View Full Version : Next Generation consoles vs Current Generation

Mr. Clean
27-Mar-2013, 12:46 PM
Anyone think the gap between the two will be as big as PS2 and PS3 for example? I was thinking earlier and can't help but wonder if games that get released for both systems will be far more superior or just a tad better on the new system. My example is really Spiderman 3 for the PS2 compared to the game on PC and PS3. PS3 came out in Nov 2006 and SM3 came out in May 2007. That's only six months for those who will think it will take longer than a year before they stop really investing time in the older system. It's a completely different game on PS2. Much lower quality of graphics....controls are worse....and storyline of the game is even different. I can't help but wonder if they'll dumb down things on the ps3 a little to attempt to push people to upgrade to the new console....

27-Mar-2013, 01:08 PM
Anyone think the gap between the two will be as big as PS2 and PS3 for example? I was thinking earlier and can't help but wonder if games that get released for both systems will be far more superior or just a tad better on the new system. My example is really Spiderman 3 for the PS2 compared to the game on PC and PS3. PS3 came out in Nov 2006 and SM3 came out in May 2007. That's only six months for those who will think it will take longer than a year before they stop really investing time in the older system. It's a completely different game on PS2. Much lower quality of graphics....controls are worse....and storyline of the game is even different. I can't help but wonder if they'll dumb down things on the ps3 a little to attempt to push people to upgrade to the new console....

I suspect the graphics will be a bit better, but as big a step as the last console update...

Game play, don't see how any of the new consoles will change/enhance that.

27-Mar-2013, 02:08 PM
Gameplay on consoles have been stuck in an infinite loop for ages now. They're sports games, first person shooters, 3rd person shooters, duck, cover, fire borefests, or the next GTA clone etc and they are always a shade duller than they're PC counterpart, except in the case of a really bad port (GTA IV, I'mm looking at you). There's little in the way of innovation and there won't be on the next gen either.

27-Mar-2013, 02:56 PM
Gameplay on consoles have been stuck in an infinite loop for ages now. They're sports games, first person shooters, 3rd person shooters, duck, cover, fire borefests, or the next GTA clone etc and they are always a shade duller than they're PC counterpart, except in the case of a really bad port (GTA IV, I'mm looking at you). There's little in the way of innovation and there won't be on the next gen either.

And Kinect is a waste of time from what I can deduce!

27-Mar-2013, 05:31 PM
There's only so many types of game, just like there's only so many types of movie. You can have a well worn formula suddenly be revived by a title due to it's characters, story, and solid mechanics in the gameplay ... if you're not into a particular genre, then so be it, but those who are into that genre will find plenty to enjoy anew.

In terms of graphics, there'll be a step-up that you immediately notice - there has to be in order to help shift new consoles - but you look back at launch/early titles on the 360 (such as Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) and it looks so plain ... even going from COD2 to COD:BO2 there has been a huge overhauling of the graphics year-on-year ... look at GTA IV (2008) and what GTA V's previews show (2013), a big old difference. Even between GTA IV and RDR there were significant improvements - but it's not just about the tech, it's also about the artistry in using that tech. Level design, creativity, atmosphere etc.

In terms of gameplay, the focus seems to be horseshit gimmicks like Kinnect, or half-ignored second screens - I'd much rather there was none of that junk and they just focus on solid core mechanics that are fun to play. You can have some convoluted game, but if it's deathly dull and doesn't draw you in, it's all wasted.

Crackdown had a piss-weak plot, and it got a bit repetitive, but oh lordy was it hella fun collecting those orbs, upgrading your abilities, and leaping from building to building (I damn-near never got into a single vehicle as a result). As long as a title does what it does well, then that's a good thing.

I would like to see smaller companies getting a better look in - Alan Wake did quite well, but it deserved so much more attention - and I'd also like to see more indie games getting a bigger push. Perhaps they could have collections of XBLA titles on discs for folks who don't have XBLA, you know? Not every game has to be a $50-$100 million franchise entry.

Random thoughts, proferred at random...

27-Mar-2013, 10:13 PM
And Kinect is a waste of time from what I can deduce!

Can't say Neil. I never bothered with it.

- - - Updated - - -

There's only so many types of game...

The problem is also compounded by the consoles method of input. Video game controllers will ALWAYS be restrictive. You just won't match the input methods of a PC. FPS suck on consoles by and large, simulations are non-existent and RTS games are few and far between, for obvious reasons and everything just gets dumbed down to the lowest common denominator anyway.

Consoles are killing innovation, if they haven't killed it outright already.

It's a pity the suits are also determined to kill off PC gaming with DRM bullshit too.

In a few years time everything will be just shit. Hopefully I'll have grown up by then and I just won't care. :)

28-Mar-2013, 10:28 AM
Okay there's some demand for Resident Evil 2 remake.
Fans want something similar to the original a man/woman alone facing impossible odds with the odd surprise like REmake had, a game both atmospheric and challenging. The game fans want could appear on everything on the market.
Yet I think Capcom would prefer to restrict such as game to PS4 and Durungo with Leon/Claire with three AI partners/co-op slogging their way through zombies from point A to point B, a game that RE2 never was.

I tried to sell PS4 to my brother with Killzone 4 and Deep Down footage as both of them wowed me, he deconverted me in brutal fashion by asking if Killzone was Black Ops 3 and mentioned how drab Deep Down looked. He was absolutely right and brought me back down to Earth with the Wii U I purchased a few months ago.
I now look at games like Watch Dogs and Metal Gear Solid 5 which was unveiled yesterday and think there's plenty of life in the current gen to last a few years yet.
