View Full Version : Theatre of the Dead - Feature - Reaching the end of a long road...

07-Dec-2013, 11:25 PM
Back in January 2012, we shot our low budget zombie feature "Theatre of the Dead". After almost two years of post production, dealing with all sorts of ups and downs along the road to completion, we finally had our premiere screening at a local cinema, filling the 350-seat room with an enthusiastic audience. Let me tell you, there's nothing that compares to the sound of an audience clapping and cheering a feature film that you've poured your blood, sweat and tears into :)

We're not quite at the end of the road yet. Still need to get some kind of distribution in place, as well as sending out to festivals, etc. But the film is in the can, which as those of you who've attempted a feature length project know, is no mean feat.

So, here's our current trailer for your enjoyment :-)


If you're wondering about the "Cannes Trailer" thing, a local delegation sponsored by our state film board, including one of our producers, went over to the Cannes Film Market earlier this year. They included TotD on their slate of films they were trying to drum up interest in. We had a few nibbles, but nothing that's borne fruit yet.

Pat Gallagher
Writer/Director - Theatre of the Dead

Mister Chrome
16-Dec-2013, 04:28 PM
Great trailer. Love the concept of being locked in a theatre (cut off and isolated from what's happening). A bit reminiscent of "Dead Set" mini-series, in the sense that the main characters are initially clueless about the zombie outbreak.

Looking forward to seeing the final product.


Darkest Hour
16-Dec-2013, 05:40 PM
^There is an golden oldie.

Skipping the smarmy ltns.