View Full Version : This Is The End (film)

06-Jun-2013, 09:14 AM
The comedy This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption.

AICN likes it - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/62736

feels like a definitive comedy work, and twenty years from now, when we look back on these guys' careers, it will be one of those movies that, hopefully, people won't point to and say "These guys never got any better than that."


06-Jun-2013, 10:10 AM
I'm so down for this flick - but I probably won't see it in the cinema (I've not even been to see Iron Man 3!) ... it's a definite Blu-Ray pre-order for me, though. I enjoy all of these dude's work (well, mostly ... Your Highness was an abomination, and Eastbound & Down is a one-trick pony that never goes anywhere and should have ended a few minutes before the end of season three) ... and I've seen some clips and trailers and have enjoyed what I've seen.

Speaking of clips - there's too many of them out there - IGN and so on keep sticking up minute long clips online, and it really annoys me, because you see too much of the movie if you watch them - and as they're there, and you really wanna see the flick, you'll probably end up watching them, but that spoils parts of the movie or certain jokes. So I wish movie companies would stop putting numerous clips out there - just rely on a non-spoilery trailer and be done with it, yeah?

Anyway - I look forward to seeing this movie. :)

06-Jun-2013, 01:20 PM
It does sound really fun, but I'm not too excited by the trailers I've seen for the film so far. I think my best bet is to try and see as few clips in advance as possible and fly in to the theater as blind as can be.

06-Jun-2013, 08:57 PM
It's so close I can almost smell it.
The only thing barely making the wait tolerable is watching the late night interviews.
Movie of the year, baby!!!
(At least in my book!)

13-Jun-2013, 03:01 AM
Wow, I saw this last night early. I had bought the tickets last week. I found out only 26 people got early tickets, but before it started, it filled completely.
I loved it, as did everyone in there with me. It's hard for me to speak without spoiling it, but they all play twisted versions of themselves. Danny McBride stole every scene he was in. I also loved the Pineapple Express spoof they did. I give it an A+.
I will be seeing it many times. Feel free to join me.

13-Jun-2013, 08:39 AM
Wow, I saw this last night early. I had bought the tickets last week. I found out only 26 people got early tickets, but before it started, it filled completely.
I loved it, as did everyone in there with me. It's hard for me to speak without spoiling it, but they all play twisted versions of themselves. Danny McBride stole every scene he was in. I also loved the Pineapple Express spoof they did. I give it an A+.
I will be seeing it many times. Feel free to join me.

I know very little about this film, and that's the way I'll keep it I think until I see it!

13-Jun-2013, 10:04 AM
I doubt I'll get to see it in the cinema, so it'll be a Blu-Ray pre-order for me ... and so now I'm avoiding trailers and preview clips and so on. There's been a whole load of them out there and I've watched many of them, but now I'm cutting myself off ... there's too many films putting out too many clips these days ... by the time it's out on disc I'll be fresh to view it as-is. :)

Rather looking forward to see it, too! :)

23-Jun-2013, 09:41 PM
Saw it with friends last night and it was good fun! As always, different comedy styles are an acquired taste, but I thought it was well put together.

28-Sep-2013, 08:46 PM
Saw it for the third time today. Still powerful, especially at the end.
Blu-ray and dvd on October 1st. Can't freaking wait.