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29-Mar-2013, 11:51 AM
* On the Result of the Inquiry into the Defeat at the Battle of Spatterloo - Short Science Fiction story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1117H) : Why was the mighty battle fleet destroyed by the unspeakable !ulrq? The inquiry finds the answer.
* Why Gahaziel Gave Up Saging - Short General Horror story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1118H) : What happened when the ex-sage Gahaziel met a man with a knife, and fell down a hole to hell.
* The First Day After - Short Living Dead story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1119H) : Coming back from a nightmarish war against monsters and zombies, a man discovers that breaking old habits is hard.
* Last Flight Out - Short Living Dead story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1120H) : One man’s attempt to reach safety as the blood-thirsty infected close in around him.
* Jogodish and the Jombie - Short Living Dead story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1121H) : Nobody was prepared when the Zombie Apocalypse struck Bunglistan. But the Jombie Apocalypse threatened to be worse.