View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 4x02 "Infected" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

20-Oct-2013, 10:36 AM
The second episode of season four!

Please keep all talk of episode 4x02 "Infected" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).


20-Oct-2013, 05:52 PM
So we'll find if Harry Potter's death is pig related and/or bloody eye zombies related... Cool!

BUT, I do hope we're not getting some new thing as daft as zombie super smell!

ps: Needless to say, I won't be back in this thread for a few days as I don't want to read any spoilers :)

21-Oct-2013, 02:08 AM
Rick Grimes is rearmed. Thank God. Good stuff

Moon Knight
21-Oct-2013, 02:13 AM
Dark and gloomy. Good stuff indeed.

21-Oct-2013, 02:19 AM
That troublesome girl who liked naming zombies was the one feeding them! I'm calling it. Now she's armed with a knife! I don't trust her...

Other then that, I thought it was a good episode.

Moon Knight
21-Oct-2013, 02:25 AM
That troublesome girl who liked naming zombies was the one feeding them! I'm calling it. Now she's armed with a knife! I don't trust her...

Other then that, I thought it was a good episode.

Lizzie's character and motives seem strangely familiar to something from the comics.

One of the twins who murdered his own brother and Carl secretly takes him out.

21-Oct-2013, 02:35 AM
Lizzie's character and motives seem strangely familiar to something from the comics.

One of the twins who murdered his own brother and Carl secretly takes him out.

I actually thought the same things judging from the Comic Con trailer alone. That actress is perfect casting for

playing the role of a simultaneously psychotic and innocent child. Her face is really creepy, she's a great actress for her age. Bet she ends up gutting her sister, too.

Gotta love the Day of the Dead reference when the first victim of Harry Potter is getting out of his prison bunk and his guts spill out.

21-Oct-2013, 02:45 AM
Another mediocre episode.

But at least now we're seeing the logical conclusion of love in the apocalypse.

Moon Knight
21-Oct-2013, 02:57 AM
Another mediocre episode.

But at least now we're seeing the logical conclusion of love in the apocalypse.

I really don't understand what you're looking for if you thought that was mediocre. It was good, not great; but mediocre?

This one really had the comic vibe going for it.

21-Oct-2013, 03:14 AM
Props to Carol. She has the necessary killer instinct which is a far cry from her running along the fence and helpless at season 2 finale. I liked this episode.

I will not speak of the sneak peak for next week but holy fucking shit!!!

21-Oct-2013, 03:17 AM
Another mediocre episode.

But at least now we're seeing the logical conclusion of love in the apocalypse.

Ok ok, I gave you the benefit of the doubt last episode and we debated and respected your opinion

But now..........

You are just grasping at straws trying to pick this show apart. If you like to be a hater you should check out imdb.com
This was a solid episode, gritty and depressing as can be. A transition episode for things to come but apocalyptic as can be.
I don't get your point or what you want from it but I think this season is on the right track.
I mean for gods sake, it's not like you're watching "Return of the Living Dead" here, the writers and actors are giving us some good solid storytelling.

21-Oct-2013, 04:04 AM
Ok ok, I gave you the benefit of the doubt last episode and we debated and respected your opinion

But now..........:confused: You say that as if respecting someones opinion is a special privilege instead of common courtesy, or the rule.

You are just grasping at straws trying to pick this show apart. If you like to be a hater you should check out imdb.com
This was a solid episode, gritty and depressing as can be. A transition episode for things to come but apocalyptic as can be.
I don't get your point or what you want from it but I think this season is on the right track.
I mean for gods sake, it's not like you're watching "Return of the Living Dead" here, the writers and actors are giving us some good solid storytelling. I'm just not feeling it like I did with seasons 1 and 2. Maybe something is off with the whole prison atmosphere.

But regardless, all I said was it's a mediocre episode IMO. You don't have to agree, and I'm not singling you out because you don't. I don't take issue with the fact that you don't feel the same as I do.
But it is starting to seem like my opinion is an issue for you. Not entirely sure why that is.

21-Oct-2013, 04:26 AM
:confused: You say that as if respecting someones opinion is a special privilege instead of common courtesy, or the rule.

I'm just not feeling it like I did with seasons 1 and 2. Maybe something is off with the whole prison atmosphere.

But regardless, all I said was it's a mediocre episode IMO. You don't have to agree, and I'm not singling you out because you don't. I don't take issue with the fact that you don't feel the same as I do.
But it is starting to seem like my opinion is an issue for you. Not entirely sure why that is.

Umm, maybe because you just said the episode was mediocre and you didn't expand on that. Why? What didn't you like? Why was it mediocre? What was in the first season that is missing in this one. If anything to me I'm liking the prison arc more than ever watching the walkers push against the fence. It's showing that it is very vulnerable now, we didn't get that last year.
This episode had some great atmosphere, wasn't sure I was buying into the "new threat" but I am now, we don't know who's safe.
I'm not sure and I'm not trying cast aspersions here but it sounds like you don't even enjoy the show. If not, why watch? Curious
And if you are truly a fan, what keeps you coming back being that you thought only the first two seasons were worth watching.

21-Oct-2013, 06:24 AM
I really don't understand what you're looking for if you thought that was mediocre. It was good, not great; but mediocre?

This one really had the comic vibe going for it. I prefer the episodes where they aren't restricted to the prison for the entire episode. That's the major turn-off for me. That began on a smaller scale when they were stuck on the farm in season2. But not nearly as bad because there was other shit going on.
Even if they just gave us some flashbacks to what people were doing or going through earlier in the outbreak. It's almost like they can't really afford to shoot in open air locations anymore besides the prison yard. So the majority of what we see takes place in the same cell block of the prison, and a little bit out in the yard, and on occasion driving in a car on a road, and if we're lucky, some scenes inside a different building like the big spot.

