View Full Version : Airbournes new album imminent

04-May-2013, 10:15 AM

Good to have the guys back, looking forward to catching them on tour again! This new single is cracking

04-May-2013, 11:05 AM
Aye I'm looking forward to this, I've got the deluxe edition pre-ordered. Some have criticised them for being a lot like AC/DC (who are indeed, and rightly so, legends), but well - there's only so many types of music, they've never denied their love of AC/DC and the inspiration they've taken from them, and plus this is just good old toe-tapping rock that's catchy as all get out.

Here's the official video too:


29-May-2013, 08:13 PM
Loving this album, there's only one way to play it though, LOUD!


30-May-2013, 10:13 AM
Same here - loving it - particularly tracks like "Animalise" and "Back in the Game". :D

They never fail to get the feet tapping. :cool::thumbsup::)

30-May-2013, 11:43 AM
Yeah top tracks those, I'm itching for them to announce the UK tour dates! I've still got Joels plectrum from the first time I saw them, I met him in the pit when he came off stage during the "Girls in black" solo too, absolute rock hero!