View Full Version : Soo...the krishna zombie has a myspace...?

13-Jul-2006, 04:05 AM

Some people have waaay too much time on their hands these days...

13-Jul-2006, 04:15 AM
i think i'm the only person on the net without a myspace page

after clicking that, i know why :p

13-Jul-2006, 06:34 AM
heres the thought of this guy waking up "wow im gonna make a krishna zombie myspace". does he have a life? iunno. does he like toast? iunno.

13-Jul-2006, 07:03 AM

Some people have waaay too much time on their hands these days...

He's a Krishna Zombie, man. Krishna. Zombie. Of course he's got time on his hands ;)

Meh. It probably took the guy 15 minutes and he got a chuckle out of it. No big deal.

13-Jul-2006, 07:42 AM
I think it's funny that you somehow stumbled across it yet he only has 12 friends. (soon to be 13... I added him :lol: ) Small odds!

13-Jul-2006, 09:33 AM
i think i'm the only person on the net without a myspace page

after clicking that, i know why :p
No, I don't have one either....I refuse to even visit the site or allow my machine to access it.:D

13-Jul-2006, 10:11 AM
No, I don't have one either....I refuse to even visit the site or allow my machine to access it.:D

same here the whole thing is a little too wierd for me.:rockbrow:

13-Jul-2006, 10:33 AM
I have a page for DEADLANDS, but I never visit it but once every 3-4 weeks. Last time I logged in besides Monday was back in May. I keep forgetting I have it until I get some stupid email about someone wants to be added to my friendlist. So when I go into the check it out they are all porn ads... This could be a good thing. :D

13-Jul-2006, 10:53 AM
So when I go into the check it out they are all porn ads... This could be a good thing. :D
Unless it's "Watersports" **shudders** or "Teens on Top" that are actually 40+ year old washouts wearing fake braces and 12 tons of makeup to hide their withering prune-face and sunken eye sockets....well, unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.;)

13-Jul-2006, 11:38 AM
i think i'm the only person on the net without a myspace page

after clicking that, i know why :p

Naaa, I don't have one either... If I want to be stalked online by people who aren't what they say they are I can do that on AOL....:lol:


13-Jul-2006, 12:52 PM
If any of you guys actually believe that page was created by krishna zombie himself ... now THAT would be funny! :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 01:32 PM
No "child-molesting, kiddie-porn, pervert hang out" website space for me please!!!!


13-Jul-2006, 02:44 PM
I think it's funny that you somehow stumbled across it yet he only has 12 friends. (soon to be 13... I added him :lol: ) Small odds!

lol, I was checking out the myspace for Night of the Living Dead 3D, and from there, I found this lifeless nutjob.


13-Jul-2006, 03:14 PM
No "child-molesting, kiddie-porn, pervert hang out" website space for me please!!!!

very, very wise words, lets face it hes right.:barf:

13-Jul-2006, 03:23 PM
No "child-molesting, kiddie-porn, pervert hang out" website space for me please!!!!

myspace is the back alley gutter of the internet.

13-Jul-2006, 03:26 PM
myspace is the back alley gutter of the internet.

I used to say the same thing. And in many ways, I still believe that's true. But there are other users at the site for different reasons. I've kind of enjoyed it since I signed up. I've been able to talk to some friends that I have't seen since school.

Although, I never really go browsing around like some do. I only use the classmates and school feature....it's pretty cool.

13-Jul-2006, 03:32 PM
No "child-molesting, kiddie-porn, pervert hang out" website space for me please!!!!


All of the is so overrated...overblown by, go figure, the liberal media. MySpace is overshadowed by the sick minority of sex offenders and retard thirteen year old whorebags.

MySpace is good for alot of things. I've got up with alot of old friends I never would have found on my own. It's a useful site. But if you ask CNN and all this liberally-diluted news sources, MySpace is a horrid childmolesting capital of the world.

13-Jul-2006, 03:42 PM
All of the is so overrated...overblown by, go figure, the liberal media. MySpace is overshadowed by the sick minority of sex offenders and retard thirteen year old whorebags.

MySpace is good for alot of things. I've got up with alot of old friends I never would have found on my own. It's a useful site. But if you ask CNN and all this liberally-diluted news sources, MySpace is a horrid childmolesting capital of the world.

