View Full Version : Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (film)

21-Jul-2013, 04:39 PM
As long as it's more towards he Batman films in script quality, and less like the Man Of Steel film is vapid CGI action, I'll be happy - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Batman-Superman-Film-Brings-Man-Steel-Cast-Confirms-2015-Release-38630.html

On the heels of the worldwide success of “Man of Steel,” director Zack Snyderis bringing together the two greatest Super Heroes of all time—Batman and Superman—for the first time on the big screen.


Superman and Batman are to appear in the same film for the first time, it has been revealed, to the delight of many fans of the popular characters.

The surprise announcement was made by Zack Snyder, who directed the most recent Superman film Man of Steel.

But speaking at a comic convention in San Diego, California, Mr Snyder said the script was still being written.

21-Jul-2013, 06:20 PM
directed by Zack Snyder ...
Don't get your hopes up. The guy has a reverse Midas touch

21-Jul-2013, 06:52 PM
directed by Zack Snyder ...
Don't get your hopes up. The guy has a reverse Midas touch

I Dont get the hate for snyder at all, ive really enjoyed alot of his movies included man of steel.

Very excited about this one tbh!

21-Jul-2013, 07:13 PM
Man, I can't wait! Andale, numero dos!!!

21-Jul-2013, 11:32 PM
directed by Zack Snyder ...
Don't get your hopes up. The guy has a reverse Midas touch

He does okay with solid source material, but nuance is certainly not his strong suit. This is better than a Superman film (they mostly suck) and another solo Batman film (they really need to give Bats a rest).

22-Jul-2013, 05:50 AM
He does okay with solid source material, but nuance is certainly not his strong suit. This is better than a Superman film (they mostly suck) and another solo Batman film (they really need to give Bats a rest).

Not always: Dawn of the dead and '300' really didn't work for me. He didn't get anything about Dawn, turning it into a dumb action spectacle and nothing more. And 300 was without soul, just pretty pictures and slow motion flash.

The problem is that when you work with truelly great source material turning out something that is okay, like with Watchmen, that just isn't good enough. Watch that film and then read any episode of the original comic. The film is like postcards from something truelly good.

I don't want an okay reinterpration of the Dark Knight Returns by mr. Snyder. I want something great worthy of the source material. Or even better: I want Hollywood to keep their greedy filthy little hands of great comic books to appease the easily hyped 'geek' community and make tons of money with sub par 'products'. I'll just read the comics.

22-Jul-2013, 08:32 AM
I Dont get the hate for snyder at all, ive really enjoyed alot of his movies included man of steel.

Very excited about this one tbh!

The Watchmen, was a good flick.

22-Jul-2013, 09:05 AM
Not always: Dawn of the dead and '300' really didn't work for me. He didn't get anything about Dawn, turning it into a dumb action spectacle and nothing more. And 300 was without soul, just pretty pictures and slow motion flash.

The problem is that when you work with truelly great source material turning out something that is okay, like with Watchmen, that just isn't good enough. Watch that film and then read any episode of the original comic. The film is like postcards from something truelly good.

I don't want an okay reinterpration of the Dark Knight Returns by mr. Snyder. I want something great worthy of the source material. Or even better: I want Hollywood to keep their greedy filthy little hands of great comic books to appease the easily hyped 'geek' community and make tons of money with sub par 'products'. I'll just read the comics.


I don't know why Snyder keeps getting a pass from a lot of people. As far as I'm concerned, he's little better than Michael Bay. All bish, bash, bosh and not much else behind it.

I cringe when I hear his name attached to anything.

22-Jul-2013, 10:16 AM
Hmmm ... let's see:

Yawn04 - a load of bullshit.
300 - it would have been 15 minutes long without all the incessant slow-mo ... seen it once, have little desire to see it again.
Watchmen - now this one I really enjoyed, particularly in the extended director's cut.
That owl movie - never watched it, don't care one jot about it.
Sucker Punch - a load of bullshit.
Man of Steel - not seen it.

Flashy visuals are his thing, but even with that he's created a cliche of his own style ... anything beyond that? He really struggles usually - just look at Sucker Punch, which was all his own work. :barf:

22-Jul-2013, 05:06 PM
Not always: Dawn of the dead and '300' really didn't work for me. He didn't get anything about Dawn, turning it into a dumb action spectacle and nothing more. And 300 was without soul, just pretty pictures and slow motion flash.
Well, I think he Did fine with Dawn, whose source material was only used in the basest sense. It was a straight forward cover of zombies+survivors+mall and not an attempt for anything more ambitious, nor did I feel it needed to be. 300 stank, but the source material, while a cool one-off read wasn't much to write home about.

The problem is that when you work with truelly great source material turning out something that is okay, like with Watchmen.
No problem with the film version, even as a long time fan of the source material. In fact, I could probably only come up with quibbles, and I even feel parts of the ending work better in the film.

22-Jul-2013, 05:52 PM
Yeah dawn'04 was a hell of alot better than romeros last 3 efforts so quit bitching, its getting old already :p

300 was alright, not great but ok.

Watchmen was good i thought.

Man of steel was spectacular, i really honestly really enjoyed it.

Snyder really isnt a bad director in my book, to call him a hack or to put him on.. say ewe bolls level is just bitchy fanboyism imho, i also like how if you listen to his commentaries, he dosnt take himself too seriously and is willing to make fun of his own work, alot less talented or successful directors take themselves FAR too seriously and cant handle criticism at all.

For that reason alone, pat on the back, zack :D

22-Jul-2013, 06:31 PM
...and a kick in the bollocks for 'Sucker Punch'

23-Jul-2013, 07:10 AM
he dosnt take himself too seriously and is willing to make fun of his own work, alot less talented or successful directors take themselves FAR too seriously and cant handle criticism at all.

For that reason alone, pat on the back, zack :D

There is little to no humour to speak of in his movies for someone who doesn't take himself too seriously. The first things that came to mind when thinking of the films he directed are 'bombastic' and 'serious'.
Man of Steel in particular suffered from this. (the unintentional comedy of Kevin Costner being swallowed up by that hurricane doesn't count).

He can shoot pretty pictures though. No question there. Those first teaser trailers of Man Of Steel looked really good ...
But i don't feel anything when watching his films. The guy has to pile explosions upon mass destruction to wow his audience. It just doesn't work like that. None of those big moments are earned when the characters in it leave you cold. At least that's what it feels like to me. I find all of his films boring beyond belief for this reason.

23-Jul-2013, 10:37 PM
Zack Snyder's films are all really, really stupid. Dawn included. Man of Steel was complete crap.

Watchmen is his only solid outting.

24-Jul-2013, 12:39 PM
Zack Snyder's films are all really, really stupid. Dawn included. Man of Steel was complete crap.

Watchmen is his only solid outting.

I still rate 300 personally; Does exactly what it sets out to pretty well IMHO. Watchmen was pretty good to.

While I wouldn't say MoS was crap, I would just say it was generally unnecessarily busy and bloated, and just a bit dull and soulless. I'm fearful of more of the same with this Batman and Superman film :(

24-Jul-2013, 03:12 PM
Granted, I think Man of Steels qualities were at least as much David Goyer's fault. The script was horrible.

24-Jul-2013, 03:22 PM
Between Man of Steel and Watchmen, I have more faith in Snyder these days. Plus Nolan is still on board in some capacity, so that's a plus.

I just can't believe i'm finally going to see a World's Finest film. Never really thought it would happen. I'm excited, but still kinda wish for a more straight forward Man of Steel sequel first.

24-Jul-2013, 07:37 PM
Between Man of Steel and Watchmen, I have more faith in Snyder these days. Plus Nolan is still on board in some capacity, so that's a plus.


25-Jul-2013, 12:28 PM
To each his own, amigo. Watchmen is one of the best comic film adaptations ever, imo. Man of Steel had it's share of flaws, but as a whole was a damn fine superman movie.

25-Jul-2013, 12:46 PM
^^ Which version of Watchmen do you prefer? The cinema cut, the director's, or the ultimate?

25-Jul-2013, 01:45 PM
To each his own, amigo. Watchmen is one of the best comic film adaptations ever, imo. Man of Steel had it's share of flaws, but as a whole was a damn fine superman movie.

Dredd was better. As was Sin City. And A History Of Violence. And Akira. And Nausicaa. (ok, those last two were anime done by the same creator as the comic they were based upon, so they maybe don't count)

While not a complete trainwreck I found Watchmen soulless and boring. It"s one of my favourite comics and it's just not suited to be condensed in a three hour film IMO. The film, while faithfull to the overall plot, kind of speeds through the comic in whatever version you choose and loses a lot of its soul in the process.

25-Jul-2013, 03:48 PM
^^ Which version of Watchmen do you prefer? The cinema cut, the director's, or the ultimate?

Director's. I enjoyed the ultimate with Black Freighter and all that, but I think the Director's is probably the tightest version with an acceptable amount of the material.

14-Aug-2013, 01:42 PM
The following article talks about MoS 2, but I think in truth it's more applicable surely to any Batman & Superman film?

Christian Bale? $50m?


He could probably make 50 million dollars for being in the movie 20 minutes. And it would be worth every penny to the studio."

14-Aug-2013, 03:48 PM
I highly, highly doubt Bale will return or even that Nolan would let it happen. Nolan's trilogy was wrapped up and completed. Time to bring in new blood. We don't need an origin story for Batman again, just drop another good actor in the cape and cowl and have him already operating in Gotham City.

Someone recently mentioned that they'd want Anson Mount(Hell On Wheels) to be the new Bruce/Batman. THAT would be amazing...

14-Aug-2013, 04:43 PM
I'd like to see him return. And if he's being offered 50 million, he's an idiot for not taking it. Then again, he's probably got more money than he knows what to do with, so.. There you go.

Christian Bale as Batman and Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor? Heck, any other actor than any of the ones that were in Man of Steel? I'm all for it.

I still think this film will be $hit, but hey.

14-Aug-2013, 06:52 PM
I think Bale will not risk denting what were three pretty good films with a questionable fourth appearance. But who knows. Maybe tens of millions of dollars may sway him :)

14-Aug-2013, 09:13 PM
Meh. He had his turn at the character, was good, & it's over. Considering they're wanting to launch a new Batman franchise seperate of the Nolanverse one anyway, let someone else do it.

Someone recently mentioned that they'd want Anson Mount(Hell On Wheels) to be the new Bruce/Batman. THAT would be amazing...

Don't know that I've seen him in anything outside of HoW, so I'm not sure, but I would be intrigued. He's great in it, just don't know what his range is, if you know what I mean.

Then again, I thought Cloony was going to be an interesting choice too...:eek: (In all fairness, with a good script & withOUT Joel Scmucker, maybe he would have been...)

15-Aug-2013, 09:37 AM
Batman's dark and brooding, Cullen Bohanon's dark and brooding - perfect match! :)

Seriously though, Anson Mount is the best part of Hell On Wheels, and it'd be cool to see him behind the cape and cowl ... but who knows what they're after for the film. Might they be after a younger Batman so they might be able to get several films out of the same actor over several years without Batman appearing to get too old? Who knows...

23-Aug-2013, 01:33 AM
And the new Batman is.......ready for it? Ben Affleck (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ben-affleck-is-batman-man-612907)

23-Aug-2013, 03:55 AM
And the new Batman is.......ready for it? Ben Affleck (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ben-affleck-is-batman-man-612907)
The general consensus, at least in my general neck of the internet woods, is that this sucks balls, and that no one wants to see it happen.
I wholeheartedly agree.

23-Aug-2013, 03:59 AM
*checks calendar*.........hmmmm, not even close to april......

Mr. Clean
23-Aug-2013, 07:40 AM
The general consensus, at least in my general neck of the internet woods, is that this sucks balls, and that no one wants to see it happen.
I wholeheartedly agree. Reckon we are going to get a Matt Damon as Robin appearance aswell? :lol:

23-Aug-2013, 07:59 AM
And the new Batman is.......ready for it? Ben Affleck (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ben-affleck-is-batman-man-612907)

Bit too clean cut :(

But the guy can act, so maybe he can pull something out of the bag!

23-Aug-2013, 09:36 AM

23-Aug-2013, 09:37 AM
Geez, what's with the Affleck hate?

I reckon the guy will do a good job. When he was Daredevil he was saying yes to every damn movie that came his way practically, but that was a decade ago and he's changed a lot in his approach to his work and rediscovered his mojo with the acting/directing combo. He'll be aware of how bad his chum Clooney did in the role, so he'll be wanting to avoid that - Affleck's got good acting chops (he just squandered them a bit for a few years a decade-or-so ago), but he's always done good work throughout - look at Hollywoodland, The Town, Argo, Good Will Hunting etc.

