View Full Version : Pet Sematary 1 & 2 and original King book

27-Jan-2014, 11:27 AM
Do the films and the book count as "zombie" stuff? i mean the kid, the sheriff, the punks, the wife, the starlet mother, Timmy Batterman etc. Do they count as zombies or are they really demons possessed by Wendigo?

I saw the first film in theaters when i was 7 3 times and the sequel 2 times when i was 10 years old then i read the book at age 9.

27-Jan-2014, 11:38 AM
Personally I'd count them as general horror? Hence me moving this thread :)

27-Jan-2014, 01:36 PM
i've never thought of the pet semetary undead as zombies or ghouls, more along the line of demonic reanimations, like you said.

supposedly, they are still kicking around the idea of remaking the film. i wouldn't be opposed if it fell in the right hands, but the way hollywood is these days, it's pretty much guaranteed to have tons of flashy cgi, cute teens, explosions, and be a total shitfest.

the book is probably one of my favorite king books of all time. i've probably read it at least three times.

27-Jan-2014, 02:53 PM
So basically they are like the deadites and the REC creatures right? and do Wendigos make zombies?

27-Jan-2014, 06:44 PM
i live nowhere near the algonquian region, so i'd never really heard of a wendigo till pet sematary...but looking on the wikipedia entry, it does mention cannibalism. however, i still wouldn't classify the subjects of wendigo possession as anything other than demons.

i've not seen REC, nor do i know what you're referring to when you say deadites, sorry. welcome to the boards, by the way.

27-Jan-2014, 10:52 PM
Deadites as in Evil dead