. "

More random acts of video to come ( or not- cuz it wouldn't be random. )

Wayne Z

21-Feb-2013, 01:34 PM
I quite like that :)

ps: Best way to put a youtube (HD) video in is like this yVXoC-95zDk

21-Feb-2013, 03:57 PM
I quite like that :)

ps: Best way to put a youtube (HD) video in is like this yVXoC-95zDk

It'll take a few more tries to get it exactly right, but in the meantime,


This one has more of a story than the other, and better executed. No pretty girls tho.

Wayne Z

28-Feb-2013, 12:04 AM
So, it's been awhile ( all of 6 days. ) but I thought I'd stir the atrophed memory cells of some of the older HPOTD members with this little forgotten ditty from Five Man Electrical Band.

Granted it's not a zombie song, but it was enough of a spooky novelty from my childhood, I was surprised when it popped up during a random search.


Wayne Z

21-Mar-2013, 02:00 PM

This is sort of Gymkata (85) for the zombie fans, tho I'm dubious that you could make a solid full length feature from it.

Still A for effort, A for playing an unusual skill set within a disaster setting.

Wayne Z

21-Mar-2013, 02:31 PM
Yeah, I remember seeing something about this posted last year...I called it goddamn zombiesploitation, then, I call it goddamn zombiesploitation now.

This is sort of Gymkata (85) for the zombie fans

No, Sir, it is not a 'sort of' Gymkata in any way, shape or form. You do a dis-service to a classic!



21-Mar-2013, 04:55 PM
Yeah, I remember seeing something about this posted last year...I called it goddamn zombiesploitation, then, I call it goddamn zombiesploitation now.

No, Sir, it is not a 'sort of' Gymkata in any way, shape or form. You do a dis-service to a classic!



Yep, that Kurt Thomas - Hell of an actor : )

My younger brother once attended a gymnastics camp, shortly after this cinematic masterpiece, hosted by Mr. Thomas. He described Kurts' involvement like this ( a pantomine of endlessly signing autographs )

Honestly, the dude must have given some lessons himself, but I guess just enough for show? Still that description was the funniest thing - and the movie was a hoot as well.

Wayne Z

- - - Updated - - -


I'm sure folks talked up this history channel documentary when it originally aired last year, but this was the first chance I got to see it. It's neat that for once they're actually talking our language ( rather than talking around it, like most of the earlier Zomb specials on the History Channel or Discovery )

Since this is well over an hour, I'm posting the Youtube link rather than the video itself, so enjoy. I really thought this was a decent show, finally.

Wayne Z

21-Mar-2013, 05:07 PM
Yep, that Kurt Thomas - Hell of an actor : )

Thespian, if you will ;)

Thanks for posting the History Channel link, I kind of recall trying to watch it and rolling my eyes a lot, but that may be more with love/hate affair with the History Channel's programming choices, so I'll give it another look.

01-May-2013, 06:16 PM
Another random act of video, only distantly related to Horror or Fantasy as actress Mila Kunis is interviewed by a nervous lad from BBC Radio 1. Perhaps the true horror was the way it quickly drifted into talk of drinking, soccer and dropping trou at weddings.
Or it could simply be a fantasy - a well played put on for the audience.


Either way, Mila seems able to play along with the random absurdities asked of her.

Wayne Z
Mila: "Seriously, you're doing a great job.
Chris: "Really? "
Mila: "No, but we'll see what happens. "

18-May-2013, 02:07 PM
Been awhile since I posted anything, but this vid recently caught my attention after a marathon viewing of the web series; The Guild ( conceived, written, and starring Felicia Day ( of Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing Along, and Buffy TVS fame. )
For Online Gamers, and even a few older tabletop gamers like myself, The Guild is actually fairly well produced, with the 5th season celebrity packed. I'm glad I finally discovered it.


And after this, go on to the other music videos; 'Game On ( Bollywood style )' and 'I'm The One That's Cool - and don't skip the covers of all three songs, some of them are funny as hell.

Wayne Z

"Grab your mouse, and stroke the keys; here in cyberspace there's no disease. "

25-May-2013, 05:10 PM
So just when the online guildies are thinking they're so cool, we tabletop gamers find unexpected solace in a series on Felicia Day's channel (geekandsundry ) called Tabletop (hosted by Will Wheaton ) which pits celebs (web or other ) against each other in a mix of board and cards games.
This boardgame is a zombie vs survivors scenario called 'Last Night on Earth. ' (2007, Flying Frog Productions )


Wayne Z

07-Sep-2013, 04:52 PM
Have'nt updated for a time, so here's a little horror video by Christopher Hill, uploaded to youtube in September 2012. It's called; During The Witch Hour, which parades some familiar tropes in a neat manner, wrapping everything with an ending that is genuinely scary. I hope you enjoy it


Wayne Z

25-Sep-2013, 03:23 PM
Historically Accurate Disney Princess Song by Rachel Bloom.
Well. sorta kind of ... but it's the same Rachel Bloom who wanted to bang Ray Bradbury a few years ago ( in her video ) so we know what to expect here.

