View Full Version : So no one here went to see Pirates... I can't believe that!

10-Jul-2006, 12:06 PM
So did anyone here go see pirates 2?

If so use the poll to tell us your thoughts.

10-Jul-2006, 12:13 PM
I abhored the first one and could care less about part 2.

10-Jul-2006, 12:46 PM
I hate disney more than I hate House of the Dead, and that's alot.

The movie going experience has become so unpleasent that I almost never go anymore.
The ghetto broad with the baby with a full diaper who said"it aint your baby, mofo, so mind your own damn bizness" when I went to see Spiderman was pretty much the last straw.
When I was a kid I saw a movie or two every week. Now it's every year. If even that.
Long lines, packed houses, crooked seating, bad image, one week in a theatre= I don't care anymore.
It's not TV or P2P that kills (if it even is actually dying, not sure if I believe that) it would be the experience itself that is the problem.

And all the crap movies. retread kiddie action junk. Vin Diesal. etc etc. Last I saw in a theatre. Land of the Dead.
Before that Assault on Precinct 13. Knew in the 1st minute (literally) that is was gonna totally suck. And it did big time

10-Jul-2006, 12:52 PM
I hate disney more than I hate House of the Dead, and that's alot.

The movie going experience has become so unpleasent that I almost never go anymore.
The ghetto broad with the baby with a full diaper who said"it aint your baby, mofo, so mind your own damn bizness" when I went to see Spiderman was pretty much the last straw.
When I was a kid I saw a movie or two every week. Now it's every year. If even that.
Long lines, packed houses, crooked seating, bad image, one week in a theatre= I don't care anymore.
It's not TV or P2P that kills (if it even is actually dying, not sure if I believe that) it would be the experience itself that is the problem.

And all the crap movies. retread kiddie action junk. Vin Diesal. etc etc. Last I saw in a theatre. Land of the Dead.
Before that Assault on Precinct 13. Knew in the 1st minute (literally) that is was gonna totally suck. And it did big time

Don't forget the mindless idiots that CANNOT live without their cell phones for the duration of the flick. (To date, I have grabbed and thrown 3 of them.)
You're right, the experience is horrible these days.

10-Jul-2006, 01:02 PM
Andreno - I love your cell phone stories. :lol:

Pirates II made a record-breaking $132 million in it's opening weekend. I want to see this movie. Loved the first one even though it wasn't what I was lead to believe it would be. I only saw a couple teaser trailers that showed zombie pirates and made it seem like it was going to be a horror... so I rushed out to see it. Not what I expected, but loved it none-the-less. I'm sure the sequel is even better.

10-Jul-2006, 01:41 PM
Nope didn't see it. Going to see Superman Returns this weekend though.

10-Jul-2006, 01:53 PM
Don't forget the mindless idiots that CANNOT live without their cell phones for the duration of the flick. (To date, I have grabbed and thrown 3 of them.)
You're right, the experience is horrible these days.

God. I could not agree more. People that talk endlessly on a cell in a movie **** me off more than anything. I am going to see the movie this afternoon then I will be back to vote. How about the parents that do not control their children? That is equally annoying. Some people allow their kids to run around the theater yelling and talking and being noisy and it just ruins the whole movie experience.

10-Jul-2006, 02:15 PM
I enjoyed "Curse of the Black Pearl", but it wasn't anything spectacular. I'm sure I'll get around to see the sequel but I'm in no big hurry. I still have to see "Superman Returns" again before I can see "Dead Man's Chest".:D

Anyone notice how the tv spots for "Dead Man's Chest" are trying to make the title of the film "hip" or something? I haven't seen one advertisement that actually states the whole name of the film. They only say "PIRATES!". Not "Dead Man's Chest", not "Pirates of the Caribean 2", not even "Pirates 2". Just "PIRATES".:dead:

It p*sses me off for some reason. But anyway....I'm kind of looking forward to seeing it. Just about anything with Depp is good anyway....

10-Jul-2006, 02:42 PM
depp is more realistic in his role as a butt-pirate

So you're one of those guys that hates him because he is a successful "heart-throb" that all the ladies enjoy? Alittle jealous?:p

Ever taken notice to his acting abilities? Damn good....

10-Jul-2006, 05:50 PM
Depp has done some decent horror films in the last few years - From Hell, Secret Window and the Ninth Gate.

Not to mention Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

10-Jul-2006, 06:58 PM
I will probably wait for the DVD. I'm living in Brokeville right now.

10-Jul-2006, 07:35 PM
I just saw it now. It is a so so movie. I liked it but I thought it was overly drawn out.

A little trivia here, if you have not noticed, the man that played Davy Jones was Bill Nighy who played Shauns father in Shaun of the Dead and as the vampire in Underworld. He makes a great villain. He has those eyes that kinda seem to see right threw you.:eek:

10-Jul-2006, 07:50 PM
I just saw it now. It is a so so movie. I liked it but I thought it was overly drawn out.

