View Full Version : Sim City - DRM Debate... interesting article.

22-Apr-2013, 09:36 PM

So with a little bit of package editing within SimCity, and a little playing about in the code, it's possible to enable debug mode.

This shows that highway editing will be easily possible, AND that editing outside of the artificially small city boundaries should be very viable too.

Other things I have modded out with a quick change: Unlimited time to remain disconnected (won't get booted at 20 minutes, can now be disconnected "forever"). Population count now shows REAL figure, not the "artificially inflated" figure.

22-Apr-2013, 10:07 PM
TL:DR EA are scum and i find it amazing that people are surprised how they intentionally throttle games and later charge to unlock stuff as dlc, and i have no doubt that they would have done the same with sim city had it not been discovered like this.

Personally i flat out refuse to buy EA games anymore, even dead space 3 which i was excited for. You tell a games publisher to change by voting with your wallet and everyone whos still buying from this scumbags are paying EA to keep getting worse with this shit and thats something i wont do anymore.