23-Aug-2013, 09:39 AM
The general consensus, at least in my general neck of the internet woods, is that this sucks balls, and that no one wants to see it happen.
I wholeheartedly agree.


Ben Assflick as Batman? Christ sake...

23-Aug-2013, 10:46 AM
I'm sorry but that song is totally easing the shock of the news for me. HAHA! I'll just watch the movie and pretend it's someone else kinda like the idea someone had to dub the Bale movies with Conroy's voice. Then I'd prob like those too haha!

23-Aug-2013, 12:18 PM
I'm not hating on Affleck, it's just a decision I didn't see coming. I agree with MZ that he made some poor choices in the 90's, but he's really come into his own in recent years.

They're obviously going with an older Batman, so i'm wondering if this film is drawing inspiration from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Thinking of the way Batman looked in that release, Affleck is certainly close to the look. As of now, i'm giving Affleck the benefit of the doubt. I think now that he's had time to grow as an actor and director he'll bring something worth seeing to the table. Let's not forget that Heath Ledger was "a pretty boy" and "gay cowboy" that could in no way bring The Joker to the big screen. Yeah....we all know how that turned out....

23-Aug-2013, 01:02 PM
I'm (surprisingly) with Bassman here. I'm hoping for another Heath Ledger/Joker shocker. Not too many had belief in that casting when it was announced either, but Heath Ledger did a complete turnaround and just surprised everyone by not bringing his usual style. Something similar might happen here.

However, I'm not so sure I think Ben Affleck is that "old", as people seem to be referring to an "older" Batman. He's only 2 years older than Christian Bale.

EDIT: Also holding out for Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor

23-Aug-2013, 01:11 PM
However, I'm not so sure I think Ben Affleck is that "old", as people seem to be referring to an "older" Batman. He's only 2 years older than Christian Bale.

Well....not necessarily OLD old, just an older actor to be jumping into the franchise that they plan on continuing for years to come. I figured they would want someone younger so that they could have more movies with him. For example, I believe Henry Cavill(Superman) is only 30. I'm guessing Affleck is somewhere in his early to mid 40's? Add to the fact that Affleck has grey hair in recent years and when the announcement was made at comic con, they used a quote directly from The Dark Knight Returns, I was thinking they were intentionally going with a.....i'll put it this way....a more experienced Batman.

23-Aug-2013, 07:23 PM
The controversy this whole thing is causing on the internet vs. the general apathy towards Hack snyder 'directing' another one of these films is frankly startling.

Mr. Clean
24-Aug-2013, 03:22 PM
Huffington Post posted a pie chart that made me laugh.


I must admit....I would rather see a Steve Buscemi Batman than Ben Affleck.

24-Aug-2013, 05:25 PM
Some fair points on why the web fury is misplaced:

1. Nolan seems to know what he's doing. If you would give the benefit of the casting doubt to any producer, you would give it to the filmmaker behind arguably the greatest Batman movie of all, "The Dark Knight." (That is, you would do this if you weren't on a certain social media site...)

2. Twitter is not exactly known for its calm, reasoned thinking. It's time to take a breath, a step back and perhaps a visit to a site with a more level-headed approach to matters of global import. You know, like, Reddit. (And, seriously, the Affleck discussions on Reddit read a tad less doom-y and gloom-y.)

3. Affleck wouldn't implode his career twice. The man cried at the Oscars. He knows where he was after "Gigli." He knows he climbed out of an abyss. He did not just announce his plan to star in "Daredevil 2" or "Surviving Christmas: New Year's Eve."

4. At first glance, name-brand stars rarely seem right as superheroes. And that's why the likes of Christopher Reeve, Henry Cavill and, to a degree, Christian Bale, who was well-known, but not Affleck-well-known, work so well in capes —it takes less effort for us to suspend our disbelief. Believe this: If Twitter was around when Michael Keaton was cast as Tim Burton's Batman, things would've gotten just as overheated. (Exhibit A: A 1988 letter to the Los Angeles Times, "Mr. Mom as Batman?") Lesson learned: Try to reserve judgment until you actually see the film (or at least the teaser clip at Comic-Con).

5. Affleck isn't the Affleck of old, he's old now. By which we mean he's 40-plus —41, to be exact, as of today. This makes him easily the oldest actor to be cast as an on-screen Caped Crusader, and this makes the choice interesting. The age factor also makes Affleck a good fit (and foe) for Cavill, who although a relative youngster of 30, put the "man" back in Superman in "Man of Steel." In any case, there's enough here to warrant a let's-see-what-we-got-here approach.

6. You should've seen this coming. The fanboy press was reporting on Affleck's possible Batman ambitions as far back as the Oscars. Really, some of you should've worked through your "NOOOO" phase by now.

7. Two words: Robert. Pattinson. Don't laugh, don't scoff and don't go off on how the "Twilight" movies sucked. The "Twilight" franchise was a phenomenon—it worked and it worked, in part, because of Pattinson, who, oh, by the way, was the subject of petitions and the cause of much hair-pulling and exclamation point-using when he was cast as Edward Cullen. The Pattinson example could be swapped out here for any other number of casting outrages that turned out just fine (i.e,. Vivien Leigh in "Gone With the Wind," Tom Cruise in "Interview With the Vampire," and, yes, Keaton in Batman). Your first impression is not always right. In fact, sometimes it's quite wrong.

Mr. Clean
24-Aug-2013, 07:43 PM
Some fair points on why the web fury is misplaced:

Disagree with 3, 5, & 6.

My wife filled me in enough on Twilight for me to make the choice to avoid the saga altogether so can't really comment on 7.

However, The article's author seems to believe that none of us are entitled to our own opinions. "Your first impression is not always right. In fact, sometimes it's quite wrong." While this statement can sometimes ring true for anyone....It still doesn't strip me of my right to make my own judgment call. Saying that my opinion is wrong or could be wrong....doesn't make it wrong.

Ben Affleck "might" make a good Batman....BUT....I can't see him pulling off Bruce Wayne at all.

The only thing the article got right in my opinion is #1. If Ben Affleck even does a "decent" job... 95% of the credit should be Nolan's just because I don't think Affleck can even attempt to compete with Christian Bale as Bruce....and certainly not Bale's Batman.

- - - Updated - - -

New thought: Maybe, it is Nolan that wanted the challenge! "HEY! What if Ben Affleck was Batman?!?!" certainly sounds like a drunken dare to me. Perhaps Nolan accepted? :duh:

24-Aug-2013, 08:50 PM
Ben Affleck "might" make a good Batman....BUT....I can't see him pulling off Bruce Wayne at all.

Alfred would have a hell of a time pulling him away from gazing at himself lovingly in the mirror. I saw that sucky Town movie, where he's getting his workout on, always flexing it up.
"Look at my sweeet abs."
Ugh and barfola.
Sorry, guys, I just hate him. I also don't think he's all that great as an actor, or that Argo was anything but a snoozefest, etc...
Some fool on fb said it was better than when they had Mr. Mom donning the duds. I wasn't a fan of that either.
They still have gotten it all wrong. When I read this was coming, I was on cloud 9, 10, and 11. Then Bale offered $50 million, I could live with that. Now Ass-fleck spooging all over this with his hammy acting.
Unless they pull him, I'm done with it. I am, however lol'ing at all the petitions and such going around. I guess there's that.

24-Aug-2013, 10:59 PM
Not saying this will have the same results, but this made me laugh. Remember 2006 when they announced Ledger as the Joker? I sure as hell do....


25-Aug-2013, 12:26 AM
I'm willing to see this crapfest if Ben promises to die like Heath did. That's the only deal I'm willing to make.
And yeah, I was, and still am, one of those naysayers on Heath playing the Joker. Should've called Crispin Glover.
That guy's perfect.

25-Aug-2013, 02:34 AM
And yeah, I was, and still am, one of those naysayers on Heath playing the Joker. Should've called Crispin Glover.
That guy's perfect.

Appearances and talent are two totally different things. There's a reason Glover hasn't done much worth mentioning since that rat movie. He's an ass and doesn't have the talent to back up that attitude.

It amazes me how people get this bent out of shape over casting news. Wishing someone would lose their life? Seriously??

25-Aug-2013, 03:45 AM
Appearances and talent are two totally different things. There's a reason Glover hasn't done much worth mentioning since that rat movie. He's an ass and doesn't have the talent to back up that attitude.

It amazes me how people get this bent out of shape over casting news. Wishing someone would lose their life? Seriously??

Calm your tits, I was being jokey about the offer. And you're talking more Crispin of "back in the day". My guess is he's probably been humbled since the whole BTTF days, and resulting lean years. I've heard no complaints in many of his more recent, and often kick ass, roles/movies. The guy is a fantastic actor, I wasn't just going by looks. I know you have mucho love/boner for Ledger, but that's how I feel. I don't believe he did anything to wow in a movie that was kinda snoozy.
Admittedly, I wish people could hear my/your/our comments in our voices so people could know someone, me apparently, is not just some psycho wishing people to die, which I NEVERsaid.. I simply and jestfully offered a deal I knew Benny would never accept to. So don't even go there, because I didn't...
But, yeah I'm just sitting around here making Ben Ass-fleck voodoo dolls, and dipping them in chicken blood. That, and pacing the halls ripping out tufts of hair all pissed offedly. lol.
And you just made the list, buddeh.
Kidding, geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

25-Aug-2013, 10:13 AM
One thing that needs pointing out - unsurprisingly, the "$50m for 20 minutes" is a complete and total falsity. It never happened ... the source of it was some online article, or even comment feed, or some guys talking to each other, and just spit-balling 'what they should do' ... there's absolutely no truth in it whatsoever. I'm stunned that such an obvious load of bollocks (no movie studio in their right mind is going to pay anyone $50m for 20 minutes of screentime) made it into 'legitimate' online articles about the subject.

/rant :rant:

@Bassman - :lol::lol::lol: Yep, that picture certainly sums it up. :D

I'm looking forward to Affleck proving the doubters wrong, just like Daniel Craig did in Casino Royale, just like Heath Ledger did in The Dark Knight, and just like Michael Keaton did back in 1989's Batman.

In general, I wonder if the sheer hate directed at some of these actors - Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt for example - is really more to do with the bullshit that's made up about them in the press thanks to churnalism, rumour, and the paparazzi, rather than the actor's actual actions. Yes, the J-Lo period in Affleck's life proved to be a bugger up, but Affleck himself cringes at that time and has said himself that he made mistakes in his career and life at the time - although he was in love with J-Lo, so fair play to him, it was just that it all became a bit vulgar (e.g. that music video they were both in) and wrung through the tabloids to the nth degree. The Affleck of 2013 is nothing like the Affleck of 2003.

25-Aug-2013, 11:30 AM
Calm your tits, I was being jokey about the offer.

Hard to tell without a smiley or "haha" or something of that nature. And I've seen similar comments around the net that are serious.

And you're talking more Crispin of "back in the day". My guess is he's probably been humbled since the whole BTTF days, and resulting lean years. I've heard no complaints in many of his more recent, and often kick ass, roles/movies. The guy is a fantastic actor, I wasn't just going by looks.

Kick ass roles and movies? All I see he's done in recent years is that crap Alice and Wonderland and some voice acting. IMO, Glover has always been a one note actor. He can't play anything but the same bumbling idiot that sounds like a shy 12 year old...

I know you have mucho love/boner for Ledger, but that's how I feel. I don't believe he did anything to wow in a movie that was kinda snoozy.

I don't have any love for Ledger. I thought he did a good job with Nolan's version of the character and he was a good actor for the short time he lived, but that was about it. In his few years he accomplished more versatile performances than Glover has done in his entire career. Nolan could have cast anyone that he saw fit in that role and I'm sure they would have done a decent job. But it was never going to be a fan's wish list like Glover. Just like the new Batman was never going to be Bale or the other three obvious choices that fans seem to think were the ONLY choices.

25-Aug-2013, 06:06 PM
I'm looking forward to Affleck proving the doubters wrong, just like Daniel Craig did in Casino Royale, just like Heath Ledger did in The Dark Knight, and just like Michael Keaton did back in 1989's Batman.

Daniel craig is shit as bond, he proved nothing with casino royale. Heath ledger was brilliant as the joker and the closest movie representation to the original character we are likely to see and michael keaton was fantastic as batman, he was my favourite big screen batman. I dont see how any of those arguments are relevant to affleck? My problem with him is not only that he is a shit actor who will no doubt incredibly ham the role up, but his appointment fills me with fear that their trying to turn bruce wayne into another tony stark. Which is wrong on so many levels.