A little trivia here, if you have not noticed, the man that played Davy Jones was Bill Nighy who played Shauns father in Shaun of the Dead and as the vampire in Underworld. He makes a great villain. He has those eyes that kinda seem to see right threw you.:eek:

Is he one of those squid looking dudes? On one of the TV spots it showed one of them and the first thing I thought was that it sounded/looked like Bill Nighy. Except I thought it was a CGI character.....

10-Jul-2006, 08:43 PM
Nah...I'm not into such manly guys...

and I'm really not that impressed by his acting skills... you really think he's a top actor? I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention him in a list of great actors...

It's ok if you like depp, i like Dawn's actors, it doesn't mean they were any good

Yeah, I think he's a great actor. Check out some of his older stuff and you might see what I mean: "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", "Donnie Brasco", "Fear and Loathing...", "Ed Wood", etc., etc.

And I've seen alot of articles and things that say he's one of the "top actors" today. I remember one even comparing him as a modern day Brando....:rockbrow:

Not to mention, you have to give him some props for bringing a great Hunter S. Thompson character to the screen and a great George Jung("Blow"). I'm eagerly waiting for him to start work on "The Rum Diaries".....they can't miss with this one.

10-Jul-2006, 09:43 PM
So did anyone here go see pirates 2?

If so use the poll to tell us your thoughts.

I LOVE Jack Sparrow. Even that silly mincing run of his was amusing. Then again I've been a fan of Depp's since "Edward Scissorhands", the end of which always brings a tear.

The only thing I didn't like was the clif hanger ending leading me to cool my heels waiting for the sequel.:mad:


10-Jul-2006, 09:59 PM
Enjoyed the 1st one... Seeing the 2nd with Wed and really looking forward to it!

10-Jul-2006, 10:00 PM
Is he one of those squid looking dudes? On one of the TV spots it showed one of them and the first thing I thought was that it sounded/looked like Bill Nighy. Except I thought it was a CGI character.....

Ya, the guy with the octipus face is him:D I figured it out as soon as I saw his eyes. He is so cool!

10-Jul-2006, 10:10 PM
I hate disney more than I hate House of the Dead, and that's alot.

The movie going experience has become so unpleasent that I almost never go anymore.
The ghetto broad with the baby with a full diaper who said"it aint your baby, mofo, so mind your own damn bizness" when I went to see Spiderman was pretty much the last straw.
When I was a kid I saw a movie or two every week. Now it's every year. If even that.
Long lines, packed houses, crooked seating, bad image, one week in a theatre= I don't care anymore.
It's not TV or P2P that kills (if it even is actually dying, not sure if I believe that) it would be the experience itself that is the problem.

its the same were i live theres all these bastard yobs that screw around and even throw drinks at other people and the owners couldnt give two ****s, thats why the last film i saw in the cinema was return of the king.:mad:

11-Jul-2006, 12:06 AM

Couldn't help myself. I Loves me that Ed Wood Movie.

When I was a kid in the early eighties we used to smoke out big time (like when I saw ET) so all the yellin wasn't so Bad. And it was 79 cents (!) . Now it's 11 bucks so youse guys better shut up.

There was this palce (sadly closed a couple years ago) called music palace on the Bowery in China town (Manhattan)where for 3 bucks you could see a double feature of Hong Kong Trash awesomeness. You could smoke cigs, and yeah people had smelly ass fett and yabbered on phonres. But that lent itself to the exoticishness. RIP Music Palace. I saw "Trust Me and Die" there and you should too! Kidney stealing Mafia Rape Doctors. HUH!?!?!?

11-Jul-2006, 02:20 AM
Jack Sparrow rules and so does PotC 1 and 2! Yah! :D

11-Jul-2006, 11:41 AM

Couldn't help myself. I Loves me that Ed Wood Movie.

When I was a kid in the early eighties we used to smoke out big time (like when I saw ET) so all the yellin wasn't so Bad. And it was 79 cents (!) . Now it's 11 bucks so youse guys better shut up.

There was this palce (sadly closed a couple years ago) called music palace on the Bowery in China town (Manhattan)where for 3 bucks you could see a double feature of Hong Kong Trash awesomeness. You could smoke cigs, and yeah people had smelly ass fett and yabbered on phonres. But that lent itself to the exoticishness. RIP Music Palace. I saw "Trust Me and Die" there and you should too! Kidney stealing Mafia Rape Doctors. HUH!?!?!?

I heard about that movie, doesn't involve some superhuman plot or something?

11-Jul-2006, 11:53 AM
I've not seen it, but I've heard it's way too long (140+ minutes - b'ave), there isn't nearly enough Jack Sparrow and the Jack they did include was a bit too much - a bit too obvious, a bit winky at the screen.

