View Full Version : A middle age epiphany..

01-Feb-2014, 08:44 PM
It struck me the other day as I was driving past a Catholic church in my neighborhood that until i joined the Army, I really didn't know anyone who wasn't both white and catholic. aside from one of my close friends (the exception who proves the rule) every single person that I hung out with as a young person was catholic. I grew up in a neighborhood that was like the Brady Bunch, so the only thing i knew about black folks was what i saw on "Sanford & Son", "Good Times", and "The Jeffersons."

anyone else have a recent middle age epiphany? or revelation of any sort?

03-Feb-2014, 03:18 AM
Hm. Don't know if it's recent...or a revelation...but the older I get, the more I realize that I don't really know shit. When I was in my 20's, I was a cock sure little shit, had opinions I took as fact, thought I knew the answer to life, the universe, & everything. But the older I grow the more I realize the less I know.

With half (or more) of my life gone, it's been a bitter realization that there are no answers, there are no solutions. We live, then we die. And everything in between is meaningless in the grand scheme of things & comes to naught.


03-Feb-2014, 09:21 AM
Jesus Moonie...I was just about to write roughly the same thing.

03-Feb-2014, 11:23 AM
Probably I'm the only one, but I didn't have a revelation or sense of time passing until about age fifty. Think about it. Half a century. Pre Silicon Revolution, dudes, that some heavy reality just to start with. But then again, we went to the moon with systems with memory less than that in an old playstation, did fantastic movie special effects without CGI, so while there was less technology we worked twice as hard so the effort usually showed.
I recently discovered the once sharp American sense of humor has dulled immensely, becoming more literal and less literate. I'm glad I became politically and socially aware in the 70's, since we were still unapologetic and less PC. Humor is so important to the survivor's creed after all. But now you more often than not have to spell out the joke, and that doesn't work - not really. :duh:

On the other hand, big-head mutant dogs? (see superbowl ad ) Always a classic. :D

03-Feb-2014, 05:18 PM
I had an epiphany...

The epiphany was that the way you used "the exception that proves the rule" saying is incorrect.

The exception that proves the rule means that you can deduce what "the rule" is, if there is an exception that somehow references it. Mostly used when the "rules" are not clear

Ps. Please dont hate me...

03-Feb-2014, 06:40 PM
I had an epiphany...

The epiphany was that the way you used "the exception that proves the rule" saying is incorrect.

The exception that proves the rule means that you can deduce what "the rule" is, if there is an exception that somehow references it. Mostly used when the "rules" are not clear

Ps. Please dont hate me...


well, most folks not from around here wouldn't have a clue about just how heavily catholic where i live is. it pretty much is a rule around here.

- - - Updated - - -

Hm. Don't know if it's recent...or a revelation...but the older I get, the more I realize that I don't really know shit. When I was in my 20's, I was a cock sure little shit, had opinions I took as fact, thought I knew the answer to life, the universe, & everything. But the older I grow the more I realize the less I know.

With half (or more) of my life gone, it's been a bitter realization that there are no answers, there are no solutions. We live, then we die. And everything in between is meaningless in the grand scheme of things & comes to naught.


that is just life, Moon. it is also the reason that i refuse to take anyone under 25 seriously.

and life comes full circle: I'm 44 and after being out in the world for quite a while, I'm again living in a place that is almost entirely catholic and entirely white...

03-Feb-2014, 08:05 PM
Jesus Moonie...I was just about to write roughly the same thing.

I just had an epiphany that as I get older I'm turning into Shootem. :lol:

that is just life, Moon. it is also the reason that i refuse to take anyone under 25 seriously.

I suppose. Thing is though, I really miss it. There's a certain comfort in being able to believe something with conviction. To knowing with such absolute certainty that you know how things are, how they're supposed to be, & what you're place is in the world. To believing you have the answers to life's mysteries & questions.

