View Full Version : Romero's "Day of the Dead" headed for remake...Again.

10-Jul-2013, 10:47 PM
Hey guys! Horrorella here...

The undead just keep biting. In the latest in Zombie-Flicks-That-Probably-Don't-Need-To-Happen, the LA Times is reporting that Lati Grobman and Christa Campbell, two of the producers behind TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D, have grabbed the rights to George Romero's 1985 zombie classic, DAY OF THE DEAD, and that it is the latest horror property headed for remake.

"But wait!" you might be asking. "Didn't we already have a mediocre DAY OF THE DEAD reboot just a couple of years ago?" I'm glad you asked that. We did, in fact, have a mediocre DAY OF THE DEAD reboot back in 2008 (in which producer Christa Campbell actually had a small role). But I guess it's been 5 years, so why not try again?

But hey, as Campbell noted, “Zombie movies are really popular right now, and we feel we could do this right.” So if it must be remade (yet again), maybe this will be the time we see it done well (or, as well as can be done, when the source material is considered to be such a classic). It sounds like they are at least aiming for the look and feel of the classic shambling zombies seen in the original.

"We want to keep it as close to the Romero version as possible," Campbell said, "to make sure that his fans are happy. These are not going to be zombies climbing walls and doing back flips like in 'World War Z."

So while they seem to be trying to distance themselves from WORLD WAR Z, I can't help but suspect that part of this decision was based on that flick's box-office take, and the simple equation of Zombies + Military = Profit that is almost certainly circling Hollywood right now.

Campbell and Grobman are currently holding meetings with possible writers to figure out the best way to adapt the story. Who knows? Maybe they will come up with a solid way to retell the story of scientists and military personnel and a zombie named Bub.

What do you guys think? Would you see a DAY OF THE DEAD remake?

Taken from AICN link here http://www.aintitcool.com/node/63201

Not sure why remake this again, the original is pretty much perfect and the remake was err bad so very very bad.

10-Jul-2013, 10:53 PM
I'm positive. I hate the remake enough that this can't get any worse.

10-Jul-2013, 11:09 PM
This is crazy! The original post was made 17 minutes ago...how are there not 50 replies yet? I expect wailing and the gnashing of teeth, people!

I'm positive. I hate the remake enough that this can't get any worse.
Fair point, Ned.

10-Jul-2013, 11:46 PM


well, gotta admit, i still haven't seen the last remake (and probably never will, the trailer and horrid reviews i've read are quite enough, thank you), but i can't imagine that it would be any worse than the last attempt.

....unless it has zombies and people falling in love. or a big daddy-style bub who screams the top of his lungs every time he's on screen.

all kidding aside, i don't even acknowledge the 2008 shit-fest, so i'm keeping an open mind at this point and i'm not gonna make any real judgement till any footage/casting news/etc shows up.

i am, however, holding out hope that they use "hinzman hobblers" or shamblers and not sprinting dino-screeching "infected".

11-Jul-2013, 06:04 AM
By the same company who raped Texas Chainsaw Massacre ...
Wails! Gnashes teeth!

11-Jul-2013, 08:52 AM
Well, this is going to be interesting!

For me Day of the Dead has blossomed as it's got older! It seems to have improved with age. It's definitely the darkness and most depressing of the Romero's flicks, and the best produced too IMHO.

Going to be fascinating to see a modern remake!

That said, with a budget of only $10m-$20m, they'll have to keep their belts tight! - http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/george-a-romeros-day-of-the-dead-getting-a-cheapie-remake-in-time-for-a-2014-release-20130710

I could watch the film just for the score! Epic!


11-Jul-2013, 09:31 AM
Day of the dead was my personal favourite of the original trilogy and the 2008 remake is one of the worse movies ive seen, only land of the dead ranks lower.

So yeah... this cant be as bad as the 2008 one but it wont be as good as the original either, but ill watch it :)

11-Jul-2013, 09:46 AM
Can you imagine if they said they were aiming along the lines of Romero's original script? Thing is that would only mean anything (interest) hardcore Romero fans...

11-Jul-2013, 09:55 AM

Bub ain't happy...


Leave it alone for crying out loud! You know how you "stick close" to Romero's film - leave it alone - the original is perfect as-is, it requires no remake. This will be a pointless waste of time ... and coming from the people who gave us TCM3D, in which a baby born in 1974 grew up to be in her late 20s by 2012, well shit...

The only point, the only shred of a point, in doing this would be to shoot GAR's original Day screenplay ... and even then I'd wager they'd screw it up with rappers who can't act, and lots of worthless sub-90210 fodder.

11-Jul-2013, 10:02 AM
This is crazy! The original post was made 17 minutes ago...how are there not 50 replies yet? I expect wailing and the gnashing of teeth, people!

