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View Full Version : The lizard of the son of George Romero

19-Apr-2013, 03:33 AM
Through a curious turn of events I have come upon the ownership of the lizard of the son of George Romero.

His name is Rex and he is a three year old Savannah monitor lizard.

You must come to my home in the east side of Pittsburgh because I will not ship him.

Although I'm not a big fan of lizards, he has become my friend and I will only release him to someone that I'm sure will take care of him.

He is quite healthy and is about 18 inches long. He is eating adult mice on a weekly or biweekly basis and comes with an aquarium and heat lamp.

I'm third in line of this odd inheritance and hope that I don't offend the Romero family in any way but I hoped that I would not only find a lizard lover amongst you but also someone who might appreciate his fine heritage.

19-Apr-2013, 08:40 AM
You now have the award for the strangest first post ever on this site! And believe me, there's some strong competition out there!

19-Apr-2013, 08:27 PM
What can I say? I live in the 'Burgh!

How can the truth be the weirdest first-time post? I'm sure there are some psychos out there with much weirder fantasy posts, no?

As an addendum, Rex shall forever only be introduced as "The Lizard of, the Son of, George Romero". It is how he was introduced to me, and it is how I introduce him to my friends and associates.

19-Apr-2013, 09:46 PM
As an addendum, Rex shall forever only be introduced as "The Lizard of, the Son of, George Romero". It is how he was introduced to me, and it is how I introduce him to my friends and associates.

Lotsor for short then...

19-Apr-2013, 09:50 PM
You now have the award for the strangest first post ever on this site! And believe me, there's some strong competition out there!
I'll say one thing: This sounds like the beginnings of one of the scariest, based on true events, horror movie any of US could ever imagine.
You have to admit, no?
Come for the lizard, stay for the eternal torment.
Sweeet tagline for the poster, eh?

19-Apr-2013, 11:54 PM
"I am the Lizard of The Son of George A. Romero, and I can do...something that rhymes with Romero....." :lol: :D :p

22-Apr-2013, 01:05 PM
...And I can drive your Comaro!

Or... maybe something rhyming with Morrison!

22-Apr-2013, 03:47 PM
...And I can drive your Comaro!

Or... maybe something rhyming with Morrison!

:lol: Nicely done. :thumbsup:

22-Apr-2013, 03:53 PM
And I'm wearing your nineties poncho!


I shamble around with lotsa gusto


I only do tricks for some dinero


to look this cool i don't need no ricotero ...

06-Mar-2014, 11:37 PM
Give greetings to the Romero family!

Obviously I'm not in Pittsburgh area but I can offer a bump.

Thanks for your attention!