View Full Version : What the World Eats: A Week's Worth of Groceries Around the Globe

30-Apr-2013, 01:41 PM
Pretty cool idea (http://imgur.com/a/mN8Zs).

01-May-2013, 10:29 AM
Bloody Hell, look at the amount of meat the Aussies are scoffing! I thought the T-Rex was extinct! :D

01-May-2013, 12:16 PM
We're pretty good in our household. We don't really eat crisps, chocolate bars or biscuits as a matter of course.

The kids also eat a very varied diet, especially compared to some of their friends who will only eat sausages or chicken nuggets. eg: Lots of salads with oily fish etc etc.

Morto Vivente
01-May-2013, 12:32 PM
Look at all that German beer! I do like a tasty bottle of Weiss beer. :D

Mr. Clean
01-May-2013, 05:11 PM

lol I miss Japanese t.v.

01-May-2013, 06:15 PM
The Americans are the worst offenders of the group. The third world countries appear to have a healthier diet.

01-May-2013, 06:25 PM
The Americans are the worst offenders of the group. The third world countries appear to have a healthier diet.

I don't know...if we generalized a trend from what we saw it would almost seem like Mexico should have a higher incidence of diabetes than the U.S., Germans would soon be extinct due to liver failure and the Poles would one day evolve into some vegan Eloi-folk in the far flung future.

01-May-2013, 06:57 PM
I don't know...if we generalized a trend from what we saw it would almost seem like Mexico should have a higher incidence of diabetes than the U.S., Germans would soon be extinct due to liver failure and the Poles would one day evolve into some vegan Eloi-folk in the far flung future.

I almost chose Mexico, because of the sodas, but at least they had a lot of fruit and vegetables. It was close between Mexico and USA. I thought the South and Central American countries had most natural and healthiest diets. I was impressed with some of the Asian countries, too.

01-May-2013, 06:59 PM
Very interesting, thanks for posting Aces.

I'm not sure how representative that is of the "average" diet of these places, but it's still an interesting view nonetheless. ;)

01-May-2013, 07:48 PM
They missed north korea off the list..
