View Full Version : The Sinking & Raising of U-Boat 110: A Retronaut Photo Capsule

06-Jun-2013, 02:27 PM
Thought some of you might appreciate this (http://www.retronaut.com/2013/06/the-sinking-and-raising-of-u-boat-110/), though I'd hoped to see some pics of the actual salvage/raising process.

U.B. 110 before she was scrapped. In July 1918, when attacking merchant ships near Hartlepool, she herself was attacked and suffered from depth charges. Coming to the surface she was rammed and sunk. In September she was salvaged and berthed at Swan Hunter’s dry docks to restore her as a fighting unit. The Armistice on 11th November 1918 caused work on her to be stopped. She was subsequently sold as scrap. The photographs provide a rare glimpse into the mechanics and atmosphere of the raised German submarine.

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/DougOBrien/ScrewThis_zpsec96e277.jpg (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/DougOBrien/media/ScrewThis_zpsec96e277.jpg.html)
"Hey Buddy, can you gimme a quarter turn on that valve on the left?"

For bonus fun, there's also a capsule for the U-118 that ran aground at Hastings (http://www.retronaut.com/2012/10/u-boat-beached-at-hastings-1919/).