View Full Version : State of Decay Breakdown DLC (XBox & PC)

21-Nov-2013, 10:40 AM
Must admit although I'm a fan of the original game, I'm not tempted by this DLC. The idea of investing countless hours in building up your team/survivors/base, only to finally have them all inevitably torn to shred doesn't appeal to me.


22-Nov-2013, 06:29 AM
kinda irritated by the 7 dollar price tag for dlc for a 20 dollar game, but with new weapons, challenges, and achievements, i will be checking this out. had alot of fun with the game, it 's still the best zombie game i've ever played, hands down......okay, maybe not story-wise, but in terms of concept, atmosphere, gameplay, etc. then hell yes, no doubt about it.

28-Nov-2013, 08:44 AM
9/10 - http://www.thecontrolleronline.com/2013/11/state-decay-breakdown-dlc-review/

State of Decay’s Breakdown DLC may not come with a ton of new content, like most DLC, but it does add an interesting new mode that extends the life of the game for however long you want it to. It’s challenging, but it also allows you to move at your own pace and only face the more difficult levels when you’re ready. It’s an endless supply of killing zombies, managing your community, and exploring the deadly countryside of Trumbull Valley. What’s not to love?

4/5 - http://n4g.com/news/1403073/state-of-decay-breakdown-review-examiner

Breakdown doesn’t bring a new story or add new maps to State of Decay, but it does provide a new way to play the game that continues to challenge players wanting more. Those who enjoyed the campaign mode of the undead survival title will also love its first add-on which manages to offer fans even more zombie action inside a new endless game mode. Breakdown uses the same mechanics that made State of Decay a success and presents them in a new sandbox package.