View Full Version : Flyboy's sunglasses

10-Jul-2006, 09:55 PM
Hi to all,

I'd like to make you a question. Which is the brand of Flyboy's sunglasses? Ray Ban? Since you are such hardcore fans, do you know the exact model? :D

Nowadays that 70's glasses have turned back. I don't see them now being as cool as they were before, but well... Don't know why. Some weeks ago a poll was made here, regarding if you would wish a real zombie holocaust and I thought "only if it's set in the 70s" ;)

Thanks for reading! I participated here some months ago (before the LOTD screening) but I lost my account :S

10-Jul-2006, 10:01 PM
i think he ripped them off from erik estrada!:eek:

11-Jul-2006, 12:15 AM
They were called flight glasses. Look at any WW2 pilot. I thought they were rad. I rocked them regularly.
I'd post an old pic, but you might laugh and I'm too sensitive:bored:

11-Jul-2006, 01:36 AM
Some weeks ago a poll was made here, regarding if you would wish a real zombie holocaust and I thought "only if it's set in the 70s" ;)

come on man the 80's is were its at,:lol:

11-Jul-2006, 02:03 AM
google aviator sunglasses

11-Jul-2006, 02:16 AM
come on man the 80's is were its at,:lol:

Sorry dude, I grew up in the 80s (graduated in 1986), and for my money, it really sucked. At least where I am from.
Yum, Crack! Aids, Oh Boy!
Hair Metal and Michael Jackson 24 hours a day!

You have internet pron as a horny teenager. I had half a hustler I found in the woods:bored:

11-Jul-2006, 04:18 AM
I hope none of the pages were stuck together..

11-Jul-2006, 04:20 AM
You have internet pron as a horny teenager. I had half a hustler I found in the woods:bored:

ture, but we didnt have hentai in the west either and thats a good thing :barf:

11-Jul-2006, 08:54 PM
Many thanks for the replies :)

Now I have enough info to go and take a look to them, I don't know if I'll buy one of these at the moment but they are so cool!

And then, I'll buy a Scirocco (http://www2.gol.com/users/noman/cool12.htm)! :clown:

11-Jul-2006, 10:40 PM
just look up some has beens from the 70's to part with there's!
im sure they will do anything for a buck these day's!

btw: blunt,nice picture!:moon:

13-Jul-2006, 12:36 AM
come on man the 80's is were its at,:lol:

A man after my own heart.

13-Jul-2006, 01:13 AM
Since we are on the theme of sunglasses, anyone know where I can get some 'John Lennon' type sunglasses? Round frames with reflexted lenses. I had a pair which are now broken, but I loved them so much.

Also, how about those small round sunglasses you usually see in movies on old chinese men with fu-man-chu (sp) beards?

13-Jul-2006, 03:48 PM
ture, but we didnt have hentai in the west either and thats a good thing :barf:
Is it?
Thinking a sticky Gent is a good find is something you will never have to endure. Count yourself extremely fortunate. But that was more late 70s/early 80s..
Night Ranger, Just say No, Phil Collins, Big hair, Reagan, Corey Hart. Flouresant sweatshirts. 700 dollar VCRs (well, Betamax).
Maybe in the UK it was different, but the styles etc in 80s movies were not like it was on the street. Me and my friends were always like "what the hell are they wearing?, nobody looks like that?" . Except for Wild Style ans Style Wars (great 80s flicks)But seeing Day of the Dead in a theatre on it's opening wed at 1pm on acid with 5 other fanboys was pretty cool.
And Grindhouses on fourty deuce. Oh my poor, defunct grindhouses. RIP. Driller Killer!! Midnight shows. DOTD every Saturday at midnight on the big screen. That was something else, dude.
The cool 80s stuff was a lot harder to aquire or discover. You really had to make a huge effort back then. And noone else knew about it either. A least where I lived. It was like a secret club. I didn't realize that so many people loved GAR until I went on the internet for the fist time in like 1997 or 8.You would read about a movie in the eraly Fangoria or the gore gazette and you would never see it anywhere. It took me like15, 20 years to find that stuff.
As far as geekery goes, now id the best time for me. And the early 90s because I scored with a lot of chicks back then:skull:

13-Jul-2006, 04:13 PM
Since we are on the theme of sunglasses, anyone know where I can get some 'John Lennon' type sunglasses? Round frames with reflexted lenses. I had a pair which are now broken, but I loved them so much.

Also, how about those small round sunglasses you usually see in movies on old chinese men with fu-man-chu (sp) beards?

These are a couple of sites I found with the John Lennon type sunglasses:



You can also do a search on eBay. There seem to be alot of auctions for Lennon sunglasses. I can't attest to the quality of the glasses but they are there :).