- - - Updated - - -

Umm, maybe because you just said the episode was mediocre and you didn't expand on that. Why? What didn't you like? Why was it mediocre? What was in the first season that is missing in this one. If anything to me I'm liking the prison arc more than ever watching the walkers push against the fence. It's showing that it is very vulnerable now, we didn't get that last year.
This episode had some great atmosphere, wasn't sure I was buying into the "new threat" but I am now, we don't know who's safe.
I'm not sure and I'm not trying cast aspersions here but it sounds like you don't even enjoy the show. If not, why watch? Curious
And if you are truly a fan, what keeps you coming back being that you thought only the first two seasons were worth watching. I was very specific in last weeks thread, and you still took issue. But like you said, you did me a favor and respected my opinion. And now you're saying that the reason you take issue with my opinion is because I wasn't specific enough this week.
OK. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and play along.

What made season 1 and 2 different was the writing IMO. I cared about the characters, the circumstances and the decisions they had to make. That's just not the case now. The only characters that are written in a way that makes you care about them even a little, are protected. Rick, Carl, and Daryl. And you know none of them are gonna die anytime soon. The rest of them are expendable. Even Maggie and Glen. The only thing that keeps those 2 relevant is the romance factor between them. And that doesn't matter to me. Then the other ones like Herschel, Carol, Beth, Tyreese, Sasha, they're roles at this point are totally insignificant and unsubstantial that it wouldn't matter if they died.

Then there's the storyline. Same old shit. This season so far feels like a remix of season 3. They have 1 goal. To keep the prison going. And it isn't even split up into smaller goals to achieve that. They had the supply run last episode, but that was really just a plot device to show the walkers falling through the ceiling and the action that ensued. It's not like we knew how low on supplies they were, and cared whether or not they succeeded in the run. It was eye candy, and the characters that died were cannon fodder. They're just showing us things without making us care about the situation or the people involved.

In the season 3 opener, they discover the prison and we want to see how they take it over, they fight the walkers hand to hand and we like seeing how they do it. In "Clear", they're trying to acheive the goal of getting more guns for the battle we think is imminent. But that battle turns into an episode of the A-Team.
It's to the point now where I find myself wanting the prison to be overrun and major characters die so that they're forced to flee the prison.

They need to make us care more about what they're doing. Instead of pacifying people with gore and action and useless drama. Drama is part of the story, but it should be more substantial. Like the father of the 2 girls that died this week. We never even saw him before, we didn't know he was the father of these girls, and we only saw these girls for a few minutes last episode. We didn't even know their names until this week. And we're supposed to care about this unknown guy dying, and believe the plight of the girls that we barely saw before this? It's just so ineffective at this point.

As to why I continue watching. Well, it still has its moments, and I keep hoping it will get better. Also the scenes they show in Talking Dead for the next episode. They keep me coming back. Like the sneek peak for next week. That will probably end up being the final few minutes of the episode though.
And because I love zombie flicks and the apocalypse. I wanna like the show more, I wanna be excited for it from week to week like I was during the first 2 seasons. And it troubles me that that's not the case anymore.

21-Oct-2013, 11:09 AM
Another very good episode - and surprisingly emotional too - even though we don't know the girls' father's name, the scene was still emotional - I liked how Carol very swiftly moved into 'hack the infection off' mode, but then the neck bite sealed the deal.

Comic plot theory:
Aye, I think this could be an adaptation of the 'psycho sibling' bit from the comics - Carl's been on a good streak without killing, and then he'll have the moral quandary of dealing with Lizzie ... if that is indeed how it goes down.

It was quite tense generally - will Patrick walker get Karen? There was some good tension building there, the appropriate number of near-misses and psych-outs.

I will say that the staging of the D Block infection was a tad problematic - I'm not entirely clear on who was in there and how did nobody hear what was going on (nobody screamed? would the walkers always go for the throat?) ... I did like that Patrick's first kill went for the throat - no sound as a result - although they could have had the guy move a bit more. So the infection of D Block is a bit unclear in certain ways, but at the same time I'm willing to not get overly complex on the specific mechanics of the scene and just enjoy the drama of it all (I also liked that one guy locked himself in because he was a sleep walker).

Lots of interesting themes going on - Carol having to take on the children, them reminded her of Sophia, but also having a strong resolve for the practicalities of the situation in order to survive a deadly (or potentially deadly) situation ... but will that insistence come back to haunt her? Carl versus violence - pushed into saving Michonne - and then getting his gun back, along with Rick, who has obviously been parent first, leader second in the intervening months, trying to keep Carl on the straight and narrow and not let him become a nutjob (quite rightly) ... and oh my, the scene with Rick sacrificing the pigs ... that was a tough watch ... but even walkers love bacon. ;)

The scene with Michonne and Judith - that was powerful stuff too. Clearly Michonne must have lost a child at some point, perhaps even a baby, perhaps a miscarriage, or a still birth? A good little bit of suggestion at her past without over-doing it, and a really good scene for Guirira to play.

Ah-ha - so it was Karen who bit the dust - the comic con trailers are always very tricksy in their editing, so Sasha is okay (for now anyway!), but it was Karen on the ground ... but ooh - two bodies burned, and seemingly slaughtered first.

