View Full Version : You're Next [film]

20-Aug-2013, 04:22 PM
Seems to be getting good comments...


20-Aug-2013, 10:02 PM
I've heard it did quite well on the festival circuts a while back. It looks like a mash-up of "The Strangers"+"Straw Dogs" or "Last House on the Left", but I'm still looking forward to seeing it. Masked weirdos vs. family who fights back sounds like a good time to me! :)

21-Aug-2013, 12:51 AM
Looks interesting.

02-Sep-2013, 01:07 PM
Saw it yesterday. Well, most of it. I drove for a half-hour to one theater where they said the projector was down and had to drive to another place and missed the first twenty minutes. In any event, it was middling. Good performances and atmosphere, and the occassional humor was subtle enough that it didn't "distract" from the rest of the film like it did in Cabin Fever. But I still drove home feeling meh. 5/10.

02-Sep-2013, 02:09 PM
^^ Oh! Shame!

10-Sep-2013, 09:05 PM
Yeh, 5-6 out of 10'ish.

But a couple of bits of dialog are terrible, and one or two times I utterly rolled my eyes at what the characters were doing. *MINOR SPOILER* - So in one part someone had just been killed in a bedoom, so the group find the body (less than a minute after the murder - and they know this cos they heard a scream) so then they wonder off togethor, except for one of them, who stays behind. THERE WAS A MURDER IN THE ROOM A MINUTE AGO! THE PERSON WHO DID IT IS NEARBY! WHY ARE YOU SO CASUAL ABOUT THIS? WHY DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THIS? Argh!

11-Sep-2013, 02:52 AM
Yeah, a guy I went to high school with was in on the FX for this. He was hanging out opening weekend at a theater in Springfield, MO, where we are from, and had stuff from the movie. He's also making the masks for sale. I personally still haven't seen it. I figure it'll be in the cheapies soon enough. This is one of those movies I save to watch with my wife. She's more into this type of horror than I am. I like monsters, she likes to be stalked, go figure.
I will see it, though.

11-Sep-2013, 08:42 AM
The effects and filming were generally ok/good... But the script was soooo poor in places resulting in characters looking/sounding ultra-dim!

11-Sep-2013, 09:44 PM
Yeh, 5-6 out of 10'ish.

But a couple of bits of dialog are terrible, and one or two times I utterly rolled my eyes at what the characters were doing. *MINOR SPOILER* - So in one part someone had just been killed in a bedoom, so the group find the body (less than a minute after the murder - and they know this cos they heard a scream) so then they wonder off togethor, except for one of them, who stays behind. THERE WAS A MURDER IN THE ROOM A MINUTE AGO! THE PERSON WHO DID IT IS NEARBY! WHY ARE YOU SO CASUAL ABOUT THIS? WHY DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THIS? Argh!

The effects and filming were generally ok/good... But the script was soooo poor in places resulting in characters looking/sounding ultra-dim!

Hurm. Sounds like it's pretty much in the vein of standard Slasher fare then. Which I'm still down for, but wasn't what I would have expected. :|

12-Sep-2013, 09:26 AM
...and even questionable bits like *SPOILER* - So they hear the scream from someone getting killed upstairs, so all run up there (taking 10-15 seconds?) by which time the murderer has not only had time to get away, but also super neatly write "YOU'RE NEXT" on the wall in the victim's blood.... even down to the apostrophe...


12-Sep-2013, 10:01 PM
Did I mention this sounds like a Slasher film? :rockbrow: (Said in best ChinaTown voice) Move along, Neil, you're in the wrong genre. :lol:

25-Oct-2013, 03:02 AM
...and even questionable bits like *SPOILER* - So they hear the scream from someone getting killed upstairs, so all run up there (taking 10-15 seconds?) by which time the murderer has not only had time to get away, but also super neatly write "YOU'RE NEXT" on the wall in the victim's blood.... even down to the apostrophe...

He was still hiding under the bed, which no one bothered to look under since MILF Mammy was dead on top of it. I thought it was a pretty good movie. I had a few minor gripes, such as the occasionally super shaky camera work, like the guy was vigorously scratching his nads during the more intense scenes. Also, does no one ever look back behind them? Geeeeez.
By the time I got around to seeing this tonight, I'd heard a mixed bag of reviews, but was pleasantly surprised. Sure, everything has been done before, but they put it together in a unique little package which I dug.
I will say the blender death scene was a little out of place, when all the other kills were done with much less dazzle, more straight brutality. Either way, minor quibbles for something actually worth watching.
Not A+ material by any means, but still a good watch. I didn't think it suffered from cheap jump scares, like I'd read. In the end, they delivered better than some of the big money thrillers I've seen come through...