View Full Version : Sad Alan Wake game news

22-May-2013, 07:25 PM

In a nutshell: Alan Wake may be a cult classic, but its day one sales werent good enough for microsoft to fund a sequel.

Well this is depressing news, one of my favourite franchises this gen with so much additional content like a web series, comics and books doesnt even get a proper sequel because it might not sell call of duty units. :(

But on the plus side the latest humble bundle linked under the video has alan wake and alan wake american nightmare and a shit ton of stuff not even in the collectors editions to buy for as little as a dollar if you are a stingy bastard :lol: and its worth checking out for alan wake stuff that never even made it in the game.

Still though. Gotta love how this industry deals with something fresh and new eh?...

22-May-2013, 07:50 PM
Damn, Microsoft is screwing us left and right recently, aren't they?

Alan Wake was one of my favorite games. This news sucks more than a desperate meth-addled hooker who just spent her last dime. :p :lol:

22-May-2013, 08:07 PM
I think it sucks al the more when you buy the collectors edition with all the making of stuff and the video in video running commentary as you play the game that shows just how much love they put into this series and to have it simply be considered a flop only good for forgetting by suits just bums me out. This was their baby and those remedy guys sound genuinely heartbroken about it.

23-May-2013, 10:28 AM
Gutted to hear this news - but as soon as I saw the "Quantum Break" announcement I figured that this would prove to be the case. I'm glad that Remedy are still able to keep going, and I look forward to playing that game when it comes out - I'm sure it'll be as great as Remedy's other titles - but yeah, totally gutted to hear that that's it for Alan Wake ... although I did like that in the video at the end, in the Raiders of the Lost Ark reference, that the box said "Do not open UNTIL..." - so you never know ... in some slim chance somewhere down the line something might happen, but more than likely this is the end.

Regarding Alan Wake's American Nightmare:
I've not been able to play it - I don't have XBLA - but I did watch a walkthrough of the game, and the ending can be taken two ways. Either that is the end - Wake gets out and back to Alice - or it's a false ending (which would have been the case if Alan Wake 2 had happened) ... so I suppose there's some closure for fans, but it's just not been what we really wanted in terms of scale.

It's a real shame - as you say, with Remedy games you can tell that it's always a personal project and they really invest themselves into it. It's not some cranked out studio business deal instalment in a franchise, it's always something unique that lingers in the memory for a long time. I'm gearing up for another play through of Alan Wake soon, but I've also been listening to the super soundtrack by Petri Alanko.

The release window was just not ideal - there were delays to get the game finished to their usual standard, and then the release date was just swallowed up by Red Dead Redemption. Don't get me wrong, I loved RDR, but it's a juggernaut and it trampled Alan Wake. It was released only a week before RDR here in the UK and elsewhere it was in the same damn week, so most people only buy one game in a month or two, so Alan Wake was always going to suffer - had it had it's own window, it would have done far better off-the-bat ... although it is good to hear that the original game alone has sold over 2 million copies and has become a cult classic. With a game inspired by Twin Peaks, it's almost fitting (but just as frustrating and disappointing) in a way that it-too was cut-short too-soon, but has gained a cult following and dedicated fanbase.

Bright Falls was a fully realised world with a history and a whole cast of residents - you could sense a world living beyond your own experience in the game. You don't get that with most games which only give you what you need to see 'within the frame of your television' ... with Alan Wake it always felt like there was a whole world waiting to be explored.

Sad news indeed. :(