It's been disheartening to learn over the course of time that not only are there no answers, there don't even appear to be questions. No mysteries. No magic. Not even a man behind the curtain. Just plain, stupid, life. What you see is what you get. And all of it ultimately with out point or purpose. :|

And on that cheery note I'm going to go tickle some puppies & kittens with some rainbows now. :p

03-Feb-2014, 08:35 PM
I just had an epiphany that as I get older I'm turning into Shootem. :lol:

A fine wine Moon...a fine wine. ;)

16-Oct-2014, 05:47 PM
Ahhh, middle age. My old fears of a mid-life crisis have been replaced by knowledge that it's actually a good thing. It's a reawakening, a new beginning. As we age typically we don't have new experiences, it's the same-old, same-old. This is the time of my life to flip the script, to have those experiences that I may have missed earlier. To get the flashy car (probably not), the much younger girlfriend (been there, done that...heh heh). Try new things that may have seemed unfulfilling or unworthy of my time (psychology, for example is one of my new passions), and find that they are rewarding after all. With that in mind I think I'll take a walk and enjoy the company of some lovelies down the street....

16-Oct-2014, 06:37 PM
Our preferences on things such as politics and economics usually funnel to become our only tool. Trying to fix with a hammer with what requires a screwdriver is foolish. We are all foolish.

16-Oct-2014, 07:27 PM
Ahhh, middle age. My old fears of a mid-life crisis have been replaced by knowledge that it's actually a good thing. It's a reawakening, a new beginning. As we age typically we don't have new experiences, it's the same-old, same-old. This is the time of my life to flip the script, to have those experiences that I may have missed earlier. To get the flashy car (probably not), the much younger girlfriend (been there, done that...heh heh). Try new things that may have seemed unfulfilling or unworthy of my time (psychology, for example is one of my new passions), and find that they are rewarding after all. With that in mind I think I'll take a walk and enjoy the company of some lovelies down the street....

:lol: Oddly, I never had the desire to "act out" in mid-life crisis mode. Now my ex...:dead:

Our preferences on things such as politics and economics usually funnel to become our only tool. Trying to fix with a hammer with what requires a screwdriver is foolish. We are all foolish.


19-Oct-2014, 07:00 AM
So i guess whatever we do thinking is right in our 20's, end up as bitter memories which we are trying to forget for the rest of our lives just when we are enlightened:p

19-Oct-2014, 04:08 PM
So i guess whatever we do thinking is right in our 20's, end up as bitter memories which we are trying to forget for the rest of our lives just when we are enlightened:p

Possibly. Something like that. YMMV, but for me the only enlightenment is that there is no enlightenment. Obviously, others have a different view if they've found belief systems that work for them & such, but for me believing in anything is a fallacy I can't embrace. :|

20-Oct-2015, 12:25 PM
it pretty much is a rule around here.

Only 365 days after the latest post. Good job!

20-Oct-2015, 01:06 PM
Only 365 days after the latest post. Good job!

Call Guinness. Preferably while drinking a Guinness.


12-May-2017, 08:03 PM
Im not exactly middle aged but I have epiphanies often. Here are some of the great truths I have come to realize over the years:

Racism, sexism, and bigotry will always exist and there's no way to stop it.

The older I get the more stupid entertainment gets.

The United States is not the ideal perfect country that Americans make it out to be.

All religions have no proof of being the true religion.

The world is way too overpopulated.

And last but not least Batman is a spoiled rich guy beating up on poverty stricken criminals desperate for money who all probably had less fortunate childhoods than he did and he basically uses his dead parents as an excuse to kick the holy crap out of them.

15-May-2017, 01:56 AM
I just had another one. Narcissists will accuse other people they attack of being narcissists. How ironic...

26-Jun-2017, 08:45 PM
Epiphany? Not sure but my bucket list started as I hit 40 and realized I need to get a move on while I still could.

12-Jul-2017, 08:35 PM
Ooh I got one! Bananas are an excellent source of potassium! *gets smacked* Americans will never embrace soccer? *gets smacked twice* Shaking it more than twice is playing with yourself? *gets smacked three times*