So we've got a three-fold threat:

1) Too many walkers (and someone feeding them) on the fences (that was a tense scene too!).
2) Killer flu.
3) Nutjob inside the prison killing people off - perhaps using the opportunity of an apparent epidemic to potentially cover their tracks and get away with it. Clearly that was the work of a bad apple ... who will it be ... time shall tell.

Lots going on in that episode - very good stuff indeed. :cool:

21-Oct-2013, 01:36 PM
I really like these new episodes, as they have plot arcs, but are not overly restricted or encumbered by them (yet?).

21-Oct-2013, 03:35 PM
Another very good episode - and surprisingly emotional too [SNIP]...Lots going on in that episode - very good stuff indeed.

Agreed with everything said 100%. Will add that Bear McCreary's score during the slaughter of the pigs REALLY took it to a whole new level. That plus Andrew Lincoln's performance...it really took the end of an all ready emotional episode over the top. Haunting stuff.

21-Oct-2013, 04:39 PM
Agreed with everything said 100%. Will add that Bear McCreary's score during the slaughter of the pigs REALLY took it to a whole new level. That plus Andrew Lincoln's performance...it really took the end of an all ready emotional episode over the top. Haunting stuff.

The three little pigs had a hell of a time in this episode! :p

But yeah - you can see the loss on Rick's face - he was trying to regain a sense of peace in this horrific world, to find something worth living for, to not have to deal with the awful things he's had to do anymore ... but inevitably death comes knocking in TWD, and having to re-arm Carl (and himself - having no doubt, in-part, been setting an example to Carl) was a big emotional blow for him. You could see his reluctance to pick up the fight once again, as well as to become a leader (Daryl's really filled that role seemingly over the intervening months, going out on runs etc) ... Rick's been trying to again be a father to a child, but the cruel hand of fate has twisted the knife.

The pig slaughtering was quite shocking too - poor piggies - the look on Rick's blood-splattered face. :(

Also aye - I also saw the Day of the Dead 'gut spill' reference - very cool ... although my favourite gore moment from the episode was, without a doubt, that one walker whose face was smushed against the fence so forcefully that it's face was cutting open on the chainlink fence (and with it's eye popping out!).

TWD 4x02 Memes (tagged for space efficiency):

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Wk75O7Z-Bls/UmVTUHxITxI/AAAAAAAACJU/RyXcXtJVaXQ/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Tyreese_Karen_Beth_ Singing_4x02_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YNL5FbTBDS4/UmVTTqeStPI/AAAAAAAACJM/5nfq2Tcpc1g/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Rick_Carl_Wakey_Wak ey_Eggs_Bakey_Pig_4x02_DeadShed.jpg

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FE5lui246nY/UmVTTZjr0LI/AAAAAAAACJQ/Etvjg0UlZVY/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Michowned_Michonne_ Walker_Kill_Fence_Spike_4x02_DeadShed.jpg

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1HciPqmYpFI/UmVTTN5eJJI/AAAAAAAACJI/j0c5m8K9uwQ/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Glenn_Maggie_Sleepi ng_Photo_DeadShed.jpg

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-StFLUok0OuU/UmVTShY6-fI/AAAAAAAACI8/J6E1LhZPTws/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Michonne_Horse_That _Is_All_4x02_DeadShed.jpg

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nciFeYCkcSk/UmVTSixusqI/AAAAAAAACI4/ApgXvZOlSFU/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_4_Meme_Beth_Singing_Alt_4x 02_DeadShed.jpg


Moon Knight
21-Oct-2013, 04:44 PM
The more I think about it, this really was a great episode. Very emotional and as someone else said, haunting. From Carol, to Michonne, to Tyreese, and back to Rick; everything just works. Add on top of that the 80's horror vibe during the Walker scenes and we have one winner of an episode.

21-Oct-2013, 05:06 PM
This episode was so much better than last weeks season opener IMO.

Those poor f*cking pigs...and Ricks face when he'd done the evil deed!

I really did enjoy this one, loads of good (or bad) stuff going on here. And I trust that "ex army prone to drinking medic guy" as far as I could throw him...that dude is up to no good!

Damn, it's good to have this show back!

21-Oct-2013, 05:52 PM
The pigs had to be slaughtered regardless. At least this way they were still of some use.

Pigs are filthy animals that will eat ANYTHING, including their own.

Where would they even have gotten them from?

Another thing that's odd is the mice at the fence. If someone is feeding live mice to the walkers, how/why are there dead mice sitting inside the fence line? The walkers would devour them outside the fence, and any that managed to get away wouldn't come back inside the fence and die in a line like that.

21-Oct-2013, 06:28 PM
Another thing that's odd is the mice at the fence. If someone is feeding live mice to the walkers, how/why are there dead mice sitting inside the fence line? The walkers would devour them outside the fence, and any that managed to get away wouldn't come back inside the fence and die in a line like that.

Aren't they rats?

As for the ones inside the fence - they probably fell back through the chainlink to the inside where the walkers couldn't get back at them to finish munching down on them (as in, rat sort of half-in/half-out of the fence, a walker bites into it, but doesn't keep a grip, so it falls back through to the safe side). Meanwhile the ones that remained on the walkers' side of the fence were completely devoured (with some scraps trodden into the ground/covered up by walker feet).

21-Oct-2013, 06:47 PM
The pigs had to be slaughtered regardless. At least this way they were still of some use.

Pigs are filthy animals that will eat ANYTHING, including their own.

Where would they even have gotten them from?

Another thing that's odd is the mice at the fence. If someone is feeding live mice to the walkers, how/why are there dead mice sitting inside the fence line? The walkers would devour them outside the fence, and any that managed to get away wouldn't come back inside the fence and die in a line like that.