Liberal Media :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You and I must live on different planets!

13-Jul-2006, 04:55 PM
All of the is so overrated...overblown by, go figure, the liberal media. MySpace is overshadowed by the sick minority of sex offenders and retard thirteen year old whorebags.

MySpace is good for alot of things. I've got up with alot of old friends I never would have found on my own. It's a useful site. But if you ask CNN and all this liberally-diluted news sources, MySpace is a horrid childmolesting capital of the world.

Yeah, that's actually what happened to me. I believed that stuff rather than checking it out for myself.

It's actually kind of silly to call it all those names without having gone to the site and experienced it for one's self:shifty: . So I have now inserted me right foot into my mouth:p

13-Jul-2006, 08:04 PM
Yeah, that's actually what happened to me. I believed that stuff rather than checking it out for myself.

It's actually kind of silly to call it all those names without having gone to the site and experienced it for one's self:shifty: . So I have now inserted me right foot into my mouth:p
The very reason I do NOT allow my computer to access this site (PEDOspace) IS because I DID look around.
It's all a matter of opinion, again.
If one doesn't mind associating with pre-teens and pedophiles (that's the majority of myspace), then, that's the place for you. There are many other ways to hunt down "old friends" online without the use of "PEDOspace".
I did NOT fall for the "media" on this. I did my own research. It took only three weeks to see what that hole is like.

13-Jul-2006, 08:46 PM
i agree this bozo has to much time on his or her hands!

im a zombie fan but thats a bit of a jump,i dont suppose he also has zombie porn!

there's a fine line between being a fan and a dork!!!:skull:

13-Jul-2006, 11:47 PM
maybe it's not myspace that is bad, but the sick f@cks who are looking for kids to entice... myspace is only a tool, it depends on how you use it...
true, but....the "tool" is used mainly by pre-teens and pedophiles.

14-Jul-2006, 12:21 AM
I love how some of you have Yahoo Messenger and you call MySpace crawling with pedophiles. Thats funny

14-Jul-2006, 02:32 AM
I love how some of you have Yahoo Messenger and you call MySpace crawling with pedophiles. Thats funny
I have yahoo msngr. I have never had a problem with any kind of perverted activity.
The three weeks I watched PEDOspace, I reported over 200 pedophiles to the proper authorities; 147 of them were investigated - 92 of those were convicted.
The 4 years I have used yahoo - I have seen ZERO pedophiles.

I love how some of you protect and make excuses for a website that is over-run with pedophiles stalking underaged children.

14-Jul-2006, 03:18 AM
Pffffft, "plenty of pre-teens." On My Space? Come on! I can assure you, I know plenty of 13 and 14 year olds on My Space and they are certainly not pre-teens, thankyouverymuch.

Errr...wait :shifty:

Seriously though (yes, the above is just a joke for crimminy's sake), I can never log on to the damn thing, and it certainly seems like a lot of adults use it, despite claims to the contrary. To be sure, there are freaks on there, though.

14-Jul-2006, 04:31 AM
I love how some of you have Yahoo Messenger and you call MySpace crawling with pedophiles. Thats funny

''SOME''?, i think we all know that ,aside from world of warcraft, thats there primary hunting ground the filthy bastards.:barf:

14-Jul-2006, 12:44 PM
It's funny that you guys say that it's crawling with pedophiles. I've been on there for about a month now and NEVER ran into that problem. That's why I only use it to find old friends from school. I never just use the search or try making "friends" with someone I don't already know.

Doomonyou is right....it's a tool and it depends on who's using the tool.

Hell....if pedophiles are the only thing keeping you from myspace, maybe you shouldn't be using the internet at all. I mean, do you know how many kiddie porn sites are out there? Not on Myspace....just on the internet.

14-Jul-2006, 01:11 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

14-Jul-2006, 04:17 PM
''SOME''?, i think we all know that ,aside from world of warcraft, thats there primary hunting ground the filthy bastards.:barf:

Was that a swipe at WoW? I'll have to smite you now! :D

and can we stop with the "pedospace" bs, for one thing, every single band in the world has an offical space on there and it's a great way to get info on them by way of bulletins and what not, same goes for record lables, so it's used by something other the "pedos".