It will be shit. affleck wont prove anyone wrong, he will cock it up and make it another "batman and robin". Mark my words.

25-Aug-2013, 06:43 PM
Oh, I just love how controversial this casting is. Because of this, I can't wait to see it! Even if it turns out to be shit.

26-Aug-2013, 01:26 AM
Hard to tell without a smiley or "haha" or something of that nature. And I've seen similar comments around the net that are serious.

Ehhhhh, you kinda twisted my words, though, a bit. But I will do my best to put a smiley down on that badboy next time.:elol:

Kick ass roles and movies? All I see he's done in recent years is that crap Alice and Wonderland and some voice acting. IMO, Glover has always been a one note actor. He can't play anything but the same bumbling idiot that sounds like a shy 12 year old...

Dang, sounds like you like him about as much as I like Ass-fleck. I will say he was the bomb in Hot Tub Time Machine, and I quote Bartleby on an hourly basis. Guess we have different feels for the guy. I think he's the tits.

I don't have any love for Ledger. I thought he did a good job with Nolan's version of the character and he was a good actor for the short time he lived, but that was about it. In his few years he accomplished more versatile performances than Glover has done in his entire career. Nolan could have cast anyone that he saw fit in that role and I'm sure they would have done a decent job. But it was never going to be a fan's wish list like Glover. Just like the new Batman was never going to be Bale or the other three obvious choices that fans seem to think were the ONLY choices.
Your boner is showing...:eek:

Daniel craig is shit as bond, he proved nothing with casino royale.... ...I dont see how any of those arguments are relevant to affleck? My problem with him is not only that he is a shit actor who will no doubt incredibly ham the role up, but his appointment fills me with fear that their trying to turn bruce wayne into another tony stark. Which is wrong on so many levels.

It will be shit. affleck wont prove anyone wrong, he will cock it up and make it another "batman and robin". Mark my words.
I agree totally on all these things, especially Daniel Craig sucking as Bond.:p
The rest I took out of your post, as you're completely bonkers on that part.
Playing, yes. Kidding, not.:D

Mr. Clean
26-Aug-2013, 01:41 AM
I agree totally on all these things, especially Daniel Craig sucking as Bond.:p

So, that makes 3 of us who think Craig makes a shitty bond. I thought I was the only one who has been hoping for a new Bond for sometime now....

26-Aug-2013, 07:49 AM
Daniel craig is shit as bond, he proved nothing with casino royale. Heath ledger was brilliant as the joker and the closest movie representation to the original character we are likely to see and michael keaton was fantastic as batman, he was my favourite big screen batman. I dont see how any of those arguments are relevant to affleck? My problem with him is not only that he is a shit actor who will no doubt incredibly ham the role up, but his appointment fills me with fear that their trying to turn bruce wayne into another tony stark. Which is wrong on so many levels.

It will be shit. affleck wont prove anyone wrong, he will cock it up and make it another "batman and robin". Mark my words.I thought Casino Royale was one of the best bond films in decades, and as such I give Craig some respect for that.

But I must admit I'm with you with Affleck. I'm having trouble picturing him as Batman... But it will be interesting :)

26-Aug-2013, 05:12 PM

Petition above. :)

26-Aug-2013, 05:43 PM
Man, some of you guys are taking their batman a little too seriously, no?


26-Aug-2013, 07:08 PM
Wow.....a petition. What a great idea! How could that NOT work?:|

26-Aug-2013, 08:54 PM
Wow.....a petition. What a great idea! How could that NOT work?:|


I've not discussed the role with him and sat in a screen test watching him... like all these other fellows who will be taking part in the poll of course! :)

26-Aug-2013, 11:28 PM

WB, Nolan, Syder, or all of the above know how to get people talking anyway. ;)

I have no strong feelings about Afleck either way. I thought he was good in Daredevil (even if the movie iteslf was *meh*). So maybe he can pull it off. But one point of consideration I have is I still don't know how much of an "actors director" Snyder is. Haven't seen MoS yet so I know nothing about the performances in it. Watchmen had strong source material & cast both, so I can't say for sure from it.

SO: I wonder, if Ben will have a director capabile of pulling the Batman out of him if needed, or will he pretty much have to bring it himself?

We'll see I suppose.

27-Aug-2013, 12:34 PM
Bryan Cranston as Lex? - http://www.rte.ie/ten/news/2013/0827/470560-cranston-cast-as-lex-luther-in-man-of-steel-sequel/

According to Cosmic Book News it is expected the actor will confirm the casting when the sixth series of Breaking Bad ends next month and they reported he has signed a multi-film deal.

27-Aug-2013, 03:04 PM
Cosmic Book News is widely regarded as a very unreliable source for these kinds of things. I mean....they didn't even get the seasons of Breaking Bad correct. There are only five.

Cranston has been rumored for a while now, and I would love it, but I would wait for an official announcement from WB/DC.

- - - Updated - - -

A fan-made teaser that I thought was pretty good. Even as a fan's video, it gets me excited about the possibilities....


01-Sep-2013, 10:25 PM
For those of you not happy about Ben Affleck as Batman, this will make all that seem trivial :) - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Justin-Timberlake-Wants-Riddler-Opposite-Ben-Affleck-Batman-39231.html

02-Sep-2013, 09:22 PM
For those of you not happy about Ben Affleck as Batman, this will make all that seem trivial :) - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Justin-Timberlake-Wants-Riddler-Opposite-Ben-Affleck-Batman-39231.html

Eh. Sounds like wishful thinking on his behalf. If it ever comes true then that means they're getting Shmuck-er or Burton back on the horn pronto. Or maybe John Waters...:lol:

18-Nov-2013, 03:17 PM
Terry O'Quinn as Lex Luthor? - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Terry-O-Quinn-Rumored-Lex-Luthor-Batman-Superman-40330.html

05-Dec-2013, 12:29 PM

Gal Gadot to play Wonder Woman... So now we have Batman and Wonder Woman in a Superman film? Hmmm....

OK, this might seem like a cheap excuse to post a video of some young lady in her underwear.... and you'd be completely right!


05-Dec-2013, 12:30 PM
Wonder Woman has officially been cast: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/gal-gadot-will-be-the-first-big-screen-wonder-woman-in-batman-vs-superman


I don't know much of her acting outside of the last couple Fast and Furious flicks, but I suppose she has the look. I'm just hoping WW, Nightwing, etc will all be fan service cameos and nothing substantial for this film. Otherwise it has the serious risk of becoming over crowded.

05-Dec-2013, 12:35 PM
^^ Looks a bit too much of a bean poll?

05-Dec-2013, 12:43 PM
I'm sure they'll beef her up quite a bit. They'll probably bring in the same trainers from Man of Steel, who Snyder has used since 300, to give her some more weight and tone.

If they can accomplish that...I think she's got the look at least. Still not sure on the acting or if there will be the proper amount of screen time though. I'm getting more and more worried they're trying to cram too much into one film. But who knows? She probably signed a multi-picture deal and she may be in Bat/Sup for only a few minutes, then later get a stand alone film.

05-Dec-2013, 05:44 PM
So I guess the lady who plays whats'ername in Thor didn't get the part then ... I think she was talking to the DC folks about possibly playing that part, or at the very least it was something she wanted to do ... out of luck this time then.

As for the lass they've cast ... phwoar! She is a bit scrawny, but then that seems to be what models and actresses have to be nowadays ... or she could just be naturally that way ... what actually matters in the end is can she play the part (and can someone write the part in a good way)?

05-Dec-2013, 06:46 PM
^^ Looks a bit too much of a bean poll?
A bit short, also. She's only 5'9". Isn't WW a few over 6 feet?

I wanted a meatier gal. But then again, I also wanted a Batman who wasn't Ben Affleck. So...
I'm going to continue to grit my teeth and hope for the best I guess.

05-Dec-2013, 07:29 PM
Man of Steel was complete crap.

It wasn't "complete crap"... It was just somewhat soulless and daft in places. Calling it "complete crap" comes across as very unfair IMHO :)

05-Dec-2013, 09:05 PM
A bit short, also. She's only 5'9". Isn't WW a few over 6 feet?

I wanted a meatier gal. But then again, I also wanted a Batman who wasn't Ben Affleck. So...
I'm going to continue to grit my teeth and hope for the best I guess.

Yer getting nuthin Ron...nuthin...

Seriously though, nobody's going to be beat Linda Carter. Crap show, smashing bird.

Oh Linda....


05-Dec-2013, 09:45 PM

It wasn't "complete crap"... It was just somewhat soulless and daft in places. Calling it "complete crap" comes across as very unfair IMHO :)

I'd say it's utterly fair. It was the second worst film is saw in the cinema this year, and i saw only bad films.

06-Dec-2013, 02:05 AM
Even as a Superman/DC comic fan, I'm completely aware of the obvious flaws in Man of Steel. I have to agree with Neil on this one....warts and all, to call it "complete crap" just seems harsh and unfounded. At the very least it was a simple superhero flick like most of Marvel's recent entries. It definitely has it's share of redeeming qualities. To each his own, though.

08-Dec-2013, 09:41 PM
Heh. Agreed. To each their own. But there's nothing unfounded about it. We just seem to like different kinds of films. Now, while it wasnt as bad as WWZ, I still couldnt help but laugh throughout the film as I saw it in the cinema because it was so damn stupid.

09-Dec-2013, 03:47 AM
This time two comic heroes joining forces, sounds fun :)

19-Dec-2013, 10:10 AM
Joaquin Phoenix to Play Lex Luthor? Interesting! - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Batman-Superman-Looking-Joaquin-Phoenix-Play-Lex-Luthor-40774.html

19-Dec-2013, 12:29 PM
Although just a rumor, I like the idea of Phoenix as Luthor.

It was also just recently confirmed that the Academy Award Winning author of Argo is working on polishing up the script. Great news. Goyer always needs a better writer to touch up his ideas and dialogue.

31-Jan-2014, 06:35 PM
Whoa, just heard Jessie Eisenberg is Lex!

31-Jan-2014, 07:09 PM
Whoa, just heard Jessie Eisenberg is Lex!

Wow, I think the nerdosphere is going to have a meltdown, then go skyhigh nuclear!

01-Feb-2014, 10:57 AM
Whoa, just heard Jessie Eisenberg is Lex!

Really? We're going even more MTV than the last Superman film then? Sigh!

01-Feb-2014, 12:22 PM
I love the idea of Irons as Alfred. Not so sure about Eisenberg as Lex, but the kid does have some decent acting chops if you've seen his more dramatic roles. Younger than I would've expected for Luthor, but I suppose Lexcorp was just starting up during Man of Steel, so it makes sense he's be younger.

01-Feb-2014, 09:17 PM
My brother keeps saying he's hearing a rumor that batfleck is out.

02-Feb-2014, 02:45 PM
I love the idea of Irons as Alfred. Not so sure about Eisenberg as Lex, but the kid does have some decent acting chops if you've seen his more dramatic roles. Younger than I would've expected for Luthor, but I suppose Lexcorp was just starting up during Man of Steel, so it makes sense he's be younger.

Eisenberg as a billionaire room-commanding business man?

02-Feb-2014, 11:20 PM
Eisenberg as a billionaire room-commanding business man?


That Could never happen!!!

03-Feb-2014, 03:10 AM
Meh. :| Not to go all nerd rage, but can I get an "Oh, Dear..."? :confused:

03-Feb-2014, 08:44 AM

That Could never happen!!!

Seriously? You post that picture and talk "Lex Luthor" in the same sentence? Menacing? Commanding? Evil genius?

03-Feb-2014, 12:33 PM
LOL, I was simply pointing out that he has indeed played a room commanding billionaire before. Now menacing or commanding? no. . . . but Evil Genius?. . . .probably actually. Still. . I was as disappointed as anyone else when I heard the casting.

03-Feb-2014, 08:12 PM
Menacing? Commanding? Evil genius?

No, no, YES!!!!!!!!!! YESYESYES!!!!!! HELL YES!!!!!!!! ;)

11-Mar-2014, 12:35 PM
Filming has begun: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/filming-on-batman-vs-superman-is-now-underway

That means a reveal of Batman and possibly Wonder Woman should be just around the corner. They'll want to release official photos of their suits before crappy paparazzi photos get spread around.

11-Mar-2014, 01:51 PM
Filming has begun: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/filming-on-batman-vs-superman-is-now-underway

That means a reveal of Batman and possibly Wonder Woman should be just around the corner. They'll want to release official photos of their suits before crappy paparazzi photos get spread around.

God I hope it improves on the Superman film!

