View Full Version : The Lego Movie

31-Oct-2013, 08:09 PM

01-Nov-2013, 11:14 AM
haha, awesome! :lol:

I saw the first trailer a while ago and loved it, and I loved this trailer too - laughing all the way through it - and from the Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, folks? Yes please - that flick was bloody good fun, too, annnnnnnnd I used to play with Lego all the time as a kid - best kid's toy EVER ... ... and I'd totally play with Lego today. :D

I also dig that they've gone for stop motion animation with subtle CGI - so they're actually using Lego to make it ... even though I was never this elaborate as a kid playing with Lego, the movie kinda feels like someone is just playing a big game of Lego. :)

That looks like a ruddy good time - "FIRST TRY!" :lol:

01-Nov-2013, 12:01 PM
Blue vintage space lego dude with Batman!

This looks absolutely awesome!!!

01-Nov-2013, 12:41 PM
Blue vintage space lego dude with Batman!

This looks absolutely awesome!!!

I have a load of old vintage space lego, including the old 928, and a couple of 918s...



01-Nov-2013, 01:03 PM
Neil, I had the 928 also, got it for Christmas way back when I was a kid!!! Happy days my friend! (you could also make a pretty passable "Imperial Star Destroyer" from the wing parts of that kit as well) :)

Space lego was the absolute bomb!

01-Nov-2013, 01:31 PM
Neil, I had the 928 also, got it for Christmas way back when I was a kid!!! Happy days my friend! (you could also make a pretty passable "Imperial Star Destroyer" from the wing parts of that kit as well) :)

Space lego was the absolute bomb!

Mate! You need to see my modified Millennium Falcon complete with added light kit :)

01-Nov-2013, 04:47 PM
I was skeptical when I heard "Lego Movie". But when I saw the trailer, I was sold. As MZ says, from the "Cloudy" folks, so I expect it will be good. And the kids are dying to see it, so I expect it's opening weekend for us. :)

20-Feb-2014, 11:32 AM
I saw this yesterday and LOVED IT. Very funny for kids and adults alike. It also has a lot of heart. In a strange way I found it to feel like a combination of Wreck it Ralph(nostalgia) and the Toy Story Trilogy(humor and heart).

I highly recommend it. Oh and the 80's spaceman lego sets you guys mentioned actually play a big and funny part in the movie....

20-Feb-2014, 12:02 PM
I saw this yesterday and LOVED IT. Very funny for kids and adults alike. It also has a lot of heart. In a strange way I found it to feel like a combination of Wreck it Ralph(nostalgia) and the Toy Story Trilogy(humor and heart).

I highly recommend it. Oh and the 80's spaceman lego sets you guys mentioned actually play a big and funny part in the movie....

I missed it! I was going to take the kids, but in the end Grandma took them, so now I have no excuse...

I'll catch it on bluray...

20-Feb-2014, 04:01 PM
I have a load of old vintage space lego, including the old 928, and a couple of 918s...



Oh wow...I had them as a kid. Loved my lego.

The wife went to see this with the nephews on Tuesday. She enjoyed, but could have done without the "moral" bit.

20-Feb-2014, 04:48 PM
I'll catch it on bluray...


Really looking forward to seeing it, mind.

20-Feb-2014, 05:13 PM
Taking my oldest to see it this weekend. He's five and it will be his first trip to the cinema.
Looking forward to it.
Also: that picture of the '928' really brought back some memories. They are really going for the parents' nostalgia with this film aren't they?
Still, all this talk of in your face ethics has me worried...

20-Feb-2014, 05:28 PM
Still, all this talk of in your face ethics has me worried...
I don't get you guys sometimes.

If it helps, one reviewer put it thusly:

The moral of this story is a sweet and uncomplicated one: Believe in yourself; everyone is special; there’s a time to follow the rules and a time to break them. Sure, those sentiments are cloying. In fact, they sound like something you’d see on one of those stupid, inspirational cat posters, don’t they?

As it turns out, that’s exactly how a character in this adorably acerbic little movie describes them.

20-Feb-2014, 07:23 PM
^ That review snippet sums it up perfectly. Even if it is a little in-your-face, they mean for it to be and even make some pretty good jokes about it.

20-Feb-2014, 09:21 PM
Took the kids to see it last weekend & thought it was very funny & had a lot of heart. Only bad thing was that the promo's had given away about 80%+ of the best jokes. But there was still a good bit to laugh at & enjoy.

*SPACESHIP!!!* :lol:

22-Feb-2014, 06:06 AM
I don't get you guys sometimes.

If it helps, one reviewer put it thusly:

Really? You do not understand why I have grown weary of family films being released with hard to stomach sacharine-sweet sentimentality and their constant spelling out of the moral message as if the audience consists of retarded viewers with nacho cheese sauce for brains?They can't all be Toy Story 3 (which incidentally must have been one of the best films on mortality i have seen come out of Hollywood ).

Luckily this one seems at least self aware of these tropes and pokes fun at it. Good news. Now I'm genuinely looking forward to our sunday afternoon trip to the cinemas.

Meanwhile, since a lot of you guys have kids, some recommendations from a fellow dad.


or this one:


22-Feb-2014, 12:22 PM
Not too sure that there would be many kids that would enjoy 'Bellevue Rendezvous" Kris.

22-Feb-2014, 04:04 PM
Not too sure that there would be many kids that would enjoy 'Bellevue Rendezvous" Kris.

Well, my five year old enjoyed it. Some of the humour went over his head so to speak but since most of the film consists of slapstick and runs like a Tex Avery cartoon he did have a good time. One thing i've learned from being a parent is that you shouldn't underestimate kids.

Man, they start manipulating you at the age of two! Little shits ;)