I'm so bleedin angry, I couldn't type.......

11-Jul-2013, 11:50 AM
Can't wait to see remake. If they're planning to make it as possible closer to original, then it's goint to be epic.
P.S. still watching over and over Day of the Dead ;D

11-Jul-2013, 12:00 PM
I'm not fanatically opposed to this if they do it right, which I doubt. I'd personally like to see more background on the characters and why they were sent there of all places and some scenes of society breaking down would be nice. Then again I know none of that will happen.

11-Jul-2013, 12:04 PM
Given how well Rhodes and 'Frankenstein' were played, going to be hard to top them!

11-Jul-2013, 12:34 PM
I wonder how they'll "adapt" Bub this time? It's hard to imagine anything more funny than Bud the vegetarian....

Hopefully this one will be as funny as the last.

11-Jul-2013, 01:07 PM
^^ Yes indeed, Bub was a work of genius too! Could have so easy have come across as daft, but Romero and Sherman Howard pulled it off brilliantly.

Also, wonder if we'll have any cameos?

And finally.... The new Captain Rhodes is...
http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-iNg5Th9M3QlFZF5qV2G_ltL_CeZNBjtqiUg0cqKMCHdqBxB8iN g0zbNMCJngXLzrtZw3/jim-o-rear.jpg

11-Jul-2013, 01:36 PM
I wonder how they'll "adapt" Bub this time? It's hard to imagine anything more funny than Bud the vegetarian....

He'll be a hipster opposed to eating people, because...he was like...in to eating people 2 years ago...

11-Jul-2013, 01:49 PM
If you liked the 2008 remake you'll love Contagium.

11-Jul-2013, 02:28 PM
And finally.... The new Captain Rhodes is...
http://m3.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-iNg5Th9M3QlFZF5qV2G_ltL_CeZNBjtqiUg0cqKMCHdqBxB8iN g0zbNMCJngXLzrtZw3/jim-o-rear.jpg

Christ...I think that would actually bring on the zombie apocalypse.

11-Jul-2013, 03:47 PM
They gotta base it on the original script instead of the original.
1: after stuff like world war z an audience wont be pulled in by half a dozen people sitting in a bunker, in todays media thats radio play stuff, not movies expected to cell. it sucks but its the state of things.
2: performances like rhodes and frankenstein are too damn good to recapture so it would just be real pale in comparison
3: everything like this "wants the walking dead audience" and thats something that most of us know is actually tonally similar to day, but i dont think they will think that and it will effect their design choices.

11-Jul-2013, 04:22 PM
Funny, I started to reread the original script last night. It'll be the third time for me. Thanks for putting it up Neil, it's a great read.

11-Jul-2013, 04:54 PM
For those who want to read the original script - http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1070H

11-Jul-2013, 06:28 PM
Can't wait to see remake. If they're planning to make it as possible closer to original, then it's goint to be epic.
P.S. still watching over and over Day of the Dead ;D

Let's hope!

Welcome to the forums, btw.

12-Jul-2013, 04:04 PM
Pfffffffffft. Let them remake it as many times as they want until they get it right (Never).

13-Jul-2013, 04:36 PM
I have been working on my optimistic approach to things.......eh I just cant on this one. From 85 to 04 we couldnt get any zombie media and now that the tables have turned its a non stop turd fest minus a gem or two thrown in.

14-Jul-2013, 10:26 PM
It's either going to be liked by most and hatred by some or it's going to suck like no tomorrow

18-Oct-2013, 12:48 PM
on the plus side it cant be any worse than the last day of the dead remake

18-Oct-2013, 01:03 PM
on the plus side it cant be any worse than the last day of the dead remake

I'm hoping for a fairly solid remake...

20-Oct-2013, 02:18 PM
Will the zombies move like they are in a Benny Hill skit?

- - - Updated - - -

on the plus side it cant be any worse than the last day of the dead remake

yeah, I don't think the vegetarian zombie nonsense can be topped. :lol:

20-Oct-2013, 08:13 PM
or the zombies turnin in2 a load of ash like on Buffy

25-Nov-2013, 10:43 PM
A remake of George Romero’s Day of the Dead was announced just a few months ago by Lati Grobman and Christa Campbell, who also produced the Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot Texas Chainsaw 3D. Now Deadline reports that the producers have settled on a director for the project, Mark Tonderai (Hush) and are already putting together a production schedule.

It’s important to keep an open mind about horror remakes, especially after Zack Snyder’s surprisingly good remake of Dawn of the Dead, but assigning Tonderai as director is a fast way to kill off excitement for this one. Tonderai is best known for another horror film, House at the End of the Street, an altogether terrible movie that is notable for starring Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role, and basically nothing else.