11-Mar-2014, 03:08 PM
God I hope it improves on the Superman film!

With a good writer polishing the script, I think that it should. David Goyer's scripts have always been better when he's working with other writers. In the case of the previous Batman trilogy - Chris and Jonathan Nolan. Goyer is definitely a comic book fan at heart and has great ideas on how to bring the characters to screen, it's just that his general scripting and storytelling leaves quite a bit to be desired. So with the writer of Argo on board, I'm hoping for the best.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy Man of Steel. I love it, actually. But it definitely has some things that could be improved for Batman vs Superman, or whatever they end up calling it(hoping for "World's Finest").

11-Mar-2014, 08:36 PM
Man Of Steel just felt a bit empty for me. It tried ever so hard, but just felt as if was trying rather than achieving for me. ie: It was OK, but certainly no Batman!

11-Mar-2014, 11:39 PM
Filming has begun: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/filming-on-batman-vs-superman-is-now-underway

That means a reveal of Batman and possibly Wonder Woman should be just around the corner. They'll want to release official photos of their suits before crappy paparazzi photos get spread around.

:stunned: Didn't realize they were this prepaired to go! That was faster than a speeding bullet...:sneaky::fork:

30-Apr-2014, 01:37 PM
It was announced a few days ago that Zack Snyder will immediately go into production for Justice League after Batman vs Superman(or whatever it's eventually called) for a 2017 or 2018 release. Also, the events and conclusion of BvS will lead directly into the formation of the Justice League.

That was all officially confirmed by Warner Brothers, but there are also very strong rumors that Snyder is actually filming both films together. Much like the Matrix sequels, Donner's Superman 1 & 2, Back to the Future 2 & 3, etc. This would explain the release date being two years away even though filming has already begun.

My biggest fears are that they're rushing things and whether or not they have a good writer on board to tighten up Goyer's work....

30-Apr-2014, 02:43 PM
It was announced a few days ago that Zack Snyder will immediately go into production for Justice League after Batman vs Superman(or whatever it's eventually called) for a 2017 or 2018 release. Also, the events and conclusion of BvS will lead directly into the formation of the Justice League.

That was all officially confirmed by Warner Brothers, but there are also very strong rumors that Snyder is actually filming both films together. Much like the Matrix sequels, Donner's Superman 1 & 2, Back to the Future 2 & 3, etc. This would explain the release date being two years away even though filming has already begun.

My biggest fears are that they're rushing things and whether or not they have a good writer on board to tighten up Goyer's work....

Well, it'll be interesting one way or another, right? Hopefully it all comes together.

30-Apr-2014, 04:57 PM
It was announced a few days ago that Zack Snyder will immediately go into production for Justice League after Batman vs Superman(or whatever it's eventually called) for a 2017 or 2018 release. Also, the events and conclusion of BvS will lead directly into the formation of the Justice League.

That was all officially confirmed by Warner Brothers, but there are also very strong rumors that Snyder is actually filming both films together. Much like the Matrix sequels, Donner's Superman 1 & 2, Back to the Future 2 & 3, etc. This would explain the release date being two years away even though filming has already begun.

My biggest fears are that they're rushing things and whether or not they have a good writer on board to tighten up Goyer's work....

As many f'ing casting choices as I've heard (Cyborg?!?) I ALREADY thought this was turning into the Justice League movie! BUT, this tidbit would make that make sense. Maybe not all the casting for B&S is ACTUALLY for that movie, but for JLA, if they're shooting simultaneously. I hope so anyway. If you're going to make a movie called "Batman & Superman", that should be the focus, not "Batman & Superman & A Cast of Thousands"...:lol:

12-May-2014, 05:40 PM
Snyder took to twitter for a teasing glimpse of the new Batmobile:


The full reveal will be tomorrow. I'm glad to see the return of the more comic book-ish "wings", but those rear tires seem pretty large. Almost as if they're going with a combination of Nolan's Tumbler and something more akin to the comics. Or perhaps they only appear large because we can only see the back end of the vehicle...

12-May-2014, 06:25 PM
Hmmm ... it didn't seem to be showing in your post, bass ... let's see if this works:


Wheel size wise I'd say they look about appropriate for the rest of the car, just from the vague shape of it. I think those sort of metal circular things on the rear axle make them look wider to the eye.

12-May-2014, 06:59 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BncsTOSCYAAl99e.jpg:largeIs that a dorsal fin on that vehicle?! :rolleyes:

13-May-2014, 03:16 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BncsTOSCYAAl99e.jpg:largeIs that a dorsal fin on that vehicle?! :rolleyes:

It appears to be two or more that are on hydraulics so that they can move depending on the stunts needed. Sort of like the smaller fins on Nolan's tumbler. That's my guess, anyway. We'll see the full car sometime today.

Just from this shot of the rear, this car seems quite similar to the batmobile from the Arkham City games. Especially the one in the new Arkham Knight trailer...

13-May-2014, 03:55 PM
Where's the rear rocket jet? :)

13-May-2014, 04:46 PM
Where's the rear rocket jet? :)

It's there, just a bit different from what we've seen in the past. I guess the only way I can describe it is that it looks like a cartoon character's frown? You can see it in the center.

- - - Updated - - -

The batmobile AND Affleck in the suit! http://www.comingsoon.net/nextraimages/batmanbatmobile.jpg


Not too sure about the batmobile or the busy texture of the suit, but I LOVE that they're finally using the small "ears" on the cowl. Perhaps it's the lighting, but the suit also looks a bit more gray than what we've seen in the past.

13-May-2014, 05:01 PM
Not too sure about the batmobile or the busy texture of the suit, but I LOVE that they're finally using the small "ears" on the cowl.

1st thing I noticed, very Dark Knight Returns!

The batmobile...well, I'll wait and see till I get better look.

13-May-2014, 05:28 PM
1st thing I noticed, very Dark Knight Returns!

Indeed, I noticed that as well. The smaller ears, the larger chest emblem, the more buff batman rather than the leaner versions we've seen in the past. I love it. Looks like he jumped straight off the page of Miller's DKR. No wonder Kevin Smith said comic fans would love it...

Between the basic premise, the "older" batman, the "one man who beat you!" quote at comic con, and now this suit reveal.....all signs point to Snyder definitely taking heavy inspiration from Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Which is a very good thing, imo...

- - - Updated - - -

Closer look at Batman and a production prototype of the batmobile to get a better idea of the body as a whole...


13-May-2014, 10:04 PM
Jesus H. but Ben looks super thick as hell.
Is he that big now, or is that suit heavily padded?

13-May-2014, 10:15 PM
Jesus H. but Ben looks super thick as hell.
Is he that big now, or is that suit heavily padded?
I imagine he's taking the role very seriously given the large wings he has to fill!

14-May-2014, 03:43 AM
that picture looks like it's almost concept art or from a video game. i'd really like to see what the suit and batmobile look like in broad daylight or without all the snazzy computer effects.

14-May-2014, 11:19 AM
that picture looks like it's almost concept art or from a video game. i'd really like to see what the suit and batmobile look like in broad daylight or without all the snazzy computer effects.

Aside from being in black and white, what tips you off that it's had computer effects added? When Snyder posted it on his Twitter he actually listed what camera and lenses he used to take the picture himself, so I assumed he wouldn't have done any touch ups. Aside from the B&W, that is.

14-May-2014, 11:24 AM
I want to hear Ben's Batman voice!

14-May-2014, 03:47 PM
Aside from being in black and white, what tips you off that it's had computer effects added? When Snyder posted it on his Twitter he actually listed what camera and lenses he used to take the picture himself, so I assumed he wouldn't have done any touch ups. Aside from the B&W, that is.

i just meant that it looks computer enhanced, not saying i think it actually is. it's hard to put my finger on what exactly bothers me about it....not trying to jump on the hate-wagon or anything, mind you. it just looks less realistic than the graphics in the trailer for the upcoming arkham game on next-gen systems to me.

14-May-2014, 09:08 PM
Jesus H. but Ben looks super thick as hell.
Is he that big now, or is that suit heavily padded?

Noticed that too. The suit & his build both reminded me VERY much of the "Dark Knight Returns" version of Batman.

15-May-2014, 12:48 PM

15-May-2014, 02:33 PM

that's great. hadn't seen that one yet....spidey gets all the chicks and has a much cooler method of travel. here's a couple others i like:




15-May-2014, 04:59 PM
So the wheels are fully exposed? Has a sort of dune buggy vibe to it....


There have also been rumors that it somehow doubles as the batwing. Batman's gotta fly to keep up with Superman, I suppose. Could be false rumors based around Nolan's Tumbler/Batpod sequence, though.

22-May-2014, 12:15 AM
Calling it Dawn of Justice, ehhhhh?
Unless the two titular heroes are involved in a landmark Supreme Court case, the first part of the name is pretty self-explanatory, but the subtitle works as a lead-in to the already announced tentpole "Justice League."

That film will take its cue from Marvel's "The Avengers" and expand the DC superhero universe to feature Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and, presumably, some combination of Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman and Aquaman. "Man of Steel's" Zack Snyder is also set to direct "Justice League."

According to Deadline, principal photography on "Dawn of Justice" is underway, with Henry Cavill returning as Superman alongside Ben Affleck as Batman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

They join "Man of Steel" vets Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane returning, and newcomers Ray Fisher (as Cyborg), Jesse Eisenberg (as Lex Luthor), Jeremy Irons (as Alfred Pennyworth) and Holly Hunter.

22-May-2014, 01:13 PM

22-May-2014, 01:17 PM
I'm no photoshop expert, but the light sources on that logo seem completely off to me....

22-May-2014, 06:50 PM
That suit should be called the batwing. Because it's so veiny!

14-Jun-2014, 04:55 PM
We're gonna have Aquaman in it too? - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/67661

Drew's sources have confirmed that Aquaman will be played by Jason Mamoa, who will have a small part in the upcoming Batman V Superman from director Zack Snyder.

14-Jun-2014, 05:10 PM
We're gonna have Aquaman in it too? - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/67661

Oh...boy...all this and...Aquaman...too....:|

Anybody have some fish they need to talk to? :shifty:


15-Jun-2014, 02:01 AM
If the rumor turns out to be true, it makes sense to include the character for Justice League. And the rumor that Snyder is filming both BvS and JL at the same time is still out there, so it would make sense that the character has possibly been cast.

Aquaman is of course often the butt of many superhero jokes these days, but the character does have a rich history with some pretty amazing stories. With Snyder being such a nerd himself, I have faith that if anyone can bring the character justice on the big screen...it's him.

With the recent news of WB's lined up plans for the DC property, we're likely in for an awesome presentation at San Diego Comic Con next month. They'll likely do like Marvel did several years ago and have the entire Justice League at the convention.

15-Jun-2014, 05:27 AM
Yeah, I know. I ked, I ked.:kiss:

15-Jun-2014, 01:31 PM
I find it hard to believe Mr. Snyder could bring justice to any character on the screen...
Not that I downright hated his Man Of Steel, it's just that it left me cold as I couldn't care about anyone or anything happening in that film. It's a recurring problem I have with all his films: despite all the flashy visuals there is little soul to it all.

That guy keeps getting his hands on great material: from Dawn to Watchmen to The Dark knight returns and Superman,.... so I guess I'm in the minority here.

15-Jun-2014, 06:26 PM
I find it hard to believe Mr. Snyder could bring justice to any character on the screen...
I concur - He seems more and more stilted, and simply going for bigger and bigger effects instead of subtle character stuff :(

25-Jul-2014, 03:35 PM
New photo of Batfleck released for SDCC:


Wow....the big chin and beard stubble make him look like he jumped straight from the pages of Frank Miller's work. Although Dawn of Justice doesn't have an official presentation at SDCC, people "in the know" say there will be some goodies shown tomorrow. Here's hoping for a shot of Supes, Bats, and WW all together...

25-Jul-2014, 04:33 PM
I like it. :)

26-Jul-2014, 12:13 AM
Too cartoony for ny tastes.

26-Jul-2014, 05:25 PM
From SDCC, our first look at Gadot as Wonder Woman:


Snyder also showed a brief clip described as such:
We see batman standing on a rooftop in the rain. He's not wearing the same suit that's already been revealed, but is more bulky and like armor. Very reminiscent of the armor in Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Batman pulls a tarp off of the Bat signal and it shines into the sky. The camera pans up to reveal Superman floating within the shaft of light. He glares down at Batman as his eyes begin to turn red with heat vision, then the BvS logo is shown.

We also kinda get a look at the biggest members of JL together...