I think who ever is feeding the rats to the walkers are purposely baiting them there. Tease them, get them to congregate, allow them to have a bite then drop the remainder on survivors side so that the walkers are riled up and now pressuring the fence to get at remainder of fresh rat.

Babomb I stopped at Mean Metal today. There inventory is back up. Do you shop there?

21-Oct-2013, 06:58 PM
I thought this was the best episode of TWD since the pilot. Had everything. Absolutely everything I love about TWD. Atmosphere, dread, great scenes with excellent acting. A mystery that isn't forced on the viewer but seems to developing organically. I have no idea where its going but Im loving every second so far. Gimple is showing his nerdy love for TWD and the writers seem to understand his vision.
Brilliant stuff.
How on earth anyone can find this episode "mediocre" is beyond me. I fully understand that taste is subjective, but Jeez BaBomb you either have stupidly unrealistic expectations or you're coming at his from a starting point of negativity and will never be happy with TWD.
This episode is TWD.

21-Oct-2013, 07:23 PM
The thing that gets me about the fence problem is how the survivors opted to reinforce the structure. Logs wedged against the fence at a 45 degree angle are okay, but having the braces run straight back from the top of each post on the outer fence to the top of each post on the inner fence would be stronger and not impede any foot traffic between the fences. Secondly, Rick didn't need to lure the walkers away from the fence using his pigs as bait. You'll notice the walkers were being drawn to the vehicle anyway. they could have "pulled a Meryl" and led the walker horde anywhere they wished. Another option would be to lead the walkers away from the bunch up points using themselves as "bait" from within the fenceline.

21-Oct-2013, 07:36 PM
All good points guys. I didn't see anyone mention that before Patrick died he was hanging over the water, then Karen drank from it and got sick. It's unlikely such a nasty virus would spread through the air. I think it's the water.

21-Oct-2013, 07:50 PM
I think I know whose feeding the walkers rats.

Gotta be

one of those soon to be psychopathic kids

21-Oct-2013, 08:03 PM
I think I know whose feeding the walkers rats.

Gotta be

one of those soon to be psychopathic kids

Yeah, that's what I figure makes the most sense (and definitely what came to mind after last night's episode), but you never know...could be a red herring and there could be more storylines going on than we are currently being led to believe.

21-Oct-2013, 09:15 PM
It's odd they had all their cell doors open and no nightwatch considering they had lots of elderly people move in at the end of season 3.

21-Oct-2013, 09:46 PM
Great scene with Michonne and Judith. Teared up a bit if Im honest. She's going to be a great character.
Did anyone get the impression in season 3 that she had been raped by one of her pets when it was alive? She made a reference to them deserving their bondage in the flashback with Andrea.

21-Oct-2013, 09:50 PM
I liked this episode good to see some more grounded action and "real" problems. The gore was not as badly made this episode as it usually have been lately but that might be because of it was used a bit less.

21-Oct-2013, 09:51 PM
Secondly, Rick didn't need to lure the walkers away from the fence using his pigs as bait. You'll notice the walkers were being drawn to the vehicle anyway. they could have "pulled a Meryl" and led the walker horde anywhere they wished. Another option would be to lead the walkers away from the bunch up points using themselves as "bait" from within the fenceline.The pigs had to go anyway. He figured they'd be better bait, and keep the zeds occupied/happy for while?

PS: Love the ending! So did people take that as they died and were dragged out an burned? Or werel killed and dragged out and burned?

21-Oct-2013, 10:40 PM
Great scene with Michonne and Judith. Teared up a bit if Im honest. She's going to be a great character.
Did anyone get the impression in season 3 that she had been raped by one of her pets when it was alive? She made a reference to them deserving their bondage in the flashback with Andrea.

Zombies are dead, they can't rape anyone.

21-Oct-2013, 10:42 PM
Great episode.

That is all.

21-Oct-2013, 11:22 PM
Great scene with Michonne and Judith. Teared up a bit if Im honest. She's going to be a great character.
Did anyone get the impression in season 3 that she had been raped by one of her pets when it was alive? She made a reference to them deserving their bondage in the flashback with Andrea.

Zombies are dead, they can't rape anyone.

Try again dude.

21-Oct-2013, 11:22 PM
The pigs had to go anyway. He figured they'd be better bait, and keep the zeds occupied/happy for while?

PS: Love the ending! So did people take that as they died and were dragged out an burned? Or werel killed and dragged out and burned?

I too loved that ending. That amount of blood leads me to believe they were killed then dragged out. Add to that a line Hershel utters about the body count including "two" in cold blood. Either way it's gonna be tough for tyrese to cope with.

22-Oct-2013, 12:16 AM
The three little pigs had a hell of a time in this episode! :p

But yeah - you can see the loss on Rick's face - he was trying to regain a sense of peace in this horrific world, to find something worth living for, to not have to deal with the awful things he's had to do anymore ... The pig slaughtering was quite shocking too - poor piggies - the look on Rick's blood-splattered face.

Those poor f*cking pigs...and Ricks face when he'd done the evil deed!

Exactly. While I felt bad for the pigs, they had to go anyway (though that's a sucky way to go, but y'know we do what we must...) but the effect it had on Rick...here he's been trying to get back to some semblence of normal, come back from the horrible things he's had to see & do, find some kind of peace, & then to have to do this...it was all there in the performance IMO. You could see the anguish & horror.

