View Full Version : Great Gatsby remake

Darkest Hour
05-Jan-2014, 08:13 AM
Bought this dvd for my GF for the holidays seeing as we missed it theatrical.Wow that movie was discombobulating!
Roaring 20's flappers and TECHNO MUSIC!
Who knew?


05-Jan-2014, 08:18 PM
Never read the Fitzgerald novel, & from the promo that was out I had no idea what the hell was going on, so I gave this one a dodge. :lol:

06-Jan-2014, 11:18 AM
Bought this dvd for my GF for the holidays seeing as we missed it theatrical.Wow that movie was discombobulating!
Roaring 20's flappers and TECHNO MUSIC!
Who knew?


Gatsby was not too bad a flim ( deliberate misspell alert ) and embaressing to say for a rabid reader like myself - I've never read the book. But I am absolutely an on again/off again fan of our Miss Carey Mulligan. While she's often window dressing in movies, Carey acted the hell out of Sally Sparrow in Doctor Who ( the episode: Blink ). As a certain police detective would say - and I misquote it - Life is short, and she is Hot.

Wayne Z

10-Jan-2014, 08:37 PM
I actually just watched this today. While the modern music could be a bit jarring at times, it was expected so it didn't throw me off too much. In all, it was a decent enough adaptation but could have been more, imo.

Having only watched it at home, I could still see that it was probably quite a treat to see in theatrical 3D. I'm not a fan of most 3D, but you can tell this is one that was specifically designed for it.