View Full Version : General Mills & America just now discovers folks are still racist.

03-Jun-2013, 04:06 PM
Welcome to a reality check, General Mills; youtube and the social media at large attracts trolls.
Sorry I didn't include the sites which have comments, but they're way easy to find on your own. And the issue isn't the commercial ( which is actually well made and very cute. ), but how some folks are reacting negatively to it.


No big point to make here - it's just strange what stirs folks up these days.

Wayne Z

Mr. Clean
08-Jul-2013, 04:17 PM
My wife and I noticed the white mommy and "not so white" daughter but didn't think anything of it. It wasn't even worth mentioning until we seen articles popping up about it.

America is very much still a racist country but now it just extends to all races being racist. Not just whites.

Look at the George Zimmerman trial, the prosecution doesn't even have a case against the "Creepy Ass Cracker" yet we are wasting money trying to convict him because a bunch of race hustlers think he should pay for a crime that didn't happen.

Blacks are threatening to start race riots if Zimmerman walks....many talking about killing the first white person they see. The sad part is Zimmerman isn't even completely white as far as the races of his parents go.

07-Sep-2013, 08:57 PM
Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. But the media calls him white to suit their agenda. But at the same time, Obama is half white and half black, but again the media calls him black because it suits their agenda.

08-Sep-2013, 11:25 AM
Yep, and this still annoys the hell out of me.

However, I did have one incident on youtube not long ago which made me laugh. I actually use my real name as my handle, and someone responding to a post ( about some music, not this issue ) wished me under a bus because of my screen name.
Usually when I meet other Zimmermans, I tell them we're long lost relatives. George? That ain't you.

Wayne Zimmerman