I think who ever is feeding the rats to the walkers are purposely baiting them there. Tease them, get them to congregate, allow them to have a bite then drop the remainder on survivors side so that the walkers are riled up and now pressuring the fence to get at remainder of fresh rat


All good points guys. I didn't see anyone mention that before Patrick died he was hanging over the water, then Karen drank from it and got sick. It's unlikely such a nasty virus would spread through the air. I think it's the water.


I think I know whose feeding the walkers rats.

Gotta be

one of those soon to be psychopathic kids

I think that's what they want us to think, but I'm not 100% sold, though it is a possibility.

Yeah, that's what I figure makes the most sense (and definitely what came to mind after last night's episode), but you never know...could be a red herring and there could be more storylines going on than we are currently being led to believe.

I suspect the latter of the two.

Did anyone get the impression in season 3 that she had been raped by one of her pets when it was alive? She made a reference to them deserving their bondage in the flashback with Andrea.


The pigs had to go anyway. He figured they'd be better bait, and keep the zeds occupied/happy for while?

My take as well.

22-Oct-2013, 02:54 AM
Try again dude.

Ah! I didn't catch the "alive" part. My mistake. In that case, you might have a point.

22-Oct-2013, 05:25 AM
I think who ever is feeding the rats to the walkers are purposely baiting them there. Tease them, get them to congregate, allow them to have a bite then drop the remainder on survivors side so that the walkers are riled up and now pressuring the fence to get at remainder of fresh rat.

Babomb I stopped at Mean Metal today. There inventory is back up. Do you shop there? Sometimes. But he's pretty expensive on alot of things so I usually only go there for specific things. I live about 100 feet from his backdoor. He had the fire dept there the other day. He was burning shit and started a big plastic drain pipe on fire. He's always burning boxes and shit. On days when you're not supposed to burn, after dark, and he starts a big blaze and leaves it unattended.

- - - Updated - - -

How on earth anyone can find this episode "mediocre" is beyond me. I fully understand that taste is subjective, but Jeez BaBomb you either have stupidly unrealistic expectations or you're coming at his from a starting point of negativity and will never be happy with TWD.
This episode is TWD. Perhaps a bit of both. Maybe I'll like it more after a 2nd viewing.

22-Oct-2013, 10:11 AM
I liked it.
Thank goodness my worries about the writers introducing a new kind of supercharged zombie were unfounded.
The disease storyline is promising and I hope many a tense paranoid situation will ensue.

Focusing more on Tyrese is also a good idea. I really enjoy Chad Colemans acting.
The scenes with Rick and Carl were quite strong as well IMO.

And it's nice to see them not backing out of some potential controversy as well, since that is ingrained in the comic's dna. The scene with the two young girls witnessing their father's death and the whole aftermath of the outbreak in the prison were amongst the strongest scenes in a long while.

Season 4 is of to a good start as far as I'm concerned. Hope they keep it up.

22-Oct-2013, 10:16 AM
I liked it.
Thank goodness my worries about the writers introducing a new kind of supercharged zombie were unfounded.
The disease storyline is promising and I hope many a tense paranoid situation will ensue.

Focusing more on Tyrese is also a good idea. I really enjoy Chad Colemans acting.
The scenes with Rick and Carl were quite strong as well IMO.

And it's nice to see them not backing out of some potential controversy as well, since that is ingrained in the comic's dna. The scene with the two young girls witnessing their father's death and the whole aftermath of the outbreak in the prison were amongst the strongest scenes in a long while.

Season 4 is of to a good start as far as I'm concerned. Hope they keep it up.

They really seem to have got a firm grip on the "human drama" this season...all those interactions and tragedies have been really well handled so far, they've all delivered the emotional impact they intended...I have really high hopes for this season (although I'm pretty easy going/forgiving with TWD, I don't see any other zombies shows out there doing it better...or doing it at all). :)

22-Oct-2013, 11:16 AM
I would have liked to have seen a bit more screentime between Tyreese and Karen, but then again they've been together for a while off-screen ... but I did think they did a good job of showing that closeness (the scene where they were sat together, cuddled up, and he was singing to her was very sweet) - it was efficiently handled, and it's true to his comic book counterpart - he was someone who wanted to be a quiet man, a lover, but who was forced into brutality, and a man who struggled with his inner rage ... I think the latter will come out next episode.

So far so good. :)

22-Oct-2013, 12:23 PM
I would have liked to have seen a bit more screentime between Tyreese and Karen, but then again they've been together for a while off-screen ... but I did think they did a good job of showing that closeness (the scene where they were sat together, cuddled up, and he was singing to her was very sweet) - it was efficiently handled, and it's true to his comic book counterpart - he was someone who wanted to be a quiet man, a lover, but who was forced into brutality, and a man who struggled with his inner rage ... I think the latter will come out next episode.

So far so good. :)

Yes, and the writers didn't do the normal Hollywood nonsense of them needing to shag in order to imply closeness! Well done writers!

Moon Knight
22-Oct-2013, 01:02 PM
Yes, and the writers didn't do the normal Hollywood nonsense of them needing to shag in order to imply closeness! Well done writers!

Yes. I loved the fact that Karen decided to wait on sleep over time and Tyreese was perfectly ok with it. That was great, it's the little moments like that that I love. I believe after this episode the gentle giant has awaken.

22-Oct-2013, 01:36 PM
I loved the fact that Karen decided to wait on sleep over time and Tyreese was perfectly ok with it..


22-Oct-2013, 02:03 PM
I've got a feeling Lizzy(Lindsey?) will be part of a certain comic plot involving Carl. Maybe not, but it's possible with the way it's rolling now. The phone happened within the prison in the show, so that could too I suppose...