EDIT: new image

27-Jul-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm liking what I'm seeing thus far, visually anyway. Everything is visually spot on. :)

27-Jul-2014, 09:16 AM
Here's a cam version of the teaser trailer they showed at Comic-Con (yes, it is flipped in reverse, no doubt to try and confuse YouTube, which surely is a bit unnecessary considering it's a slightly wobbly cam clip).


Check it out if you wish/before it gets deleted. Looks cool to me as a little teaser (notice Batman's white eyes).

10-Sep-2014, 05:46 PM
New glimpses at the brand new Batmobile here:

Hmmm ... can't seem to embed any of them ... anyway, it looks weird and cool.

10-Sep-2014, 07:10 PM
^^ Is it dirty/dusty? Or is that its colour?

11-Sep-2014, 05:25 PM
^^ Is it dirty/dusty? Or is that its colour?

Oh yeah, that's gotta be just dirt. You can see the patterns of the mud in different photos (i.e. not a consistent colour, and nor is it some sort of grimy camouflage). Besides, Batman only works in black ... or sometimes very, very dark grey. ;)

- - - Updated - - -


Yeah, just dirt - here's another (cleaner) look at it:

http://www.topgear.com/uk/imageresize/image.jpg?OriginalImageUrl=%2fuk%2fassets%2fcms%2f 897e4121-d3fb-4b46-a203-0efe0fb9fc96%2fLarge+Image.jpg%3fp%3d140911_05%3a3 2&Width=600&Height=339

09-Jan-2015, 09:30 PM
Split into two films? - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/69973

20-Jan-2015, 12:28 PM
Interesting little read about the fight between Superman and Batman. Obviously the worry is Superman could completely squash Batman - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Batman-v-Superman-Fight-Won-t-Lopsided-We-Thought-69265.html

20-Jan-2015, 03:32 PM
Wow, that guy has a history of working with Zack on projects like 300, Sucker Punch and Man of Steel?

Well, those were all excellent quality films! I have no doubt this one will be too!

20-Jan-2015, 04:18 PM
Wow, that guy has a history of working with Zack on projects like 300, Sucker Punch and Man of Steel?

Well, those were all excellent quality films! I have no doubt this one will be too!

I do hope the fights aren't like the ones in the previous Superman film, which just seems daft to me...

22-Jan-2015, 04:51 PM
Nothing can be as bad as Batman Begins' fight scenes.

22-Jan-2015, 09:00 PM
Interesting little read about the fight between Superman and Batman. Obviously the worry is Superman could completely squash Batman - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Batman-v-Superman-Fight-Won-t-Lopsided-We-Thought-69265.html



22-Jan-2015, 09:07 PM
Nothing can be as bad as Batman Begins' fight scenes.

Sorry, the bouncy wouncy CGI overload in the last Superman film was comical IMHO.

26-Jan-2015, 12:00 AM
Nothing can be as bad as Batman Begins' fight scenes.

Nolan/Pfiester certainly improved with their fight sequences as the trilogy progressed. The fight scenes in Begins are one of it's few negative marks, imo.

Sorry, the bouncy wouncy CGI overload in the last Superman film was comical IMHO.

I agree about the "bouncy wouncy" cinematography, but finally being able to see Superman use his powers in full force on the big screen was a great treat. Surprisingly, they did use the actors as much as possible, even if just for the beginning of a swing or slide, as seen in the special features. Of course lots of CGI was needed to fill in the blanks and would obviously be needed as well in BvS, but with a different cinematographer, hopefully it will be more static and coherent. Snyder's reuniting with his previous collaborator, Larry Fong, who made some gorgeous images in Snyder's previous films. The thought of BvS appearing more like Fong's gorgeous "Watchmen" has me excited....

20-Feb-2015, 08:21 PM
Snyder tweeted the first official image of Jason Mamoa as Aquaman:


I really like it. It has multiple references to classic Aquaman costumes, yet upgrades it to make the character seem more like a badass warrior. Hopefully this will help repair the character's image in the public eye after being the butt of so many jokes in recent years.

"Unite the Seven" could possibly be a reference to Aquaman being the King of the Seven Seas, but there's also a chance this could be the first of seven picture reveals for the entire Justice League.

18-Apr-2015, 10:19 AM

18-Apr-2015, 10:55 AM
Looks interesting, I think. It's still another stupid comic book movie, but it's one of the few that seems like it could be a good time. A lot of people complained about how dark it is. While I don't mind it all that much, I have to say that for all the gritty realism that Nolan tried to bring to the table, the films were still about silly comic book characters. The darker it gets, the more out of place the comic part feels. This one is definetly treading the same ground, and that might be it's undoing.

Also, there's also the fact that Man of Steel was quite possibly the worst hollywood film of 2013. And I doubt Zack Snyder has learned much along the way.

In addition, we also have the problem of Supermans invincibility. The problem with Man of Steel was that it was just so goddamn dumb. They're really gonna have to pull a number on this one not to make it appear dumb and stupid. "Why doesn't Superman just punch Batman in the face?" and all that.

18-Apr-2015, 04:22 PM
The Star Wars trailer shat all over the BvS trailer, but even still it looks interesting - interesting that they've seemingly gone for some kind of 'voice scrambler' device in Bat's suit. Kinda broody and teasery ... I do still worry about this thing of DC demanding no jokes at all in their movies ... I mean, come on, even in super serious times in people's lives they laugh or at least crack a friggin' smile ... it's good to balance the tone occasionally, you know, break the tension.

18-Apr-2015, 04:42 PM
The Star Wars trailer shat all over the BvS trailer, but even still it looks interesting - interesting that they've seemingly gone for some kind of 'voice scrambler' device in Bat's suit. Kinda broody and teasery ... I do still worry about this thing of DC demanding no jokes at all in their movies ... I mean, come on, even in super serious times in people's lives they laugh or at least crack a friggin' smile ... it's good to balance the tone occasionally, you know, break the tension.

Yeah that was one of my main gripes with Nolan's batman films as well. The Joker was... well, amusing at times. But Bane wasn't. And Bale certainly never was.

Man of Steel I laughed plenty at.


18-Apr-2015, 06:11 PM
Hurm. You can still see echoes of "The Dark Knight Returns" imbedded in the DNA of this film, even in the brief trailer, as you could all across Nolan's trilogy. Still looking interesting. :)

19-Apr-2015, 12:47 AM
No jokes in DC films? There were lots of jokes in the previous batman trilogy and Man of Steel. They may not be as plentiful as Marvel's more light hearted fare, but they were certainly there.

While I've always been more of a DC fan, I enjoy both Marvel and DC movie universes at the moment. Its nice that they both offer different looks at the genre. Marvel being more kid friendly, light hearted, and goofy, while DC takes a more serious "how would the world really react?" sort of angle.

19-Apr-2015, 04:34 PM
o jokes in DC films? There were lots of jokes in the previous batman trilogy and Man of Steel. They may not be as plentiful as Marvel's more light hearted fare, but they were certainly there.

While I've always been more of a DC fan, I enjoy both Marvel and DC movie universes at the moment. Its nice that they both offer different looks at the genre. Marvel being more kid friendly, light hearted, and goofy, while DC takes a more serious "how would the world really react?" sort of angle.

"lots of jokes" is a bit of a stretch.
I think my problem with the DC films is that it's still about superheroes. For instance, i think Ben Afflecks costume looks ridiculous. So to have a dark film centered around something with that artstyle contrasts badly. I felt the same toward the end of Nolans trilogy. It worked in Batman Begins, even tho it's the worst of the films, because that's the darkest of the films. It's almost perpetual darkness. But in the two sequels, which take place in daytime as well, the gadgets come off very silly looking.

03-Jul-2015, 09:41 PM
Some new looks at the film courtesy of Entertainment Weekly:


I really like how the three of them look together. They did a nice job creating the batman and wonder woman suits to feel appropriate next to superman's.

The article also mentions that batman's armored suit contains kryptonite, which should help non-comic fans be more accepting of it being a fair fight between the two.

Comic Con is next weekend and Warner Brothers/DC is said to have a major presentation and surprises. Marvel isn't presenting this year, so DC has a chance to blow the roof off of the convention center...

06-Jul-2015, 11:23 AM
^^ Fingers crossed... But I have a horrible feeling this is going to be a visual fest at the sake of story/emotion...

06-Jul-2015, 02:14 PM
^^ Fingers crossed... But I have a horrible feeling this is going to be a visual fest at the sake of story/emotion...

That's generally what Snyder delivers, but I'm hoping the new writer will deliver something a bit deeper. In interviews, both Affleck and Eisenberg have said that the wonderful script is what drew them to the project, so here's hoping it delivers on what they've said! A well written story with Snyder's visuals would be a great piece of entertainment.

06-Jul-2015, 05:10 PM
That's generally what Snyder delivers, but I'm hoping the new writer will deliver something a bit deeper. In interviews, both Affleck and Eisenberg have said that the wonderful script is what drew them to the project, so here's hoping it delivers on what they've said! A well written story with Snyder's visuals would be a great piece of entertainment.

If we have any more cgi super fast super bouncy fights... I won't be happy...

10-Jul-2015, 01:53 AM
Word has come out of comic con that Affleck will write and direct the next solo batman film, tentively scheduled for release in 2018 between the two parts of Justice League. Great news, IMO!

10-Jul-2015, 09:14 AM
Word has come out of comic con that Affleck will write and direct the next solo batman film, tentively scheduled for release in 2018 between the two parts of Justice League. Great news, IMO!

Agreed! His directorial efforts have been great - The Town, and Argo in particular - and he's won an Oscar for writing (albeit in a team), so this is good news. :) I'm looking forward to seeing what he does with it!

12-Jul-2015, 03:23 AM
Wow, just saw the SDCC trailer, and that shit looked supertight.
I'm giving Assfleck a bye on this one, so he better make daddy proud.
Still not very sure how I feel about Jessie the Body Eisenberg as Lex, but he can't be any worse than Kevin Spacey.
Lots of stuff in the trailer. I didn't even realize I was seeing Wonder Woman until I finally saw her in her fancy threads. I've only seen it twice, so I don't have it memorized or anything. I just wanted to post up how it initially hit me, which was pretty impressively hard.
I did like MoS, so I want this to continue if they do it proper. I wish they'd semi lay off of getting bigger stars in some of the roles, though, especially when they balk at returning and mess it all up on me.
I'm just ready, and wish they could churn stuff out a little faster. Three years between installments suck.

They also need to get it going with a new Green Lantern. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved Mark Strong as Sinestro. The coda with him gave me such high hopes for the future. Now it feels like ever getting an awesome Venom, and possibly Carnage, movie. Which is never...
I know some people think we'll eventually burn out on superheroes, but I'd like to get some serious story told first.

Can't wait. Superman, yay!!!

12-Jul-2015, 12:13 PM
Looking forward to an Affleck helmed Batman flick. Affleck seems like the kind of guy who could infuse some much needed humour into this story.
I don't have high hopes for this film tho, mostly because of Snyder and Nolan's apparent decision to make it supergrimm.

Btw, I loved Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. But then again, I thought Superman Returns was a much better film that MoS.

12-Jul-2015, 01:49 PM
Looking forward to an Affleck helmed Batman flick. Affleck seems like the kind of guy who could infuse some much needed humour into this story.
I don't have high hopes for this film tho, mostly because of Snyder and Nolan's apparent decision to make it supergrimm.

Btw, I loved Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. But then again, I thought Superman Returns was a much better film that MoS.

Preaching to the choir, sir. Especially about Spacey as Lex Luthor.

The SDCC trailer actually makes me less interested in Batman vs Superman. The scenes with Ma Kent telling her son 'You don't owe them a thing.' kind of left me cold. And while I love Diane Lane as an actress, damn that's anti-Kent when compared to 'You were sent here for a reason.' from the original Superman movies. I might still go see it; at least to check out Wonder Woman.

13-Jul-2015, 09:39 AM

16-Jul-2015, 04:03 PM
They also need to get it going with a new Green Lantern. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved Mark Strong as Sinestro. The coda with him gave me such high hopes for the future. Now it feels like ever getting an awesome Venom, and possibly Carnage, movie. Which is never...
I know some people think we'll eventually burn out on superheroes, but I'd like to get some serious story told first.

I doubt we'll see Strong as Sinestro again. They announced at SDCC that Green Lantern will be rebooted by 2020 in "Green Lantern Corps". Rather than focus on one Lantern like the previous film, the DCCU version of Lantern will be more of the "space police" aspect.

As for the trailer, I love what we're seeing so far. The events of Man of Steel through Wayne's eyes, Supes on trial, multiple references to various comic arcs, dead Robin's suit sprayed by Joker(presumably Jason Todd - future Red Hood film?!?), I'm even sold on Eisenberg as Luthor.

