View Full Version : New Survivors cast audio adventures

25-Nov-2013, 04:26 PM
Don't know if this has been mentioned - but I've just discovered that in 2014 there's going to be a set of "audio adventures" featuring some of the original cast members for the 70's BBC "Survivors" series:-


According to the blog (http://www.survivors-mad-dog.org.uk/blog/), Carolyn Seymour (Abby Grant), Ian McCulloch (Greg Preston) and Lucy Fleming (Jenny Richards). are all on board...


25-Nov-2013, 06:27 PM
This is epic! But of course it all comes down to the quality of the writing...

25-Nov-2013, 08:49 PM
The original actors all respected the show, the guy who played Greg said it was the best time he'd had since being in the real armed forces in one interview, I am cautiously optimistic that they won't settle for any old tripe, hopefully they will carry the spirit of the original (three men in a Land Rover FTW!)

Oh, and "Big Finish" actually have a good rep for these audio dramas...I've got some of the "Sapphire & Steel" ones, they are pretty good.