Mr. Clean
22-Oct-2013, 06:30 PM
This episode was just meh for me. Though, I kind of expected as much. Felt like filler mixed with a little build up of something special. The walkers on the fence is starting to become rather boring.

I really NEED a highly intense "on the edge of your couch" episode similar to the Shane screwing over Otis episode. Then, they can go back to filler episodes.

I just feel like a addict who needs that overdose! Just this once....

22-Oct-2013, 08:15 PM
This episode was just meh for me. Though, I kind of expected as much. Felt like filler mixed with a little build up of something special. The walkers on the fence is starting to become rather boring.

I really NEED a highly intense "on the edge of your couch" episode similar to the Shane screwing over Otis episode. Then, they can go back to filler episodes.

I just feel like a addict who needs that overdose! Just this once....

I found her walking through the bathroom area tense enough thank you :)

22-Oct-2013, 08:25 PM
This episode was just meh for me. Though, I kind of expected as much. Felt like filler mixed with a little build up of something special. The walkers on the fence is starting to become rather boring.

I really NEED a highly intense "on the edge of your couch" episode similar to the Shane screwing over Otis episode. Then, they can go back to filler episodes.

Interesting, these last two episodes are the opposite of filler for me. Filler was languishing at the farm in Where-is-Sophia mode...or the back and forth with Woodbury, when they could have cut a quarter or third of those episodes and back-burnered the story mid-season if they wanted to draw that plot out while doing a whole other subplot.

I don't feel like I've seen any glaring bits of wasted time with these first two episodes, instead the human interaction is there, but not overdone or ponderous.

23-Oct-2013, 06:11 AM
This episode was just meh for me. Though, I kind of expected as much. Felt like filler mixed with a little build up of something special. The walkers on the fence is starting to become rather boring.

I really NEED a highly intense "on the edge of your couch" episode similar to the Shane screwing over Otis episode. Then, they can go back to filler episodes.

I just feel like a addict who needs that overdose! Just this once.... That's how I feel!! I keep thinking about that episode too. It sparked such debate here on the forum. It was those "mission" based episodes like that one and 18 Miles Out that really kept my interest peaked. And the episode where they show the flashback to Shane, Lori and Carl stuck on the highway in the traffic jam and we get to see the city being napalmed, the season 2 finale where the farm gets overrun. I wasn't crazy about the drawn out search for Sophia. But even during those episodes there were good moments, like daryl on his woods mission.
There were similar moments in season 3, like the premiere that shows them going house to house, and taking the prison, then when they came upon that shack with the crazy guy in it. The episode where Merle is taking Michonne to woodbury, and of course Clear.

It's the episodes where they stay in a solitary location like the prison or woodbury and don't do anything but talk that frustrate the hell out of me. I can appreciate the walkers and the deaths, but that only goes so far. It's frustrating because it's like here we are in the zombie apocalypse and everyone is sitting/standing around talking.

I feel like they could do alot more with the walkers at the fence that give us some of those tense situations. Like build a barricade for the outside of the fence that prevents the walkers from building up so much. And actually show them putting it in place, similar to how they had the scenes in the original Dawn where they were putting trucks in front of the doors.
Not like how they chose to start the season so far after season 3 when all their fortifications and everything is already done. I wanted to see all that stuff being done in season 3. Then I thought they'd go into that more this season. But no.:mad:

23-Oct-2013, 09:37 AM
That's how I feel!! I keep thinking about that episode too. It sparked such debate here on the forum.

It's the episodes where they stay in a solitary location like the prison or woodbury and don't do anything but talk that frustrate the hell out of me. I can appreciate the walkers and the deaths, but that only goes so far. It's frustrating because it's like here we are in the zombie apocalypse and everyone is sitting/standing around talking.


You make it sound as if there is nothing going on worth debating. But I feel there was a bit more going on than just talking and 'walkers and deaths.'

Carol giving a young girl a knife to stab het dead father in the head has a certain ethical dimension that could lead to a discussion, no?
How you deal with the sick in a situation like this is debatable as well.

There is an ethical undercurrent there that is so typical of the genre at it's best.

Moon Knight
23-Oct-2013, 10:32 AM
It's only the second episode. I'm sure they won't be at the prison the entire season. I'm loving this direction.

23-Oct-2013, 03:43 PM
You make it sound as if there is nothing going on worth debating. But I feel there was a bit more going on than just talking and 'walkers and deaths.'

Carol giving a young girl a knife to stab het dead father in the head has a certain ethical dimension that could lead to a discussion, no?
How you deal with the sick in a situation like this is debatable as well.

There is an ethical undercurrent there that is so typical of the genre at it's best. Carol is dead on when she says the girl is weak, and if she wants to live she has to become strong. Carol won some points on that one IMO.
We can all sympathize on how difficult it would be to kill a loved one. And the girl is young and likely has not had this "trial by fire" yet. So Carol has a unique opportunity to guide her here. That's what she promised the dad she would do, watch out for them like they were her own. So she's taking her own lesson from what happened to Sophia. If Sophia had been versed in how to kill walkers, and armed with a sufficient blade, she might still be alive.

But knife fighting is just part of that equation. Those youngsters need to be taught what to do if they happen to be separated from the group, outside the prison. To resist the urge to call out, evasion techniques, what natural foods are safe to eat. How to fashion a spear.
Basic survival protocol.

IMO, arming the kids with knives is absolutely the right call.

