View Full Version : Your favorite horror movies by decade

06-May-2013, 09:10 PM
So here's how it works.. you have to pick one movie for each era below as your favorite from that time.

The era's are:

1970's -
1980's -
1990's -
Modern (2000+) -

Simple :)

I'll start.

1970's - Lucio Fulci's Zombie Flesh Eaters aka Zombi
1980's - The Shining
1990's - Wishmaster
Modern (2000+) -The Devils Rejects

I Might come back and edit that later, i found the 80's and the 90's particularly difficult to choose for.

Morto Vivente
06-May-2013, 10:02 PM
70's The Exorcist
80's Day of the Dead
90's Ring (original)
00's 28 Days Later

Trying to pick just one from the '70s was tough.

06-May-2013, 10:31 PM
The ring.. how could i forgot the ring!!

It is a deceivingly tough question!

Morto Vivente
07-May-2013, 01:10 PM
The ring.. how could i forgot the ring!!

It is a deceivingly tough question!

:lol::lol: Not a fan then?

07-May-2013, 03:45 PM
If all you can appreciate is from the 1970's and forward, you only have an undeniably nominal understanding of horror... :p

1910's - Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
1920's - Nosferatu (followed by Faust, Der Golem, Phantom of the Opera)
1930's - The Black Cat (followed by White Zombie, Vampyr, Bride of Frankenstein)
1940's - The Wolf Man
1950's - Night of the Demon (Curse of the Demon in the U.S.)
1960's - Night of the Living Dead
1970's - The Exorcist (followed by Alien, Dawn of the Dead, Salem's Lot, Halloween, and Martin)
1980's - The Thing (followed by Pet Sematary, The Funhouse, Scanners, From Beyond, Pumpkinhead, Halloween III)
1990's - The Ninth Gate (followed by Blade, From Dusk Til Dawn, Blair Witch Project, and Ringu)
2000's - Shadow of the Vampire (followed by Let the Right One In, The Ring, Dead Silence, The Mist, 28 Days Later, The Grudge, Planet Terror, Devil's Rejects)
2010's - V/H/S (so far)

Favorite Blend of Horror and Comedy (or Comedy's about Horror) Honorable Mentions: Ed Wood, Shaun of the Dead, Dead Alive (Brain Dead), Evil Dead II, Fright Night (80's), Zombieland

Morto Vivente
07-May-2013, 05:17 PM
Nope just following the capo's orders. :lol: Although the 1910's and 20's is rewinding too far back for me to make any comparisons. I think I've only seen Nosferatu prior to 1930.

30's Bride of Frankenstien
40's Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde (with Spencer Tracey)
50's It Came From Outer Space
60's Repulsion

07-May-2013, 07:07 PM
Nope just following the capo's orders. :lol:

Yeah, well that is who I was speaking to really, so no offense intended... to you. :sneaky:

Morto Vivente
07-May-2013, 08:43 PM
so no offense intended... to you. :sneaky:

:lol: I suspected that was the case.

BTW loved the Ninth Gate too. Definitely my second choice for the 90's.

07-May-2013, 09:12 PM
Yeah, well that is who I was speaking to really, so no offense intended... to you. :sneaky:

Consider the question simplified for the masses :p

You can of course add as many decades as you want, i never said you couldnt!

07-May-2013, 10:36 PM
50's 'Quatermass and the Pit' (original BBC TV version)
60's,'The Haunting' (no), 'Psycho'
70's 'The Wicker Man' (no), 'The Shining' (no), 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' (no), 'Dawn of the Dead' (no), 'The Exorcist' (no), 'Nosferatu' (no), 'Jaws'
80's You should know this by now*
90's 'Audition'? I don't know, the 90's was a shit time for horror films.
00's 'The Hills Have Eyes' (no), 'Saw' (no), 'Creep' (no), 'REC' (no), 'Maytrs' (no), 'Silent Hill' (no), '30 Days of Night'
10's 'The Crazies' (no), 'Stake Land' (no), 'The Bay' (no), 'The Human Centipede'

*It starts with a 'Day' and ends with 'Dead' and has a 'the' and an 'of' in between.

18-Oct-2013, 11:46 PM
70's Dawn Of The Dead , Halloween,
80's Day Of The Dead, Halloween 2,4,5, Reanimator 1& 2, Return of the Living Dead 1&2, Demons
90's Night Of The Living Dead Remake, Scream, Braindead,
00's Rec, 28 Days Later, Inside, Zombieland,

Icould keep going, theres loads more