Of course it looks great, but trailers have always been Snyder's forte.

22-Jul-2015, 02:44 AM

(fans of it's always sunny in philadelphia will appreciate this)

@bassman: have you played the newest arkham knight game yet?

25-Jul-2015, 03:26 PM
I peed a little once I realized where they were going with that video. Perfection! :lol:

No, I haven't played the new Arkham game. I don't have a Ps4 or Xbox1.

03-Dec-2015, 01:27 PM

06-Dec-2015, 10:53 PM
Too soon for Doomsday, and why the f*ck does he look like the Ripley/Alien hybrid??

11-Dec-2015, 12:43 AM
Too soon for Doomsday, and why the f*ck does he look like the Ripley/Alien hybrid??

Don't know, but damn ... Wonder Woman is lookin awesome! It's a shame she has to share a movie with these clowns.

17-Dec-2015, 10:36 AM
OK! I was worried about Wonder Woman, but she's growing on me!

http://media.aintitcool.com/media/uploads/2015/harry/12362867_10153163872770741_2044662478363542414_o_l arge.jpg

11-Feb-2016, 04:31 PM

14-Feb-2016, 10:29 PM
that footage of batman kicking ass looks like it's straight out of the arkham games. pretty impressive.

i'd have to say that this trailer is by far the best one released thus far, but still not enough to get me to go see it in theaters. will probably check it out once it gets to home media.

14-Feb-2016, 11:49 PM
that footage of batman kicking ass looks like it's straight out of the arkham games. pretty impressive.

That was my first thought as well! A very different take on Batman's fighting skills that we've seen in previous cinematic incarnations.

At this point, I'm having faith that BvS is going to be a solid film and a great jump start to DC's much delayed cinematic universe.

And although it's only been seen through trailers and clips, I get the feeling that most of the Affleck haters have since turned around...

15-Feb-2016, 07:04 AM
Well, I never thought I would like it.
And it does like look shit...

But that final shot of Batman blocking Superman's punch.
What the hell, man, that'd just never happen. The entire premise is just ridiculous...

15-Feb-2016, 11:44 AM
Well, I never thought I would like it.
And it does like look shit...

But that final shot of Batman blocking Superman's punch.
What the hell, man, that'd just never happen. The entire premise is just ridiculous...


15-Feb-2016, 06:05 PM
Why is there some barney between supes and birdman anyway?

15-Feb-2016, 09:19 PM
Why is there some barney between supes and birdman anyway?

Batman's concern is spot on! Here is a being that could destroy the entire planet, or indeed even bring destruction on the planet. And as he says if there's just a 1% chance of that, then maybe they should destroy him...

BUT! What if the odds of hims being able to help save the planet are higher? Or what if the odds of trying to destroy him means him taking revenge and destroying the world?

I understand the Batman's thoughts, but I don't understand the logical outcome of them... Surely Superman is more likely to help?!?

15-Feb-2016, 11:47 PM
That's my take too Neil. I would imagine that a character like Superman would be understanding of Batman's attempts at combating crime (weh weh), so their ruck is a bit "off" to me?

I originally thought that B man saw the destruction of Metropolis in 'The Man of Steel' and thought, "well, bollocks to that!". But, it doesn't seem to be the case. It seems that Superman is heading to Gotham according to sommat someone told me.

The plot thickens.

Either way, I'm probably going to have a look at this, because I actually thought 'The Man of Steel' was a pretty good film and Cavill a good Superman. So, despite my reservations about Ben Assflick as Bats and Wonder Woman (possibly one of the worse ever superheroes) being in the film, it'll be on the list, as it were.

08-Mar-2016, 11:22 PM
Did anyone catch the preview scene they showcased at Jimmy Kimmel? It looks pretty good.


09-Mar-2016, 09:01 AM
and Wonder Woman (possibly one of the worse ever superheroes)
...you do realise she has boobs?

09-Mar-2016, 10:20 AM
Did anyone catch the preview scene they showcased at Jimmy Kimmel? It looks pretty good.



I usually find these kind of things a bit cheesy and forced, but that one I really enjoyed! :)

09-Mar-2016, 02:52 PM
...you do realise she has boobs?

Wunder bewbs


10-Mar-2016, 02:39 PM
The answer to why bats and supes are having a scuffle seems to be stated quite clearly in the trailers, I'd say. Bats is concerned with supes having enough power to "burn the whole world down" and on the other hand, Supes does not agree with the violent vigilante Justice Bats is doing. This Batman is quite a bit different from all previous film versions of the character. We see in the trailers that he doesn't just subdue criminals, he causes real harm, nearly killing them. We see on one trailer that he's even burned and branded a criminal like cattle. He's old, he's already seen joker kill Robin, and he basically hates the world.

So of course by the end of the movie they'll both learn something about themselves from the opposite character and join forces for the greater good.

As for Batman stopping Supe's punch....that's kinda obvious isn't it? What's the one thing that weakens superman to having the same vulnerability as a human? It's seen in the trailers too....

11-Mar-2016, 06:19 AM
I'm glad to see so many people are excited about this.
But after Man of Steel being one of the worst films to come out of 2013, I don't really know what people are expecting. The trailer doesn't promise to deliver anything but polished trite - just like Man of Steel.

11-Mar-2016, 09:43 AM
I quite enjoyed Man of Steel ... I mean, yes, there were a few wobbly bits, and the gigantic smash-em-up at the end felt ridiculous. Now that smash-em-up feels less ridiculous as it actually propels the story of BvS, which I'd imagine they had in mind when writing MoS.

As for who'll win - it'll probably be a draw so no side gets pissed off. :p Or, yeah, they'll chum up in time for Justice League. Still, should be fun to watch.

Although, yeah, the new Captain America looks more interesting as a story and as viewers we're quite comfortable in the (now) long-running MCU so we can hit the ground running on that one.

18-Mar-2016, 10:07 AM
DVD/Bluray will be 30mins longer with an R-Rating!? - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/How-Much-More-Footage-Zack-Snyder-Put-Batman-v-Superman-R-Rated-Version-119227.html

[The DVD version] is a half-hour longer, and some of that additional material is some of the stuff we took out for the rating. I was like, ‘Cool, I can put it back in for the director's cut.’ There was nothing by design. This was the material I just put back in, and then when [the MPAA] looked at it again, they were like, ‘Oh, now the movie's rated R.’ And, by the way, it's not a hard R. There's no nudity. There's a little bit of violence. It just tips the scale.

...just as long it's not half an hour of cartoon CGI people you don't give two hoots about bouncing about...

18-Mar-2016, 08:57 PM
The internet nearly imploded when they first announced this R-rated cut about a month ago. People automatically assumed it was because of cursing, nudity, or gore, but they've made it perfectly clear that the MPAA gave the directors cut an R rating because of "prolonged physical violence". Basically they felt that it could potentially be frightening for children to see the fights continue for an extended amount of time and witness these iconic superheroes in physical pain.

Snyder's director cuts are often really well done(Watchmen), so I'll definitely swing for this rather than the theatrical cut.

Also as a fair warning.....there have been early screenings for BvS and highly detailed spoilers are on the net now, so be careful what you look at out there. One week to go and I've already cut myself off from any new footage or visiting any forums related to the franchise. Hopefully I can avoid any massive spoilers until Friday!

19-Mar-2016, 11:59 AM
Snyder's director cuts are often really well done(Watchmen), so I'll definitely swing for this rather than the theatrical cut.

I'll certainly agree with you on Watchmen - I found the extended director's cut to be the far superior version of the movie. :) I must give it another spin sometime soon, I'm getting an itch for it.

Not sure whether I'll be able to see BvS in the cinema as I go so rarely these days, but if I don't I'll certainly pick up the Blu-Ray.

21-Mar-2016, 12:39 PM
Well, the early feedback seems to be +ve!

21-Mar-2016, 01:32 PM
Well, the early feedback seems to be +ve!

These days all professional reviewers are bought. You won't find a negative review in any of the big time newspapers.
BvS is a time warner production. They won't allow a negative review to get printed in any of their newspapers.
Likewise, other reviewers have an interest in giving these films a positive review as it keeps them getting invited to previews (which in turn generate readers since they can print early reviews).

So don't ever take any professional reviews at face value when the product they're pushing is something this big.

21-Mar-2016, 01:57 PM
These days all professional reviewers are bought. You won't find a negative review in any of the big time newspapers.
BvS is a time warner production. They won't allow a negative review to get printed in any of their newspapers.
Likewise, other reviewers have an interest in giving these films a positive review as it keeps them getting invited to previews (which in turn generate readers since they can print early reviews).

So don't ever take any professional reviews at face value when the product they're pushing is something this big.

Oh yea of little faith :)

I tend to take these comment with a big pinch of salt. I read it as it's "OK", when I see "best film ever"...

21-Mar-2016, 03:58 PM
To be fair, there are also normal audiences seeing early screenings, including fan screenings they're doing today in true IMAX theaters across the US, and the reviews are coming in on the positive side. As Man of Steel was quite divisive, I've also seen quite a few reviews stating that they didn't like MOS, but thought BvS was a vast improvement. So maybe there's hope that they upped their game a bit.

On the other hand, a lot of the people that've seen it have said that that it may also ruffle some feathers and split audiences. Without spoilers, I've seen them saying that it may leave general audiences confused if they're not familiar with some of DC comics' story arcs. Having read this opinion several times now, I get the feeling that BvS may take a page from a certain 90's comic involving Doomsday. Which was probably a given when they revealed Doomsday in one of the trailers...

22-Mar-2016, 11:52 AM
I know jack-shit about Superman really, but I know exactly how this film is gonna pan out.

23-Mar-2016, 02:48 PM
Reviews seem luke warm'ish - http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/batman-v-superman-review-roundup-7613176

All eyes back on Captain America then for a solid super hero film?

23-Mar-2016, 07:29 PM
I haven't seen it. I'm still on the fence wether to or not. I know I'll hate it, but I did have a blast ripping on Man of Steel in the theater. So it could be worth it just to trash it.

But I agree with parts of that article. F*cking Man of Steel and the Dark Knight films treat the genre as if it's art. It's not. It's caped assholes fighting each other in ridiculous costumes. You need humour and jokes to be able to sit through it without actually laughing at the spectacle's expense.

24-Mar-2016, 02:09 PM
I haven't seen it. I'm still on the fence wether to or not. I know I'll hate it, but I did have a blast ripping on Man of Steel in the theater. So it could be worth it just to trash it.

But I agree with parts of that article. F*cking Man of Steel and the Dark Knight films treat the genre as if it's art. It's not. It's caped assholes fighting each other in ridiculous costumes. You need humour and jokes to be able to sit through it without actually laughing at the spectacle's expense.

I've always been more of a DC fan, but I personally think the two studios have a good thing going right now. Marvel films are semi-serious but more light-hearted while the DC films are taking a more "realistic" approach. I can certainly see why certain audiences would prefer one over the other, but I'm just glad there's a nice variety and it's not like the old days when it was only like two superhero films a decade.

24-Mar-2016, 02:42 PM
Nope! Not going to see it...


The movie asks you to make many leaps of logic out of sheer convenience. Without getting into spoilers, Lois has the worst of these. She does things because the script needs her to do them so many times here, the worst of which is the retrieval of a weapon in a sequence where she could have no earthly idea that this particular item would do any good in the fight being waged.

This sort of stuff does my head in on a good day! So I think it'll drive me nuts! Elements of this in Man Of Steel annoyed me, and by the sounds of it, this one's even worse!

So I'll skip it at the cinema :(

24-Mar-2016, 04:07 PM
I've always been more of a DC fan, but I personally think the two studios have a good thing going right now. Marvel films are semi-serious but more light-hearted while the DC films are taking a more "realistic" approach. I can certainly see why certain audiences would prefer one over the other, but I'm just glad there's a nice variety and it's not like the old days when it was only like two superhero films a decade.

True, variety isn't bad. And I don't really mind DC offering up something different. I mind it when people seem to think that there's anything to the DC films except a contrived attempt at drama.

25-Mar-2016, 05:10 AM
Whatever on the critics, I loved the hell out of it. The theater was packed, btw. Can't wait to see what kind of money it makes. I'll even give Ben a pass on this one. I will just say that I can't wait to see what the future has on tap.
Solid flick. Boner pants required.

25-Mar-2016, 10:21 AM
Whatever on the critics, I loved the hell out of it. The theater was packed, btw. Can't wait to see what kind of money it makes. I'll even give Ben a pass on this one. I will just say that I can't wait to see what the future has on tap.
Solid flick. Boner pants required.

