View Full Version : [ TWD 3x12 Spoilers] What does "Clear" mean to you?

05-Mar-2013, 05:39 PM
Morgan talked quite abit about needing to clear, it was written on the chalk board/wall, it was the shows title. On the talking dead there was exstensive conversation about what this could mean but I am more interested in knowing what it means to you.

That is to say, what you feel Morgan means by it...

(Forgive my absence, work decided to block HPOTD with their smart filter much to my dissapointment... as if this is not work related... PSHHHH!)

05-Mar-2013, 06:03 PM
Morgan's attempt to both absolve himself, and clear his mind (i.e. go on autopilot) and wipe away, become numb to and lose himself in the new reality in which he is cruelly imprisoned.

Looks like he may never clear his conscience and sisyphean attempts to act this need out by continually clearing out and killing the real world reminders of the loss of his wife and son just prolong his agony.

That said, I figure we'll see him again...waste of a contract if they didn't sign him for multiple appearances, eh? Gotta think like TV execs $.

05-Mar-2013, 06:08 PM
I think it has multiple meanings - literally as in he has to clear the street, his little area of the world, from the undead as-and-when they litter up the joint (see his gurney stacking and pile for burning), but more existentially relating to what he was saying to Rick regarding "good and bad" guys all dying, and the "weak" inheriting the earth. I think he sees himself as being left behind to suffer, maybe as some sort of purgatory in punishment for their weakness, and this punishment is like a way to "clear" their slate in the eyes of whoever is watching - or merely the hands of fate - and once you've cleared your debt of weakness you're given the gift of sweet relief.

It could also mean that he needs to clear his head and the space around him - he needs to get things into order, he's clearly a man who has gone over the edge and his head is a total mess.

16-Mar-2013, 03:24 AM
I thought he meant clear all the zombies before they eat any more people like what happened to his son. Like clear each area of the town.