View Full Version : Dying Light (zombie video game)

Rancid Carcass
23-May-2013, 03:27 PM
You like Mirrors Edge? You like Dead Island? Then this could be the game for you!

Open world free running zombie apocalypse - has some serious potential, though it is by Techland so it could go either way, lol. Still it's a very interesting concept:


Fingers crossed!

23-May-2013, 03:44 PM
More here - http://kotaku.com/surprise-dying-light-is-a-new-free-running-first-perso-509480939



23-May-2013, 04:28 PM

23-May-2013, 05:45 PM

It apparently uses Mirror's Edge style mechanics, features *sigh* runners, and involves 'randomly generated side missions', hunting & gathering, and ... another *sigh* ... undead foes that are 'more dangerous' at night.

Some good stuff, but also a few eye-rolling tidbits there - I can't be the only one who's fed up the whole "they're more dangerous at night" thing, right?

Still not the 'Fallout 3 with zombies' scenario that some of us HPOTD'ers have discussed at-length elsewhere in the past. Anyway, this is being developed by Techland (Dead Island) ... take that news however you like. :sneaky:


Screenshots here:

Such as:



23-May-2013, 06:23 PM
Merged similar threads.

10-Jun-2013, 09:34 AM

-a guy snuck into the building as stuffs being set up and snapped some pictures of what looks like a new zombie game of some sort i know will probably have interest for most of us.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y91/khazrak/u5ZJLyOh_zps81c1b49f.jpg (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/khazrak/media/u5ZJLyOh_zps81c1b49f.jpg.html)

-and just like that a trailer appears, looks like mirrors edge meets left 4 dead.


Rancid Carcass
16-Aug-2013, 10:57 AM
12 minutes of gameplay footage: Looks like it could be a lot of trouser soiling fun, especially when the sun goes down...



16-Aug-2013, 11:28 AM
Sorry, just looks like Dead Island with jumping?

And sorry, do the zombies/infect transform at night, or does something else come out?

16-Aug-2013, 05:02 PM
Sorry, just looks like Dead Island with jumping?

And sorry, do the zombies/infect transform at night, or does something else come out?

But all the kids are about their jumping these days, Neil. :p

It looks better than Dead Island - more polished - although, sure, it's only 12 minutes of gameplay, but it does look better than DI, in my view.

I still don't like this idea of there's always got to be a 'beserker zombie' that's really big and strong and throws shit about, and I've never liked the 'they get worse at night' bullshit either ... apart from that it looks pretty cool ... whether I'll ever actually bother playing it or not is a whole other matter. :D

17-Aug-2013, 07:30 AM
I think it looks a lot better with much more fluid action. Off course it is still in pre alpha so beta testers and different reviewers are going to demand leveling up systems and that the enemies take a lot more hits to go down until the whole game is reduced to semi-autistic busy work and no fast action remain. Sigh. I hate games that are harder when you begin than when you have played it a while.

12-Feb-2014, 12:12 PM

15-Feb-2014, 12:06 PM
Ok, I'm interested again.

But, I'm probably be cynical again, but this looks like a case where the trailer is feckin brilliant and the game just cannot live up to it, al la 'Dead Island'.

Even though, I really liked 'Dead Island' 1 and 2. However that trailer promised much more. Probably the best trailer for a game that I have ever seen.

15-Feb-2014, 04:51 PM
Ok, I'm interested again.

But, I'm probably be cynical again, but this looks like a case where the trailer is feckin brilliant and the game just cannot live up to it, al la 'Dead Island'.

Even though, I really liked 'Dead Island' 1 and 2. However that trailer promised much more. Probably the best trailer for a game that I have ever seen.

Didn't try DI2, but I recall seeing so videos of the some of the assault type battles that looked interesting. Where you could setup your defense ready for an attack?

11-Jun-2014, 10:10 AM
E3 trailer...


12-Jun-2014, 12:34 PM
Dying Light E3 impressions - http://www.gamespot.com/videos/e3-2014-dying-light-impressions/2300-6419653/

23-Dec-2016, 10:04 PM
I bought the enhanced version with all the dlc for the xbone for £12.85 yeaterday and I've been marathoning it since. Great game. Mirrors Edge neets Dead Island as someone mentioned. GTA mixed in there some where as well.

24-Dec-2016, 03:43 PM
Yes it is. I got The Following too. Never really finished it, but driving a buggy is great fun.

24-Dec-2016, 06:07 PM
Yes it is. I got The Following too. Never really finished it, but driving a buggy is great fun.

Loving the humour as well. Never finished Dead Island as I found it a bit repetitive but they seemed to have learned the lessons with this one.
Literally played it for 12 hours straight yesterday. 9 so far today :eek:

08-Jan-2017, 08:11 PM
Finished the Dying Light main story now and just venturing out into The Following.
Love the change in game mechanics with the buggy introduction and having to worry about fuel and damage.

09-Jan-2017, 08:48 AM
Yes. Though the fuel part is only marginally an issue... There's fuel everywhere, really.

02-Oct-2019, 06:58 AM
Is there an edition of this that has the main game AND The Following in it, or are they only available separately?

04-Oct-2019, 07:15 PM
Is there an edition of this that has the main game AND The Following in it, or are they only available separately?

Enhanced. I think it's all they sell now

07-Oct-2019, 08:17 PM
Enhanced. I think it's all they sell now

Ok, I'll grab that then. Thanks.