23-Oct-2013, 07:35 PM
The world Rick wants to live in is a fantasy for these people, and a dangerous one at that. The complacency is already settling in, or Carol wouldn't fear that the immediate knee-jerk reaction to parents finding out she was schooling their kids in anti-Walker survival techniques would be to yank them away from her. I was glad to see that Rick is still being portrayed as having the strength of character to resist the siren song of that impossible "normal life" in the world they live in...though I think his shaping Carl to not end up a sociopath might be going too far in the other direction. Look at how freaked out Carl was that he'd picked up a gun and shot a Walker saving Michonne...it was like he feared his dad would condemn him for "breaking the peace."

It's really shaping up to be an interesting, intriguing plot arc that I think has the legs to go the distance. Certainly a far cry better than the Woodbury-Prison pingpong of last season.

23-Oct-2013, 10:56 PM
I like the interaction between the characters in the prison but I definitivly agree that mission based episodes are the BEST! However I hate that they started to to that typical TV thing and switching back and fourth between the people out on mission and people back home talking after Darabount was kicked to the curb.

24-Oct-2013, 01:02 AM
They need to establish a knowledge base/required skillset that all members are required to adopt and learn. They could nab some boyscout manuals and have Carol teach and quiz the kids from them. They should split the kids up according to age. The younger kids can do storytime but the older ones are being taught useful skills.

They're like a tribe. Information that allows them to better manage the situation needs to be passed on.
You can't have this situation where everyone sits around dependent on the more capable members of the group.

- - - Updated - - -

I like the interaction between the characters in the prison but I definitivly agree that mission based episodes are the BEST! However I hate that they started to to that typical TV thing and switching back and fourth between the people out on mission and people back home talking after Darabount was kicked to the curb.

Agreed. They should break up the monotony with mission based episodes that are dedicated to the mission, not constant back and forth. We need episodes that play out like "Guts". Not missions that play out in a 5-10 minute span like the Big-Spot run. Granted, what's going on at the prison and between the characters is important. But so much of last season was spent inside the prison that it just gets old and boring watching them cooped up inside it all the time.

24-Oct-2013, 05:53 AM
Just watched this episode for the second time. It was just as good as the first time around!! Damned; I love this show!!! I love the fact, Carol is teaching the kids how to use knives. Unfortunately, she shouldn't have to keep it a secret (especially to the parents). They all live in a different reality. Reading fables to children just doesn't cut it in this "new world". They should be taught to defend themselves. Hell, everybody staying in that prison should be taking lessons (especially the coddled, Woodburyites). Everyone, should be able to pull their own weight to some extent.

24-Oct-2013, 10:39 AM
I like the interaction between the characters in the prison but I definitivly agree that mission based episodes are the BEST! However I hate that they started to to that typical TV thing and switching back and fourth between the people out on mission and people back home talking after Darabount was kicked to the curb.

I see what you're getting at, but even in season one they cut away to different plot strands - that's just how shows are written, you generally dont just have a single plot running for the entire episode. Even in an episode like "Guts" they cut away to different portions (e.g. Rick & Andrea in the shop front when she took the necklace as a present for Amy), or in "Vatos" how they'd show camp-related goings on in-between the stuff in Atlanta with Rick & Co going up against the gang.

The only episode of TWD that's really just followed one single story is the first episode - and that's because you've got a huge new world with loads of new rules that need to be introduced to the viewer - but even in that episode they intercut between different scenes (Morgan trying to shoot his wife, Rick tracking down bicycle girl, as well as the scene where the camp pick up Rick's CB radio signal).

In terms of episodes having a 'majority focus', e.g. in one single location, there was 3x12 and (IIRC) 3x13 back-to-back. Cutting between two strands works fine as long as the gear shifts work - a prime example of the gear shifts not working is 3x04 where you go from shocking moments, or action packed moments, or emotionally charged moments to ... map reading, golf practice, and drinking ... the episode is still one of the best, but the pacing was awful at times.

On the other hand, you've got 4x01, which cuts between three main plot arcs - the traditional A Story, B Story, C Story - you've got the run to Big Spot, Rick with the crazy lady, and Carl & Co at the prison. They were able to properly ride the rollercoaster throughout the episode so that the peaks and troughs of action or tension or intrigue or character drama all played out cohesively.

24-Oct-2013, 11:56 AM
I don't think he's saying there shouldn't be cut scenes. I think he's saying they should dedicate entire episodes to specific plot strands. For instance in 18 miles out, there were scenes of them driving, then they got to that building and there was the fight, then the walkers came pouring out of the building. Or in Clear, there was 2 things happening but they were both part of the same mission. Rick getting guns from Morgan, and then Carl and Michonne getting the photo and the crib. Or like you say "Guts", they were cutting within the same situation. They weren't going from the city streets back to the camp constantly. They allowed the action to play out in continuity before cutting away to a different situation entirely. It made more sense that way.

If I remember right, in that episode the only time they cut away to the camp was in relation to the mission that they were doing in the streets of the city. Certain characters were separated in the city and then someone radioed back to the camp to report on it, then they cut to the reaction of the people at the camp when they got the news.

IMO, during 4x01, they overplayed the crazy lady segment. Although it was a decent part, it should've been shorter. I think it ruined the pacing of the Big-Spot scenes(which felt very rushed as a result of the 3 plot strands happening at the same time). But that's just me. Because I enjoy those types of scenes the most. It just felt like there was too much going on in too small of a time frame. had they extended the episode to 90 minutes or longer, they could've pulled it off better.

24-Oct-2013, 04:02 PM
I'm enjoying the season so far. Most of it being set up to lead to something bigger as we go, but it's working. Although I was extremely excited to see the introduction of the prison and Governor in Season Three, I think this season is handling the beginning episodes a bit better.