Day of the Dead was remade just five years ago by director Steve Miner (Halloween H2O), with Mena Suvari in the lead as Sarah. The original is the third in Romero’s classic zombie trilogy, set some time after the original zombie outbreak, as friction grows between a group of scientists and soldiers occupying an underground bunker that’s secure from zombie infiltration, but not from frailties of the human condition.


Bet they'll be sprinting, velociraptor screeching, teleporting vampire zombies, too.

26-Nov-2013, 10:02 AM
Mark Tonderai is currently doing Pest - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2597892/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1

Following the outbreak of a virus that wipes out the majority of the human population, a teen documents her family's new life in quarantine and tries to protect her infected sister.

Hopefully he'll be well practiced at the apocalypse when he gets to do Day Of The Dead!

And then starring in "Pest" is Abigail Breslin, who is of course starring in "Maggie" (a zombie flick with Arni) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1881002/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2

27-Nov-2013, 11:35 PM
Liked the original. Despised the 2008 remake. It always bugs me when the undead have amazing spiderman-like abilities (running along ceilings, faster than fast, stronger than strong, etc.). Any SyFy channel produced zombie flick is 100% guaranteed to suck more than a super massive blackhole, so as long as THEY keep their grubby untalented paws off of this re-remake, it might have a chance to be well done and worth a look.

23-Mar-2014, 04:31 AM
The original is perfect as-is. No remake needed!

25-May-2016, 03:09 PM



“Follows a former medical student tormented by a dark figure from her past, who happens to be a half-human, half-zombie hell-bent on destroying her.”


25-May-2016, 04:23 PM
WTF has any of that shite plot got to with Day of the Dead in any way, shape, or form?!

Talk about abusing a title! :mad: As if it hasn't already been trampled on enough as it is! :mad:

25-May-2016, 04:56 PM
How can something be "half-human, half-zombie"? That doesn't make any sense.

25-May-2016, 09:17 PM
The remake, “Follows a former medical student tormented by a dark figure from her past, who happens to be a half-human, half-zombie hell-bent on destroying her by scrambling along ceilings...”

There! It's going to be even better now!

NOTE: I have just this very minute finished watching the original again, come to my PC, and read about this latest news... So yes... FFS!

26-May-2016, 09:36 AM
The dumbest shit, that's what this entire endeavour is.

The sheer lack of respect these never-heard-of-them production companies have for GAR and Day of the Dead is just staggering.

26-May-2016, 05:27 PM
As far as I am concerned, there has never really been a Day of the Dead remake. For a movie to qualify as a "remake" it needs to preserve at least the essential plot elements of the original, but the movies that have used that title so far are totally different stories trying to capitalize on a well-known movie title, but not real "remakes" since they have nothing in common with the original except the fact that there's zombies. Night and Dawn have had real "remakes", but not Day.

25-Jan-2024, 11:31 AM
Given the varied opinions on Day of the Dead remakes, what elements do you believe are crucial to preserve for a movie to be considered a faithful remake rather than just using a well-known title?

25-Jan-2024, 03:06 PM
Given the varied opinions on Day of the Dead remakes, what elements do you believe are crucial to preserve for a movie to be considered a faithful remake rather than just using a well-known title?

A good story/script, that at least roughly follows Romero's.

25-Jan-2024, 06:23 PM
A good story/script, that at least roughly follows Romero's.

This ↑↑↑↑

For example: the Dawn remake qualifies because, despite all the changes and new elements, the basics that are central to the original still remain: people trying to survive an ongoing zombie catastrophe by holing up in a shopping mall. While the atrocious 2008 alleged "remake" of Day has absolutely no connection whatsoever with the original, not even such a central plot element as a group of people desperately trying to find a solution for a now long ongoing zombie apocalypse.

25-Jan-2024, 10:07 PM
Surely, at this point, a reworked version of the original script would be the way to go? Take the best stuff and rework the slightly wobbly stuff with a screenwriter who actually has talent, not some hack who can't string a sentence together and doesn't believe in spelling or grammar because "that's, like, so limiting, man".

26-Jan-2024, 07:49 AM
And no ceiling crawling zombies please...

08-Jun-2024, 06:50 AM
Given the varied opinions on Day of the Dead remakes, what elements do you believe are crucial to preserve for a movie to be considered a faithful remake rather than just using a well-known title?

Some semblance of the original plot would be a good start. Gunn/Snyder changed a lot with their Dawn remake, for example, but it still had the same idea and core elements.

Taurus Entertainment’s Day remake, on the other hand, had zero connection and every incarnation since has been a cheap cash in.

There’s still a part of me that hopes someone someday will pick up Romero’s original script, but I know that won’t happen.