View Full Version : Dawn of the Dead U.S Theatrical DVD Glitch

11-Jul-2006, 04:01 PM

I watched the 2004 Box Set U.S. Theatrical Version Dawn of the Dead DVD for the first time in many months this past weekend, and noticed that several short dialog scenes were missing. The scenes in question take place at the dock while Fran is fueling the WGON chopper and waiting for Roger & Peter to arrive. The scenes missing are the confrontation between Stephen and the dock police who are running. The paraphrased bits of dialog missing are when the police officer says to Stephen "You're WGON traffic guy and you're running in the GON Chopper;it would be real stupid to start shooting each other". The scene cuts from Fran fueling the WGON helicopter to Peter and Roger getting out of the police car and Roger introducing Peter to Fran and Stephen. Also missing is the scene where Peter asks if anyone is leaving anyone behind. The scene cuts from the lights in the skyscraper going out as the chopper is taking off to Peter asking Fran if Stephen was her man. Fran’s Street Brother question was missing completely.

I double checked my disc and it was definitely the U.S Theatrical version with a run time of 127 minutes. I replayed the scene several times and each time those bits of dialog where missing. There was no visible physical damage to the disc.

I had the 1999 U.S. Theatrical DVD release of Dawn and remember these missing scenes vividly.

I can’t believe that I didn’t notice these omissions on the 2004 Box Set much sooner.

I bought the box upon release in August of 2004.
I have a Toshiba SD 4900 DVD player from 2004.

I would appreciate any information, as this glitch has me stumped.



11-Jul-2006, 04:25 PM
Your right about the 1999 release. Just checked mine (Anniversary Edition) and the dialogue and scenes are there. Interestingly though it lists the runtime as 128 mins so i guess that counts for the missing scenes. Good spot

11-Jul-2006, 04:29 PM
Your right about the 1999 release. Just checked mine (Anniversary Edition) and the dialogue and scenes are there. Interestingly though it lists the runtime as 128 mins so i guess that counts for the missing scenes. Good spot

Well that's strange. Anyone know why those scenes were cut? Does not make any sense.

I will have to compare the Extended version soon.

Looks like I need to get my 1999 DVD back from my brother.


11-Jul-2006, 04:44 PM
Those scenes from the 1999 20th anniversary DVD were not supposed to be included in the Theatrical Cut. They, amongst some parts from the airport scene, were lifted from the Cannes edit (the "extended cut") by mistake. What you have in the 04 boxset is the true theatrical cut, where as the 99 release was screwed up by Anchor Bay.

11-Jul-2006, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the information, JScott. I'll have to give the Directors Cut another viewing sometime soon.


12-Jul-2006, 08:00 AM
Yep, the 99 theatrical dvd actually borrowed one reel from the extended version.

You'll find all those scenes, as described, on your extended dvd.

You may return to your homes.

12-Jul-2006, 10:31 AM
This was something I noticed when i first got the Divimax Dawn of the Dead which came out before the Ulitimate Edition. I had several copies of Dawn, but the one I usually watched was the 99 "Theatrical" cut. When i got the Divimax, I noticed the "missing" scenes. Others have already mentioned how/why that happened. I think that you now realize how that 99 version did not make sense. I mean, there is no showing of Joe Pilato at all, then all of a sudden he is right next to Flyboy, talking to him like they were long lost friends or something.

general tbag
18-Jul-2006, 03:30 AM
just watched it again, and the scene really doesnt make sense without the the extra scenes, it cuts to fly boy asking if it peter, than you see the cop dudes come form no where loading the truck...

15-Mar-2007, 02:21 AM
[QUOTE=jscott;24235]Those scenes from the 1999 20th anniversary DVD were not supposed to be included in the Theatrical Cut. They, amongst some parts from the airport scene, were lifted from the Cannes edit (the "extended cut") by mistake. QUOTE]

Exactly. Never in the theatrical release. I remember fiending for these scenes in anticipation of the release of the so called director's cut. Now, having seen the Cannes cut and the Euro cut which has all sorts of extended sequences, I find that I miss them all when I watch the theatrical release.