View Full Version : Gun printed on 3D printer

06-May-2013, 10:01 AM
This could make things complicated for two reason:-
1) People can obviously just produce a gun out of thin air.
2) I wonder how scanners work with plastic guns!


The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US.

The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online.

06-May-2013, 01:45 PM
That's crazy! I knew it was something being worked on, I just hoped for a miracle...looks like I didn't get it. Should be fascinating how things go from here.

Fascinating, but scary.

06-May-2013, 01:51 PM
"The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online."

Well, that's responsible. :rolleyes:

06-May-2013, 03:23 PM
I mentioned it a while back. It is cool, IMO. It reminds me of a John Malkovich movie, which he was an assassin. I think he used a similar gun to get through security.


06-May-2013, 04:39 PM
Yeah this whole situations quickly turning into an exercise in stupidity. Some folks trying make a "muh freedoms" example by showing - and giving away- plans for a printable firearm that any future columbine wannabe with access to these increasingly common printers can download and print off and assemble like that will solve fucking anything.

At best this is just going to get 3d printing truncated in its infancy. at best. at worst its going to end up with someone using one of these on another person.

This isn't a case of "i dont want my freedoms taken away". This is a case of releasing a whole new unregulated way to kill other human being onto the general public and the fucking retards act like they are 'defenders of freedom' for doing so. Its like a very small scale version of the whole "i am become death, destroyer of worlds" idea. They aren't making guns "stay free" they are specifically making a way for whackjobs to get a firearm with absolutely nobody knowing. Which can ruin a lot of personal lives in the longrun.

I'm sure the first time a kid has to be told "daddy wont be coming home ever again" these guys will be busy jerking off to a copy of soldier of fortune and feeling smug about being "heros".

*i get the gesture, but the biggest goddamn problem with firearms is not that they exist, its that we dont make sure nutjobs dont get them. With this out there any hopes of making sure that guns are in the hands of the mentally fit essentially goes out of the window. It just boggles my mind how they think releasing it is a good idea. Proving the concept? sure. but why the hell do you do that when you know the arsonists cookbook crowd will be the first to get hold of it? where is the personal responsibility? I mean i know theres already ways for people who want to kill another person to do it now. This just seems irresponsible on the same level as parents who leave loaded guns in reach of children and get surprised when they shoot themselves.

06-May-2013, 11:45 PM
I agree that it's irresponsible for this group to purposely publicize and distribute these plans in the way they are. But the technology is inevitable. On-demand 3D printing is too huge a technology for this possibility to stop it. But Rep. Steve Israel immediately announces plans to ban these self-printed guns. That's a huge exercise in missing the point. There is no way to ban these things that would be any more effective than the laws that criminals would choose to break using them (murder, robbery, etc.). It's the ultimate example of gun control that affects only those who are law-abiding anyways.

07-May-2013, 08:04 AM
I suspect these are single shot weapons? So anyone wanting a 'real' gun would find it lacking?

And... of course you still need to get ammunition.

07-May-2013, 12:55 PM
Yep you can't 3d print ammunition, I can't see this vastly changing anything in the UK. Could cause some trouble elsewhere though...

10-May-2013, 05:19 PM
And now the U.S. State Department has shut down the guy's site (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/may/09/3d-printed-guns-plans-state-department). I'm not sure which is more disturbing: this guy trying to publicize the plans just to make a point, or the fact that the government can shut down the dissemination of information like that.