View Full Version : Happy Halloween

31-Oct-2013, 04:30 PM
Happy Hallloween!

This year I am going to be handing out candy as Buttonface:


Anyone else getting costumed up this year?

31-Oct-2013, 09:36 PM
i took my kids out trick or treating, i just ended up pouring a tub of fake blood on head, looked like male Carrie

triste realtà
31-Oct-2013, 10:10 PM
OMG I just thought of a great costume:


OR COCHRAN, you would need a gray wig.

31-Oct-2013, 10:10 PM
Happy Hallloween!

This year I am going to be handing out candy as Buttonface:


Now all you need is Boone.
I can't wait until The Cabal Cut comes out.
As far as Halloween, my kids are grown, so I'm just going to chill on the couch and find something particularly gory to watch.
I need to see flesh tearing...
Besides, it's rainy as all get out here. The kids'll be canoe paddling from house to house in this mess. Not worth it, in my opinion.

Mr. Clean
01-Nov-2013, 08:04 AM
had to work....

Came home at 2:30am and the doors and trunk of my neighbor's car were open....So I attempted to wake him up but no one came to the door so I just left him a note. I did a sweep of my own property and nothing was damaged or missing. I can only hope he got as lucky.

01-Nov-2013, 12:09 PM
Yep, this Halloween week played a mean trick on the family, as on Tuesday morn Mom lived the cliche of an 80 plus yr old woman by falling down in her apartment and was not able to get up. (she's in an assisted living facility. )
At the hospital they told me she'd cracked three ribs on her right side, but apart from the pain that was the extent of her injuries ( thankfully. ) so Wednesday late they discharged her back to the home - where promptly a poorly written script left her without proper medication to see her through the night.
My sister in law was able to stay with her ( God bless you, Sue. ) and on Halloween the meds finally came through and Mom was feeling a lot better. Still, my sister Lee babysat her through last night as well - just to be sure. So now we just have to make sure she's allowed to heal properly.

Wayne Z

01-Nov-2013, 12:53 PM
I was putting the decorations outside the house last evening... Turned them all on, and ten minutes later remembered one last thing...

Opened the front door to go out, and standing there right in the doorway, right in front of me, was a dark robed figure which made me jump and scream like a girl!

It was a trick'or'treater who'd just turned up and simply hadn't rung the bell...

Hmmmm :o

01-Nov-2013, 01:08 PM
Sorry guys, i know i normally build a halloween theme for the forums but it totally slipped my mind this year, ive been so busy lately.

Sorry i know ive let you guys down here, Will make something extra special next year!

(including the scream! ;) )

01-Nov-2013, 01:13 PM
Sorry guys, i know i normally build a halloween theme for the forums but it totally slipped my mind this year, ive been so busy lately.

Sorry i know ive let you guys down here, Will make something extra special next year!

(including the scream! ;) )

I could have provided you with a nice WAV for that scream last night!

01-Nov-2013, 04:04 PM
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween! Can't believe it's come and gone with me seeing as many scary movies as I had wanted.

In any event, I have been and continue to be horribly lame when it comes to Halloween, but will be going more traditional over the next few years.

01-Nov-2013, 04:24 PM
Too busy this year, didn't get to do any marathons or special viewings. :( Dig the Buttonface mask Kaos. One of my favorites. :thumbsup:

02-Nov-2013, 10:48 AM
Yep, this Halloween week played a mean trick on the family, as on Tuesday morn Mom lived the cliche of an 80 plus yr old woman by falling down in her apartment and was not able to get up. (she's in an assisted living facility. )

Hope your mom gets well quickly, Wayne!

02-Nov-2013, 11:55 AM
Hope your mom gets well quickly, Wayne!

Thanks, Publius.

She's feeling much better since the snafu with the pain meds got fixed on Thursday.
First the duty nurse at the hospital forgot to include the prescriptions with Mom's discharge late Weds afternoon ( from the hospital ) packet, which I rushed back for, and then after my brother Charles and his wife showed there was an issue with the way it had been written up so she had no pain medication for that first night ( which I didn't find out until the next morning. ) that should never have been allowed to happen.
She's lives in assisted living, not a nursing facility, just to clarify.
It's one of those cascade of errors within the healthcare system ( which predates the current foul ups, so no politics here ... please. ) that impacts most on children or elderly folks like Mom.
Anywho, Mom's more centered now, her pain managed finally, quite mobile though naturally quite tired from all the excitement. My sister Lee is with her, just to make sure the additional measures we arranged with the home kicked, and we're all very tired and still concerned until she's more on the mend.
But thanks again for your best wishes.

Wayne Z

02-Nov-2013, 03:16 PM
This Halloween sucked for me. The daughter was with her mother and I had to work. So when I came home, the trick or treaters had already retired and I just picked out a horror movie to watch with the girlfriend while having drinks. Quite possibly my favorite holiday and it was a complete bust. Hopefully 2014 is better...