So in comparison to Captain America 2 or Iron Man? Or the Nolan Batman flicks?

25-Mar-2016, 05:48 PM
I'm with Ron, I don't know what those critics were really expecting. Because of the mediocre reviews I went in expecting a little bit of a let down but I really enjoyed it! My only negative thought was that it couldve been shortened down a bit and it kinda has that Return of the King problem with the ending. One ending after another. But in all those are really minor complaints and while I have a few others, like you would with any film, I'm really pleased with the film as a whole and very much looking forward to the rest of this DC cinematic universe!

Affleck and Gadot killed it as Batman/Bruce and Wonder Woman/Diana. Gadot's screen time is a bit limited, but her performance was up to par and man-oh-man she kicks ass fighting as WW. Eisenberg is also good as Lex, although it's obviously a version that hasn't been seen on film before.

After one viewing, I'd tentively give it a 7/10. Don't listen to these overly harsh critics and give it a shot on your own terms. At the very least you'll be entertained for two hours and curious about the future of DC films.

26-Mar-2016, 12:19 AM
So in comparison to Captain America 2 or Iron Man? Or the Nolan Batman flicks?

Not a big fan of the last Batman movies, nor Iron Man, so yes there? And although I love the Captain, I'm going to have to say this kills compared to.
Speaking of, they showed the new trailer for Cap' 3. Loved seeing it again, but didn't remember Antman in it before. Yay, as I love Paul Rudd.
In regards to what Bassman said, maybe the shitty reviews helped. I didn't look at my phone at all, and time flew. I hope the Blu-ray is jam packed with awesomeness.
Gush gush.

26-Mar-2016, 01:48 PM
Not a big fan of the last Batman movies, nor Iron Man, so yes there? And although I love the Captain, I'm going to have to say this kills compared to.
Speaking of, they showed the new trailer for Cap' 3. Loved seeing it again, but didn't remember Antman in it before. Yay, as I love Paul Rudd.
In regards to what Bassman said, maybe the shitty reviews helped. I didn't look at my phone at all, and time flew. I hope the Blu-ray is jam packed with awesomeness.
Gush gush.

I believe rumours are the Bluray will be half an hour longer!?

26-Mar-2016, 07:32 PM
I believe rumours are the Bluray will be half an hour longer!?

Yes, there will be the theatrical cut and also an "ultimate cut", which is Snyder's director's cut with upwards of 30 minutes added back into the film. Including an entire character that was cut from the theatrical version.

If I were to compare it to those previous films you'd mentioned, I would say it's probably closest to Nolan's Dark Knight Rises. A good, enjoyable film, but still has its fair share of issues even if they don't detract from the overall experience. I enjoy the Iron Man films and I would say that BvS is a bit better than those, even if they're two totally different films tonally. That may also be a bit biased as I'm a DC comics' fan, but attempting to look at it objectively I would say they're at least on par with one another.

27-Mar-2016, 01:57 PM
Whatever on the critics, I loved the hell out of it. The theater was packed, btw. Can't wait to see what kind of money it makes. I'll even give Ben a pass on this one. I will just say that I can't wait to see what the future has on tap.
Solid flick. Boner pants required.

I'm with Ron, I don't know what those critics were really expecting. Because of the mediocre reviews I went in expecting a little bit of a let down but I really enjoyed it! My only negative thought was that it couldve been shortened down a bit and it kinda has that Return of the King problem with the ending. One ending after another. But in all those are really minor complaints and while I have a few others, like you would with any film, I'm really pleased with the film as a whole and very much looking forward to the rest of this DC cinematic universe!

Affleck and Gadot killed it as Batman/Bruce and Wonder Woman/Diana. Gadot's screen time is a bit limited, but her performance was up to par and man-oh-man she kicks ass fighting as WW. Eisenberg is also good as Lex, although it's obviously a version that hasn't been seen on film before.

After one viewing, I'd tentively give it a 7/10. Don't listen to these overly harsh critics and give it a shot on your own terms. At the very least you'll be entertained for two hours and curious about the future of DC films.

OK... I'm off to see it tomorrow morning...

If I don't like it, I'm never talking to you two again! So there!

- - - Updated - - -

Well, found it bit messy, and generally just a bit mediocre overall...

Plenty of super duper bouncing around fights again, which just makes me almost cringe...

I certainly wouldn't consider it as solid as the Nolan Batman flicks or the likes of Captain America... IMHO.

27-Mar-2016, 03:30 PM
I think we can all agree Affleck shut the haters down, right? I'll have to see it again before I can say it definitively, but I'm leaning toward saying he's the best Batman in movies yet.

...even if he does blatantly kill a thug or two... :lol:

I'm more pumped for the solo WW film, as well. I thought she was good in the role and I loved that she totally holds her own in the fight. There were females in the audience shouting and clapping when she enters the fight, and her pissed off warrior scream almost blew the ceiling off the cinema, so that was very pleasing...

27-Mar-2016, 03:52 PM
I think we can all agree Affleck shut the haters down, right? I'll have to see it again before I can say it definitively, but I'm leaning toward saying he's the best Batman in movies yet.

...even if he does blatantly kill a thug or two... :lol:

I'm more pumped for the solo WW film, as well. I thought she was good in the role and I loved that she totally holds her own in the fight. There were females in the audience shouting and clapping when she enters the fight, and her pissed off warrior scream almost blew the ceiling off the cinema, so that was very pleasing...

OH yeh... Affleck was fine...

As for WW... Seemingly destructible against a nigh on God... So I predict a lot more super duper bouncy fighting...

27-Mar-2016, 06:42 PM
I found this hilarious.

As for Ben Affleck being a capable Bruce Wayne, it's not really that difficult of a role. Anyone who doubted him were just gonna be hating for hating's sake.

28-Mar-2016, 12:16 AM
^ that's pretty damn funny!

What Cavill says in that real interview is spot on, though. The negative reviews don't really mean a thing in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day it's how the fans respond to it and what numbers it brings in. Even with mixed fan reaction, it's going to be extremely profitable.

Although the numbers will clearly drop in its second weekend, it's obvious that the mixed reactions to BvS won't be a hinderence to the other films in the DC lineup. It's already made half a billion dollars worldwide in three days, so there are definitely more films coming, just hopefully they can improve on one another.

28-Mar-2016, 04:38 AM
Although the numbers will clearly drop in its second weekend, it's obvious that the mixed reactions to BvS won't be a hinderence to the other films in the DC lineup. It's already made half a billion dollars worldwide in three days, so there are definitely more films coming, just hopefully they can improve on one another.

It's an incredibly frontloaded film. Even if it was a stinking pile of shit, it still would have been an amazing success financially. Remember, Man of Steel was pretty shit but it was still a success. All you need is a concept that you can sell.

28-Mar-2016, 04:45 PM
:lol: yeah, you keep repeating that as if everyone must share your opinion. There are plenty of people that do like these movies, you know....

- - - Updated - - -

A deleted scene that will be in the upcoming Blu Ray release of the ultimate cut. Spoilers for those that've yet to see the film....


So it looks like this scene will take place after the death of Superman, before we see Luthor in jail. I'm not sure what the creature is supposed to be, but it's holding mother boxes, which are what the villain darkseid sends throughout the universe. Luthor was warning Batman about Darkseid's arrival in that jail scene, so I'm assuming this creature is the one that told him about it all.

We also see that a mother box is responsible for the creation of Cyborg on Luthor's flash drive, plus multiple references to Darkseid in Batman's "Knightmare"(which I actually think was a look to the future rather than a dream), so this seems to go alittle further in explaining Luthor's fear and reaction in the cell with Batman.

28-Mar-2016, 06:55 PM
:lol: yeah, you keep repeating that as if everyone must share your opinion. There are plenty of people that do like these movies, you know....

Nobody must share my opinion but I mean I can point to matter-of-fact point that illustrate why it's a ridiculous film. The question is wether you like the film despite of (or maybe because of) those ridiculous points. I like being part of the zeitgeist, as I love film. I'm just sad that this is the kind of cinema we get these days.

28-Mar-2016, 07:47 PM
:lol: yeah, you keep repeating that as if everyone must share your opinion. There are plenty of people that do like these movies, you know....

- - - Updated - - -

A deleted scene that will be in the upcoming Blu Ray release of the ultimate cut. Spoilers for those that've yet to see the film....


So it looks like this scene will take place after the death of Superman, before we see Luthor in jail. I'm not sure what the creature is supposed to be, but it's holding mother boxes, which are what the villain darkseid sends throughout the universe. Luthor was warning Batman about Darkseid's arrival in that jail scene, so I'm assuming this creature is the one that told him about it all.

We also see that a mother box is responsible for the creation of Cyborg on Luthor's flash drive, plus multiple references to Darkseid in Batman's "Knightmare"(which I actually think was a look to the future rather than a dream), so this seems to go alittle further in explaining Luthor's fear and reaction in the cell with Batman.

I must admit, Luthor's creation of "super monster" does seem a bit messy. He just seems to do some random stuff, and out comes a super monster!? Why does he need his blood in the equation for example?

Anything that can help explain any of the events in the film are welcome IMHO, because some of them need it :)

29-Mar-2016, 06:24 AM
I must admit, Luthor's creation of "super monster" does seem a bit messy. He just seems to do some random stuff, and out comes a super monster!? Why does he need his blood in the equation for example.

From what I gathered, he introduced his blood into the gensis chamber(the creator of Kryptonians in MOS) as an attempt to have the creation be a part of him, so he could then control it. The Genesis chamber warned him that it would create an abomination, or some such dialogue, but he was overzealous and at his wits end because his plan to have Batman kill Supes had failed, that he did it anyway. Rather than give him the ability to control Doomsday, it just further developed the creature into an angry Monster with intent to destroy everything in its path. In fact, Luthor was going to be his first kill, had Supes not saved him...

29-Mar-2016, 02:15 PM
because his plan to have Batman kill Supes had failedBut he didn't know that until long long after he created "super monster"...

ie: He started the process before he even bribed Superman...

And as regards the fight between Batman and Superman, how many times does each of them need to draw out a killer blow? And why create a kryptonite spear, when kyptonite bullets would surely be a far more effect delivery method? I thought Batman was clever like that? :)

Oh! Of course, we needed a spear for Supes to fly along with it... :bored:

29-Mar-2016, 02:26 PM
Ha, good call on the Kryptonite bullets! That's actually Batman's fail safe plan in many Justice League comics and movies. Just in case Superman goes rogue.

Bats did have the Kryptonite grenade launcher, but I suppose they wanted to stray away from bats carrying an actual firearm. Outside of the dream sequence, anyway. Plus, as you say, Supes had to have that spear! :lol:

Speaking of the spear....why not throw it into Doomsday while WW had him tied up with her lasso? The guy can lift space rockets and drag ocean liners across ice, so surely he could throw it with enough force?

Buuuuut....maybe he couldn't do that just because he was near the Kryptonite and it was weakening him. Now that I mention it, didn't he even have trouble flying while holding it? I seem to remember him almost walking on all fours with it as he tried to lift off. So maybe the only way to penetrate Doomsday was to get close to him, so that they were both on the same playing field, strength wise?

I gotta see this thing again to get some answers!

29-Mar-2016, 05:16 PM
Ha, good call on the Kryptonite bullets! That's actually Batman's fail safe plan in many Justice League comics and movies. Just in case Superman goes rogue.

Bats did have the Kryptonite grenade launcher, but I suppose they wanted to stray away from bats carrying an actual firearm. Outside of the dream sequence, anyway. Plus, as you say, Supes had to have that spear! :lol:

Speaking of the spear....why not throw it into Doomsday while WW had him tied up with her lasso? The guy can lift space rockets and drag ocean liners across ice, so surely he could throw it with enough force?

Buuuuut....maybe he couldn't do that just because he was near the Kryptonite and it was weakening him. Now that I mention it, didn't he even have trouble flying while holding it? I seem to remember him almost walking on all fours with it as he tried to lift off. So maybe the only way to penetrate Doomsday was to get close to him, so that they were both on the same playing field, strength wise?

I gotta see this thing again to get some answers!

I suspect many of these points will have the answer of "because"... :)

I must admit the super dooper bouncy fighting just got on my wick, although not as much as Man Of Steel. And the fact Wonder Woman piles in and seems to be able to fight back a being possibly more powerful that Superman? Just leaves me not really caring, when everyone seems invulnerable?

ps: How did Superman know to dive down into the water to get the "spear" he didn't know was down there? Guess his X-ray vision, or he sensed it? Might have been nice if that had even just been acknowledged by a look on his face of knowing/realisation?