I still want to see it, I was surprised I really liked the original film, Jack Sparrow is indeed a great character, just going on sources that I trust and have found to match my opinions quite well...:rockbrow:

Back to back sequels never work as well as expected (although the Back to the Future trilogy is the only exception, that's an untouchable trilogy :D). The problem with back-to-back sequels is both films have the same vibe, and if the vibe isn't 100% then you've got two films both flopping around - like with Matrix 2 and 3 ... I'm always weary of back-to-back sequels. :shifty:

11-Jul-2006, 12:56 PM
Lord of the Rings was all filmed at the same time, and that worked out :)

11-Jul-2006, 01:12 PM
Lord of the Rings was all filmed at the same time, and that worked out :)

I think he may have been talking about sequels that are filmed back-to-back.

Even with your example, I think MZ's theory is still true. I loved "Fellowship" but the other two were just....bleh...

I would like to see someone film the first two films of a franchise back-to-back. I think the only person to ever attempt that was Richard Donner with "Superman I & II". Even though he quit about 3/4 of the way through production on "II".

11-Jul-2006, 06:36 PM
But with LOTR it was all done in one big lump and nobody was expecting anything from it already. With films like the Matrix then it's an epic hit followed up by two "bleh" sequels back-to-back (throw in The Animatrix and a bloody crap videogame and the Wachowski's bit off far too much in one bite and they literally choked).

And LOTR was THREE films back-to-back. :D:p

11-Jul-2006, 06:45 PM
But with LOTR it was all done in one big lump and nobody was expecting anything from it already. With films like the Matrix then it's an epic hit followed up by two "bleh" sequels back-to-back (throw in The Animatrix and a bloody crap videogame and the Wachowski's bit off far too much in one bite and they literally choked).

And LOTR was THREE films back-to-back. :D:p

That's what I was saying except for me, your theory still stands for the "LOTR" trilogy. The first was great and the other two were just okay for a single viewing. I know they were all filmed together, though...

I wonder if a list of all the back-to-back sequels can be found.:rockbrow: I would like to see that.

But back on topic....I'm going to try and see "Dead Man's Chest" this week:D ...

11-Jul-2006, 07:41 PM
I've not seen it, but I've heard it's way too long (140+ minutes - b'ave), there isn't nearly enough Jack Sparrow and the Jack they did include was a bit too much - a bit too obvious, a bit winky at the screen.

The movie run in at about 2 hours 10-15 minutes, but ti goes by rather quick. the ****ty part was 20 minutes of purely crap trailers.

11-Jul-2006, 09:31 PM
Just going quickly off topic (again), I though the entire LOTR trilogy was great. I didn't see them as sequels, it's just another chapter of the movie - essentially it's a 10 hour + movie divided into three, that's how I see it.

Two Towers was my favourite I think - Helms Deep was just fantastic in the cinema.

12-Jul-2006, 09:16 PM
SO no one else on this entire message board wen to see Pirates... The whole lot of Zombie fans and no one went to see "Phillip" as Davy Jones. :rolleyes:

12-Jul-2006, 09:31 PM
SO no one else on this entire message board wen to see Pirates... The whole lot of Zombie fans and no one went to see "Phillip" as Davy Jones. :rolleyes:
I'll wait for it on DVD.....Bill Nighy is the only reason I'm going to give it a chance......I hated Depp in the first one.....he can do much better in a role, IMO. I know it's Disney; and one has to "act" a certain way for a Disney flick, but,....come on!!

12-Jul-2006, 10:41 PM
I'll wait for it on DVD.....Bill Nighy is the only reason I'm going to give it a chance......I hated Depp in the first one.....he can do much better in a role, IMO. I know it's Disney; and one has to "act" a certain way for a Disney flick, but,....come on!!

Bill did a good job.

13-Jul-2006, 06:59 AM
Saw it last night.

I have to say visual it was incredible. That has to be the most impressive CGI work I have EVER seen!

The film itself was pretty good. Some incredible action scenes, mixed in the average story fair.

Overall 7.5/10...

13-Jul-2006, 10:30 AM
I'll wait for it on DVD.....Bill Nighy is the only reason I'm going to give it a chance......I hated Depp in the first one.....he can do much better in a role, IMO. I know it's Disney; and one has to "act" a certain way for a Disney flick, but,....come on!!

Funny you say that. During filming of the first Pirates film Disney exec's had a major issue with Depp's performance and the fact he was wearing eyeliner and make-up.

13-Jul-2006, 02:50 PM
I heard about that movie, doesn't involve some superhuman plot or something?

Sort of. I goes in ten directions. It's one movie, than another, then theres a lame 15 minute rape scene (no kidding) thats not particularly realistic (thank god, I hate that), then it become a crime flick with superpowers. It was along time ago, but if your into kooky wierdness, that is absolutely ther movie for you. The Grindhouse atmosphere pf the Music palace helped alot. And that my girlfriend took me there (I never heard of it) was super cool. The other movie was some gambling thing that was lame. When I went to go back the third time it was closed