FYI, since we're talking about girls from 14-17 it's called "Ephebophilia" since they are adolescents :cool:

14-Jul-2006, 05:17 PM
I have yahoo msngr. I have never had a problem with any kind of perverted activity.
The three weeks I watched PEDOspace, I reported over 200 pedophiles to the proper authorities; 147 of them were investigated - 92 of those were convicted.
The 4 years I have used yahoo - I have seen ZERO pedophiles.

I love how some of you protect and make excuses for a website that is over-run with pedophiles stalking underaged children.

I took a look around the chat rooms back when you could create rooms, and the teen chats were crawling with "Younger men for older men", vice versa and in various forms. Yahoo took it down for all these reasons. Pedophilia on rampage. You know how many cops have lingered around there in disguise. I've read articles where cops use Yahoo all the time to pose as 14 year olds to catch old trailer trash who hit on these people.

But bottom line, Yahoo and MySpace are not bad. It's the people who use it. People use it for breeding ground for wrongful sexuality and pedophilia. It's all those media bastards who make it sound like that they're sanctioning this. But what has Yahoo done to prevent it? MySpace has taken measures to make minors' profiles privateto people over 21 who're not their friends, much less private to people who are not logged in. They're watching the site more.

People need to lay off MySpace. They keep yelling at MySpace like they're the pedophiles. Pedophilia isn't going to stop if you shut down and ignore myspace. Getting to the pedophiles will! Whatever happened to getting to the root of the problems nowadays...

...we also might as well call Yahoo who a police headquarters, because there are so many damn undercover ones it aint even funny.

14-Jul-2006, 05:20 PM
I took a look around the chat rooms back when you could create rooms, and the teen chats were crawling with "Younger men for older men", vice versa and in various forms. Yahoo took it down for all these reasons. Pedophilia on rampage. You know how many cops have lingered around there in disguise. I've read articles where cops use Yahoo all the time to pose as 14 year olds to catch old trailer trash who hit on these people.

But bottom line, Yahoo and MySpace are not bad. It's the people who use it. People use it for breeding ground for wrongful sexuality and pedophilia. It's all those media bastards who make it sound like that they're sanctioning this. But what has Yahoo done to prevent it? MySpace has taken measures to make minors' profiles privateto people over 21 who're not their friends, much less private to people who are not logged in. They're watching the site more.

People need to lay off MySpace. They keep yelling at MySpace like they're the pedophiles. Pedophilia isn't going to stop if you shut down and ignore myspace. Getting to the pedophiles will! Whatever happened to getting to the root of the problems nowadays...


Preach it Bruva!


17-Jul-2006, 04:18 AM
i made a myspace page

i only use it to keep in touch with very few people

i have encountered some very negative elements
regarding it
but i am able to handle these things

i dont worry so much about wackos on the net

there are plenty in everybodys home towns
to worry about

18-Jul-2006, 01:18 AM
Maybe if parents taught thier kids to be civilized they wouldn't get into the things they do... wannabe strippers, gangsters, tough guys, pornstars...is this what parents are teaching thier kids to be?

Then they wonder why thier kids are getting in trouble, getting pregnant, getting dead....

Very good point. But parents are senseless nowadays. It's never their fault. It's the fault of the one they failed to shield their children from.

I mean, what about when parents rioted against Eminem. I hate the guy and his crap "music", don't get me wrong, but his music has the funny sticker on it and you have to be eighteen to buy it. Who was buying it, I wonder...the idiot parents!

Part of it is because alot of parents arent nearly as technilogically literate as their children, so their children know all the tricks.

18-Jul-2006, 11:00 AM
Maybe if parents taught thier kids to be civilized they wouldn't get into the things they do... wannabe strippers, gangsters, tough guys, pornstars...is this what parents are teaching thier kids to be?

Then they wonder why thier kids are getting in trouble, getting pregnant, getting dead....
Excellent point!

Part of it is because alot of parents arent nearly as technilogically literate as their children, so their children know all the tricks.
That may have been true in the early to mid '90's - these days, there's too much technological information in everyday life not to be familiar with it. Whether the parents are reading about said tricks in the paper or seeing it on TV, they know about them.

Harold W Brown
14-Feb-2008, 02:51 PM
Real deal:


(sorry for the cross-post)