29-Mar-2016, 06:24 PM
I assumed he knew it was there because he had to save Lois after she tried to retrieve it. The water was glowing green, iirc.

29-Mar-2016, 09:33 PM
Just came back from seeing it. I'll start with the bad stuff.

What the fuck was this shit. This isn't Batman v Superman. That's not even half of the film. What's with this stupid "Metahuman" subplot that leads nowhere? Why do we get Batman's stupid nightmares, that don't get any pay-off whatsoever? The last of which is a prolonged fucking post-apocalyptic abortion? Why is Wonder Woman in this? Why is Martha captured and then rescued within the span of 15 minutes? Why does Lex Luthor spas out? Why does he waltz into the Kryptonian ship and just know exactly which buttons to push? When did the Kryptonian voice control learn english? What the fuck does Doomsday have to do with this? What the hell did Lois Lane investigation of that stupid bullet even lead to? Why does the entire film build up to Batman fighting Superman and then just have Batman turn by the mere mention of a name? When did Lois Lane develop the power of foresight and predict the inception of Doomsday, managing to convince both Supes and Batman in the process to go get him? In under 5 seconds, no less? Why did the US government nuke Doomsday and Supes without trying anything else? Why did we get yet ANOTHER fight between immortals wrecking buildings left and right?

The problem with this film is that's it's pushing so many pointless plots all over the place that it loses focus of what we actually came to see: BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. And the sad part is, that plot is actually interesting. If that's what the film had been about, it would have been good. But it wasn't. It was about a thousand other things, many of which lead nowhere. You could've have removed the entire Wonder woman subplot, Doomsday subplot, Lois Lane investigation subplot, Batman nightmares, most of the Lex Luthor scenes in general and just put more focus on Superman's inner conflict and Batman's urge to destroy Supes and ended up with a simpler, shorter, more coherent and way better film.

As for the good part?

Ben Affleck. He was good.

Also, what's with Metropolis and people just staying in skyscrapers until the very last minute? What are you, idiots? Is there not a single cell bent on survival in your bodies?

EDIT: Also, Eisenberg was pretty shit. Not a good Lex at all. Or maybe he's just not a good actor. I'm still on the fence.

EDIT2: Furthermore, I couldn't really figure out wether everyone was retarded or if they all knew Clark Kent was Superman all along. Clark Kent was built like a bodybuilder in this. There's just no way around the fact that this guy is not a pencil-pusher...

EDIT3: Jesus christ, I just remembered that stupid scene where Batman was visited from... Flash from the future? or something? Out of fucking nowhere? and it's NEVER explained. What's even more confusing is that it's preceeded by some kind of Mad Max inspired nightmare. Which is.. so... ridiculously out of place.

30-Mar-2016, 09:15 AM
^^ To most of your points... Yes! It seemed a bit messy TBH! And you didn't mention Kevin Cosner on a mountain top!?

There were some wonderful ideas we caught glimpses of, but many were just squandered. eg: The whole notion of Superman almost being a deity deserved some more time...

And I'd suggest the flash backs to Batmans "birth" were no where near as powerful as in Batman Begins. eg: His father trying to be a hero and ultimately getting himself and his wife killed in this version... With lots of arty silly bouncing pearls...

30-Mar-2016, 10:40 AM
As for the good part?

Ben Affleck. He was good.

You'll be delighted to hear that he's directing the next one so.

30-Mar-2016, 10:47 AM
There were some wonderful ideas we caught glimpses of, but many were just squandered. eg: The whole notion of Superman almost being a deity deserved some more time...

Yes. That's a very interesting idea. But it falls so flat because everyone keeps applying it to Supes - except Supes himself. Lex' entire motivation seem to be built around that he dislikes Superman becuase he doesn't like almighty gods. But... Superman isn't almighty. He doesn't claim to be. He never made that claim and it's clear he isn't. He's not omniscient, he's not omnipotent, he's just very very powerful. But this isn't explored. Lex' motivation is just as half-assed as the rest of the 500 plotlines.

And I'd suggest the flash backs to Batmans "birth" were no where near as powerful as in Batman Begins. eg: His father trying to be a hero and ultimately getting himself and his wife killed in this version... With lots of arty silly bouncing pearls...

That was such a waste of screentime. Everyone knows Batman's origin story. Everyone. Why include it? It brings NOTHING to the film we haven't seen done before and done better. Batman Begins, a film still fresh in everyone's mind, was a film centered entirely around Batman's origins. It's featured in the old Keaton film. It's in every animated version of Batman that's been released the last 20 years. Did we really need to see it... Again? When there's so much more important stuff to focus on? But no. Let's show that. And some stupid mad max nightmare. And a 5 minute cringeworthy expositional scene devoted entirely to presenting three characters who are not even in the film, but who might turn up in the next one - well whoopdeedoo, you just took Marvel's End Credits schtick and made an entire fucking subplot out of it that goes NOWHERE.

30-Mar-2016, 04:47 PM
You'll be delighted to hear that he's directing the next one so.

Fingers crossed with that!

05-Jun-2016, 02:15 AM
Trailer for the Ultimate Edition release with 30+ minutes extra footage: https://youtu.be/8AO19XY2rqc

Snyder says this is his preferred cut of the film, the studio just couldn't allow the length and extra bits of violence. There does seem to be quite a bit more, even entirely new characters that weren't in the theatrical cut at all. While I enjoyed the film, there's no denying that it has it's fair share of issues, so perhaps this will be an improvement? I've found Snyder's previous director's cuts to be better than the theatrical versions, so hopefully this will be the same. Digital download at the end of this month, Blu Ray on July 19th.

05-Jun-2016, 08:06 AM
Trailer for the Ultimate Edition release with 30+ minutes extra footage: https://youtu.be/8AO19XY2rqc

Snyder says this is his preferred cut of the film, the studio just couldn't allow the length and extra bits of violence. There does seem to be quite a bit more, even entirely new characters that weren't in the theatrical cut at all. While I enjoyed the film, there's no denying that it has it's fair share of issues, so perhaps this will be an improvement? I've found Snyder's previous director's cuts to be better than the theatrical versions, so hopefully this will be the same. Digital download at the end of this month, Blu Ray on July 19th.

Do we find out some other people have a mummy called Martha?

I felt rather unmoved by most of it when I saw it at the cinema, with some sections just feeling over long, and over-needy... And IMHO the entire pivot point of the script just seemed a tad contrived and illogical (ie: We're better of trying to kill a nigh on God, therefore meaning he can't help us in the future, and indeed, may make him attack us for attempting it) that I sort of didn't sign on from the start...

I'll probably be giving it a miss TBH unless I hear good reviews.

06-Jun-2016, 01:50 AM
Trailer for the Ultimate Edition release with 30+ minutes extra footage: https://youtu.be/8AO19XY2rqc

Snyder says this is his preferred cut of the film, the studio just couldn't allow the length and extra bits of violence. There does seem to be quite a bit more, even entirely new characters that weren't in the theatrical cut at all. While I enjoyed the film, there's no denying that it has it's fair share of issues, so perhaps this will be an improvement? I've found Snyder's previous director's cuts to be better than the theatrical versions, so hopefully this will be the same. Digital download at the end of this month, Blu Ray on July 19th.

Can't wait to buy it. Since it's a ways away, I'm going to see it again at the movies. It's only $3, so....

06-Jun-2016, 06:00 AM
Trailer for the Ultimate Edition release with 30+ minutes extra footage: https://youtu.be/8AO19XY2rqc

Snyder says this is his preferred cut of the film, the studio just couldn't allow the length and extra bits of violence. There does seem to be quite a bit more, even entirely new characters that weren't in the theatrical cut at all. While I enjoyed the film, there's no denying that it has it's fair share of issues, so perhaps this will be an improvement? I've found Snyder's previous director's cuts to be better than the theatrical versions, so hopefully this will be the same. Digital download at the end of this month, Blu Ray on July 19th.

This is the exact opposite of what the film needs, tho. They should rather release a 120 minute cut and remove the dreams, Lois Lanes' and Wonder Woman's plotlines. Maybe there's some extra material in there that can make sense of the main plot? Slap that in there.

06-Jun-2016, 10:20 AM
I've found Snyder's previous director's cuts to be better than the theatrical versions, so hopefully this will be the same.

I certainly agree with that in regards to Watchmen. I saw it in cinemas in the theatrical cut, and then a couple of times since in the Director's Cut forward (a touch over three hours long, IIRC) on DVD - and the extended cut is far superior. It makes more sense and gives various plot strands the room to breath that it needed in the theatrical cut, but of course I understand why you can't have a film that long in cinemas ... perhaps he and his writers could use a lesson or two in more focused storytelling? Try not to cram everything into a single movie.

I've still not seen BvS, but I get the impression that it had a lot of weight and responsibility on its shoulders, trying to set up and launch the DCU ... perhaps not being enough of its own film and servicing future films too much?

06-Jun-2016, 03:53 PM
I've still not seen BvS, but I get the impression that it had a lot of weight and responsibility on its shoulders, trying to set up and launch the DCU ... perhaps not being enough of its own film and servicing future films too much?

Yes. There's entire scenes devoted to setting up future plotlines that have nothing to do with this film. One of the scenes is Wonder Woman sitting and watching Youtube videos of other possible superheroes. I'm not kidding.

06-Jun-2016, 10:42 PM
While yes, there is obvious foreshadowing to the future of DC on film, it's also not as bad as some make it out to be. It's maybe 90 seconds of a 2.5 hour film. It could have been handled differently, perhaps as a post credit sequence, but it's not a deal breaker, IMO.

The film no doubt has its issues, but it also has some really fantastic moments and is an enjoyable film as a whole. It had huge expectations to live up to and also seems to be the cool-to-hate flick whole Civil War is hailed as a masterpiece. I see no reason why fans have to pick one comic franchise over another, but they always do. Personally, I found both of these versus films to have the same outcome. I enjoy having both...

07-Jun-2016, 02:10 PM
I just think there's a bit of silly, petty, tribalism going on with this nonsense. The whole DC vs Marvel drivel has me scratching my head. But there it is. It's remarkably absent from the actual comic fans that I know though.

On the whole, I though BvS wasn't bad and actually much more enjoyable than I expected, but I kind of like miserable Superman and fuck you Batman. I'm in a very small club, but whatever. The rest of the 'Justice league' I can leave off TBH, but I'll probably check them out at some stage.

Superhero movie fatigue though...big time. I'm just sick of them.

01-Jul-2016, 05:35 PM
The extended cut is now available for digital download. As with Snyder's past director's cuts, I feel like this is the most complete version of the film. Several issues are corrected and even expanded upon, but there are still quite a few issues. Does it deserve an r rating? Probably not. One f-bomb is dropped, which kinda felt strange, and the violence is definitely taken up a few notches, but touting the film as an R-rated edit feels more like a marketing gimmick. You can tell this is Snyder's intended version, just forget the rating nonsense. If they'd let him release this version theatrically, it may have helped please more of the audiences.

02-Jul-2016, 10:03 AM
The extended cut is now available for digital download. As with Snyder's past director's cuts, I feel like this is the most complete version of the film. Several issues are corrected and even expanded upon, but there are still quite a few issues. Does it deserve an r rating? Probably not. One f-bomb is dropped, which kinda felt strange, and the violence is definitely taken up a few notches, but touting the film as an R-rated edit feels more like a marketing gimmick. You can tell this is Snyder's intended version, just forget the rating nonsense. If they'd let him release this version theatrically, it may have helped please more of the audiences.

I recall a comment by Snyder, IIRC, regarding the "R rating" around about the time of Deadpool kicking ass in cinemas, and he essentially saying that it wasn't a load of naughtiness added in, just that the rating had been upped by the MPAA because the violence was now "more intense". So seems like it was just enough to notch it above a PG-13, and there's nowhere else to go but R.

Although I'm sure the marketters are using that "R" to their full advantage in the wake of Deadpool, even though it's not really what they're claiming it to be in that regard.

I've still not seen BvS, but when I do, it'll likely be in this extended version. I might pick up the Blu-Ray.

I remember seeing the extended version of Watchmen and feeling that it definitely made more sense, and flowed better, than the theatrical cut. It just gave more room to breathe for the whole thing.

Now ... did BvS need to be as long as it is? Frankly, no, but they seem to have tried to cram an awful lot into it in order to set up future movies.

I'll report back with my findings when I finally do get around to seeing BvS.

07-Jul-2016, 10:14 AM
So, the extended cut got an "R" in America ... well, it's been rated in the UK now, and it's a very different picture. I've had a bit of a rant about the situation:
