View Full Version : Don't Starve!

17-May-2013, 10:21 AM
Well i know how lots of folks on here enjoy a good survival game so i thought id give this a mention. It's basically a combination of minecraft and roguelikes with a tim burton grimdark fairy tail art style. You are place in a wilderness by your dad/maybe the devil and told not to starve. You farm items, make stuff, survive and naturally fight off monsters.

However as well as health and hunger it also has a sanity system.

So for example lets take my first playthrough, i was exploring for rocks to mine to build a crockpot to cook better food when i saw some foggy graves in the distance, being that i just got my shit kicked by bees and expected zombies i decided to return when better equipped. However when doing so and digging up the graves for gems i ran into a ghost that drained almost all my sanity!

Suddenly things like rabbits looked like monsters, everything was twitchy like tv static and during the night when my campfire only lit a set area around me the shadows at the edges of the camp took on the shape of ring style ghostly women watching me in the dark...

also a giant living tree monster wrecked my shit.

In some ways its easier than minecraft, in others much harder. All in all if you want something to dig into for surviving thats not the usual skeletons and creepers check this out. Its currently £11 on steam but just the other day it was £3.99 so if its cheap its a steal.


17-May-2013, 01:33 PM
Came across the game in a top ten list somewhere and was definitely intrigued. Thanks for the review, Danny! I may give it a look as a quick pick-up/put-down game for the Summer (whether it's suited for that, I don't know).

18-May-2013, 06:22 AM
I just picked the game up. Pretty fun so far. . .But thus far I have only survived 6 days max. It's quirky but enjoyable.

18-May-2013, 08:11 AM
I just picked the game up. Pretty fun so far. . .But thus far I have only survived 6 days max. It's quirky but enjoyable.

Careful with leaving tree stumps around. They make guardians of the forest spawn and they have 1400,1200,1000hp! use a shovel to rid of em.

19-May-2013, 05:51 AM
lol. . just got killed by my first tree. . . and the danged tallbirds get me every time