24-Oct-2013, 07:56 PM
I don't know what series some of you guys are watching but I am LOVING season 4 so far. Big improvement on season 3.

Moon Knight
24-Oct-2013, 10:09 PM
Watched it a second time last night; even better than the first viewing. Picked up a few new things like the drawing on the wall that Karen views displaying a child's interpretation of the situation just outside the fences. Walker Nick sure did mean a lot to Lizzie; that young kid really is screwed up. Also, like said earlier, Carol- Talk about a character evolution. Who would have thought she would still be around; let alone such a strong warrior.

And Rick, yeah, his view on peace and normality shattered the instant he sacrificed his first pig. Can't express enough on how awesome and emotionally haunting that scene really was.

24-Oct-2013, 11:03 PM
Watched it a second time last night; even better than the first viewing. Picked up a few new things like the drawing on the wall that Karen views displaying a child's interpretation of the situation just outside the fences. Walker Nick sure did mean a lot to Lizzie; that young kid really is screwed up. Also, like said earlier, Carol- Talk about a character evolution. Who would have thought she would still be around; let alone such a strong warrior.

And Rick, yeah, his view on peace and normality shattered the instant he sacrificed his first pig. Can't express enough on how awesome and emotionally haunting that scene really was.

That's is exactly what I meant about Carol. She was just back ground. Aside from doing laundry kind of useless. She was a victim that has turned that persona completely around. I am a fan of hers now. Which sucks cause they will probably kill her now that I care.

And you're right about Rick. Of all the characters I am mostly invested in him. I wanna see him beat this world more than any of them. Maybe it's because I see a lot of me in him and I root for him. Episode two made me happy. I love this ride and can't wait for more.

25-Oct-2013, 03:36 PM
I've always liked Carol. She's one of the most realistic characters in the show.

25-Oct-2013, 04:10 PM
I've always liked Carol. She's one of the most realistic characters in the show.

Same here. I like her more than the guy who looks so gay in that ricidulous poncho riding the motorbike with the SS logo.

EDIT: come to think of it, the imbecile who came up with that, thinking it would be edgy or cool can take that symbol and shove it up his you know what.

25-Oct-2013, 04:11 PM
I've always liked Carol. She's one of the most realistic characters in the show.

Aye, she's a dependable character who's slowly been evolving in the background while other people take centre stage. She's been through a lot and has changed quite a lot since the first season, which is great to see. She's really been through the wringer and come out on the other side tough as nails.

25-Oct-2013, 04:23 PM
Same here. I like her more than the guy who looks so gay in that ricidulous poncho riding the motorbike with the SS logo.

EDIT: come to think of it, the imbecile who came up with that, thinking it would be edgy or cool can take that symbol and shove it up his you know what.

Ha ha.

Housewives, rednecks and badass wannabes are going to be up in arms when they reveal that he is gay :eek: (not that there's anything wrong with that)

26-Oct-2013, 04:24 PM
saw ep 2 last night and thought it was generally good, the flu is working out better and less zombie evolution than I thought/worried. I am surprised that they seem to have no night watch whatsoever (one person with a flashlight?) inside and apparently nobody at all outside. I would think that keeping the fences up, especially now that they know there is an increasing build up of walkers would make keeping the fences clear a priority. I think they've made it pretty clear the lizzie girl is evil. Her sister basically said so. I like what Carol is doing with the survival education for the kids and really don't get why any parent postzombies would have any problem with it at all. I like that rick is back to being ok with killing zombies, but I still find him one of the least likeable characters because it's like he consistently makes the worst or most naive decisions ever and then second guesses himself or contradicts his previous decision moments later. I like that they're showing daryl as having emotions other than anger and hillbilly pride, that he's starting to feel the pressure of the leadership role. But that probably means they're going to kill him soon. I'm starting to think black paramedic guy is a red herring for the crazy little girls about to be craziness.

Also, if they have a big truck, why not just use that to go out and plow down the zombie build up once a day? Put a nice reinforced ad max style bumper on it and clear a path. It's not like they're worried about gas, rick wasted a ton of gas burning down his pig fort. Which again, why would you start a fire in all that dry grass? dumb call rick.

26-Oct-2013, 04:50 PM
Well, I wouldn't say a ton of petrol on burning his pig enclosure - just a few splashes and then the wood does the rest.

Even with a big truck with a plow on it, you'd still run the risk of damaging the vehicle (just think of all that gooey flesh and broken bones getting caught up in the guts of the vehicle somewhere - a severed brake line, a snapped fan belt etc) ... plus you'd run the risk of getting bogged down in zombie guts (as glimpsed in the Comic-Con trailer, in a scene that comes up in episode three I believe).

With such a vehicle down a straight road, yeah, you could probably do alright with the correct sort of plow on the front, but you'd also need momentum against a big swathe of walkers (imagine a road FULL of walkers), but bumping around on marshy land in a very heavy truck? Too dangerous and clumsy and that would be a waste of much more fuel. Better to try and spread them out as they did - or inside the fence and try and bring some of them further down the fence and pop them along the fence line, rather than in one spot.

There must be a shedload of walkers in the world of TWD now ... Day of the Dead style odds. :eek:

26-Oct-2013, 08:56 PM
There must be a shedload of walkers in the world of TWD now ... Day of the Dead style odds. :eek:

If you've seen the preview clip they showed on the Talking Dead you would be doing cartwheels.

27-Oct-2013, 10:45 AM
If you've seen the preview clip they showed on the Talking Dead you would be doing cartwheels.
