View Full Version : The Dead 2 (film)

15-May-2013, 03:32 PM
“The Dead 2: India follows the story of American engineer Nicholas Burton (Joseph Millson) in a race against time to reach his pregnant girlfriend Ishani Sharma (Meenu). Burton enlists the help of an orphan street kid Javed (Anand Goyal) and together they make a perilous 300 mile journey across deadly landscapes as a zombie apocalypse threatens to engulf the entire nation.”

“We have upped our game immensely in scale and adrenaline fuelled action sequences with some terrifying situations in locations never seen before in the genre. Strap in, and get ready for the epic journey,” Howard J Ford promises.


Looks pretty intense. Even the trailer speaks volumes about how much bigger in scope this will be than the original.


Morto Vivente
15-May-2013, 04:10 PM
Loved "The Dead", one of the best zombie flicks since Day. Hopefully the sequel will be just as good, if not better.

I wonder if the kid character will be similar to "Short Round" (minus the comedy) in "Temple of Doom"? A sort of kid-fixer.

15-May-2013, 07:21 PM
Looks good.

15-May-2013, 09:17 PM
Hadn't heard the premise until now. In some ways, it sounds a little like the first: "Two guys, an American & a local, on a cross country trip". That said, still looking forward to it & hope that aside from that it's sufficiantly different from the first that it doesn't feel like more of the same, but just in a different country. :)

16-May-2013, 08:34 AM
It doesn't look as good as the first one, but there's a kind of low budget kudos with these films. TBH, the bros can make one of these every couple of years and I'd still watch them.

16-May-2013, 01:47 PM
Still excited about it!

19-May-2013, 05:50 AM
Looks good. I only hope it will retain the sense of dread and overall bleakness of the first one. The addition of that kid to the road movie template they are using has me a bit worried. Kids in horror movies (not directed by Kubrick) can be very irritating. Still, after the triumph of the first one, which I think is the best thing this genre has to offer post-Day of the Dead, I'm firmly in the '"I'm excited about this" camp.

21-May-2013, 06:49 PM
Well, once again these guys take the zombies out of America (and more lately the UK) and put them somewhere that is quite alien and exotic to us westerners, so top marks for that.

Like a few of you, I am a bit worried about the kid, especially when the "sidekick/traveling companion" in the last film was such a great character. All that said, I'll be giving this a chance, the first one was probably the most beautiful zombie flick I've ever seen as regards location and cinematography.

21-May-2013, 09:33 PM
I know i'm in the minority, but I didn't understand all the excitement over the first films. It wasn't necessarily bad, it just wasn't anything special. So when everyone was saying it was the best zombie film in decades, I was a bit confused....

That title still goes to Darabont's Days Gone Bye.

22-May-2013, 03:21 PM
What makes the first one so very good for me is:
- its adherence to old school zombie rules; shamblers!
- the exotic location lending it a 'adventure' film feel, a bit of a throwback to seventies itallo-horror,
- the practical f/x,
- the amazing photography,
- the suspense,
- the oppressive feeling of despair, dread and horror that's all but absent from the genre these days, (and my biggest gripe with TWD on tv)
- the subtext that for once isn't in your face but takes the viewer seriously. It's just there, if you look for it. It's not necessary to 'get' the film. Loved that.

22-May-2013, 03:35 PM
What makes the first one so very good for me is:
- its adherence to old school zombie rules; shamblers!
- the exotic location lending it a 'adventure' film feel, a bit of a throwback to seventies itallo-horror,
- the practical f/x,
- the amazing photography,
- the suspense,
- the oppressive feeling of despair, dread and horror that's all but absent from the genre these days, (and my biggest gripe with TWD on tv)
- the subtext that for once isn't in your face but takes the viewer seriously. It's just there, if you look for it. It's not necessary to 'get' the film. Loved that.

This really sums up a lot of the things I enjoyed about the film.

23-May-2013, 03:19 AM
Cool, loved the first one so I'll be sure to get this one as well.

23-May-2013, 03:53 AM
One of the thing I loved most about The Dead was the moments built to be suspenseful and frightening WERE, in fact, suspenseful and frightening. Honestly, anyone who can watch the scene where they're in the car and Daniel is yelling for him to turn on the headlights, and the main protagonist was arguing the lights would draw them in....then he turns the lights on and the horde is already there just BAAM, and they've got seconds to flee before being swamped...that can't see The Dead was something special isn't, IMHO, looking for zombie movies that seriously attempt to examine what will generate fear and suspense in the viewer, and then using that, coupled with the masterful pacing of the slow burn punctuated with brief frenetic punctuations of visceral horror (like the camp scene, with the homemade can-alarm) to truly make it a major priority to give the viewers the chills.

The Dead doesn't try to be a Romero iteration, yet its great Shambler material all the same. Couple all that with a solid supporting performance by the guy who played Daniel, and the everyman visibly digging deep for the psychological fortitude to continue that's so well conveyed by the protagonist, and the excellent use of the setting, and you have a truly great example of the genre.

Honestly, I can't see how someone can be ho-hum about The Dead, unless they're a member of the Runner-Preferred clique. I mean, what more could you ask for from a very personal/small cast-scale Shambler flick?