View Full Version : Asian Giant Hornet

03-Oct-2013, 03:55 PM
Look at the wounds! - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24382107

Hornet attacks in northern China have killed 41 people since July, according to China News Agency.

03-Oct-2013, 07:25 PM
Holy hell, looikit the size of this summbitch:



03-Oct-2013, 09:34 PM
Awwwwww! Cute!

03-Oct-2013, 09:48 PM
Saw a great documentary on these things a few years ago. Apparently, the Japanese honey bee has developed a method of kiling them when they invaded their nests. A load of them jump on the hornet and vibrate their bodies to a certain temp. It'a a degree above what the hornet can take and a degree below what the bee can take. The hornet dies and bees are grand.

Imagine the bee that came up with that idea. He must be a legend.

They were terrified that these hornets would make it over to Europe, where they would slaughter European bees en masse, as the Euro bees would have a clue how to deal with the swines.

Their larvae are disgusting too.

Rancid Carcass
03-Oct-2013, 10:45 PM
If you think these hornets are bad, you should see the green ones... :shifty:

04-Oct-2013, 08:42 AM


13-Feb-2014, 01:20 PM

Reports of Giant Hornets attacks have surged recently in the Shaanxi province, China. Currently, there have been 41 confirmed deaths and over 1,600 more people injured as a result of these insects stinging their victims.

Pheromones injected by their stinger informs the rest of the hornets to sting you until you are able to get away. Good luck trying to outrun these giants, estimations put their top speed at 25 mph and they have been known to travel 60 miles when chasing their dinner. Victims can be stung multiple times due to the fact that their stingers do not have a barb, they remain attached.


13-Feb-2014, 02:04 PM
What's wrong with the feckin ejits holding these swines in their hands?

The only part of my body one of those things would see is the bottom of my boot.

Ferocious items altogether.


13-Feb-2014, 02:36 PM
What's wrong with the feckin ejits holding these swines in their hands?

The only part of my body one of those things would see is the bottom of my boot.

Ferocious items altogether.


Simple - I suspect they're not alive... Hence their appearance and willingness to neatly line up.

13-Feb-2014, 04:20 PM
Urgh, I've seen these evil mofo's in action, about a dozen of them attacked a bees nest...they killed hundreds and hundreds of little bees. The bastards!

13-Feb-2014, 06:22 PM
Urgh, I've seen these evil mofo's in action, about a dozen of them attacked a bees nest...they killed hundreds and hundreds of little bees. The bastards!

Hmm, maybe they're not so bad after all...

13-Feb-2014, 09:16 PM
Hmm, maybe they're not so bad after all...

At least bees make honey & polinate plants. What do these vicious fucks do?

Pheromones injected by their stinger informs the rest of the hornets to sting you until you are able to get away. Good luck trying to outrun these giants, estimations put their top speed at 25 mph and they have been known to travel 60 miles when chasing their dinner. Victims can be stung multiple times due to the fact that their stingers do not have a barb, they remain attached.

That's just evil IMO. "That guy that I stung? Get him. He's running? Chase him down. Already stung him? Good. Keep doing it."


13-Feb-2014, 09:25 PM
Simple - I suspect they're not alive... Hence their appearance and willingness to neatly line up.

Aye, the four above are probably dead. Not so sure about the other pics though.

Dead or alive...they can feck off.


Imagine they were a foot long...

13-Feb-2014, 09:48 PM
It is a blessing that the oxygen levels are much lower in modern times compared to hundreds of millions of years ago.

14-Feb-2014, 09:34 AM
It is a blessing that the oxygen levels are much lower in modern times compared to hundreds of millions of years ago.
That's evolutionary propaganda! Careful, you'll have the "Young Earther's" up in arms!