View Full Version : My new tattoo!

04-Apr-2013, 05:29 PM
Yeah so ive been waiting months for an appointment becuase this guy is so good but finally today i went and had my first ever tattoo.

What do you guys think?


04-Apr-2013, 06:11 PM
Stylistically, not my cup of tea, but the color work is beautiful!

This is your 1st tat, then?

04-Apr-2013, 07:20 PM
Stylistically, not my cup of tea, but the color work is beautiful!

This is your 1st tat, then?

Yup and im really happy with it, the guy did a good job.

04-Apr-2013, 09:14 PM
I like it! It's cool. Like the style. Surprised it's not Big Daddy though. :lol:

Mr. Clean
05-Apr-2013, 07:45 AM
Not really into tattoos either...see the money better spent else where. I will say it looks good and 2 thumbs up for being original. U design it?

07-Apr-2013, 04:25 PM
Not really into tattoos either...see the money better spent else where. I will say it looks good and 2 thumbs up for being original. U design it?

I wish! im not that artistic im afraid.

Thank for the comments guys, Zombies have meant something to me all my life so i knew what i wanted, it didnt hurt as much as people say but to be honest, i dont think ill have another one.

07-Apr-2013, 10:29 PM
I wish! im not that artistic im afraid.

Thank for the comments guys, Zombies have meant something to me all my life so i knew what i wanted, it didnt hurt as much as people say but to be honest, i dont think ill have another one.

Mine hurt only a little...but I kind of liked it...I can see why some people get addicted. I was ready to get another right away. :confused:

08-Apr-2013, 12:12 AM
How many do you have moon?

Here is mine and the original image the tattooist was working from:


08-Apr-2013, 05:50 PM
How many do you have moon?

Just the one for now. But I think about another off & on. Fortune & fate have seemed to conspire to keep me from another for now. :)

12-Apr-2013, 06:07 PM
Just the one for now. But I think about another off & on. Fortune & fate have seemed to conspire to keep me from another for now. :)

Yeah im now considering my second.. dunno what or when though.

Hey i tracked down the guy who did design the original zombie, his name is nik holmes and you can check out some of his other work here (http://www.nikholmes.com/).. he's a very talented guy actually.

I Sent him a email saying i had his zombie tattooed on me, thought he might get a kick out of it lol

25-Apr-2013, 02:52 AM
I work for a company that encourages employees to get tats so while I prefer to be ink free I've seen the good the bad... and then there's yours ...the awesome... and being that its a zombie its so different from the usual

25-Apr-2013, 12:01 PM
I work for a company that encourages employees to get tats so while I prefer to be ink free I've seen the good the bad... and then there's yours ...the awesome... and being that its a zombie its so different from the usual

Thanks :) im really happy with how it turned out actually, am glad i went for something cartoonish too, i always preferred the style.

25-Apr-2013, 11:34 PM
I'm with Mr. Clean on this. I'm completely ink free. Except for 2 tiny dots on my hand that are only there because I helped a kid make a tattoo gun in high school and had to try it.
I have several friends that are tattoo artists. One of them even does tats for high profile folks in Vegas. I've seen alot of tats and can appreciate good work and recognize bad work.
That's a pretty good one you got there Andy! Once it settles in it will look even better. Alot of times tats with alot of color don't look as good as expected. What did you pay for that work? If you don't mind me asking...

I used to do some work for a local tat place, not doing tattoos, I'd take a photo of the customer and use photoshop to overlay the tat image on them to show them how it would look. It was a wonderful idea that me and my tat artist buddy came up with and the owner of the shop he worked for really liked the idea. But for a small shop it had logistical problems. It worked well when some trendy kid came in and just went through all the flash images to choose what they wanted, or if they had a high quality line art image already with them. But when someone wanted a specific tat they came up with themselves, the rough draft that the artist sketches up on the spot didn't contain the quality needed to do the photoshop composite justice. This was before iPhones where people could walk in with a digital image. So we had to scan the sketches and they had to be done in marker on a transparent sheet otherwise it took way too long to create the preview.

26-Apr-2013, 10:06 AM
£80 so about $120 USD i think..