View Full Version : Dawn of the dead film reels for sale

28-Oct-2013, 02:14 AM
Hi everyone, I have just gotten possession of dawn of the dead 1978 on 35mm film. It is the full uncut American theatrical version on 7 full reels. Does anyone have advice on the best place to try and sell this and what it should be worth?

28-Oct-2013, 09:09 AM
Hi everyone, I have just gotten possession of dawn of the dead 1978 on 35mm film. It is the full uncut American theatrical version on 7 full reels. Does anyone have advice on the best place to try and sell this and what it should be worth?

I wouldn't even know where to begin with this! Does it look like it's still in good condition etc?

29-Oct-2013, 11:54 PM
I wouldn't even know where to begin with this! Does it look like it's still in good condition etc?

Hi, yes I had it run through by a local projectionist and it is complete and in good condition, he said very good for its age. Soundtrack is clear and intact.

30-Oct-2013, 01:06 AM
Don't know if I'm right, but I thought Philly might have some info, since he knows so much about Dawn and shot him a PM.

Personally, I think it's awesome you found a copy, but haven't a clue about its worth. Did a quick search and came up with someone else who posted a similar query a few years back here (http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?5871-35mm-Dawn-of-the-Dead-Valuation).

02-Nov-2013, 01:24 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply. I guess I can put it up on ebay and see what kind of response I get. Will post a link to the sale here when it is listed, hopefully it will find a home with someone who can screen it regularly for their zombie horde and friends.