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13-Jul-2006, 05:48 AM
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Burton's Grim Fandango and Denzel in Halo?
Sources: The little-known film blog The Movie Center and the well-respected entertainment site Dark Horizons.

The official stories: Attempts to elicit comment from LucasArts, Burton's agent, and Microsoft were unsuccessful as of press time.

What we heard: This week saw a couple of crazy rumors spring from the crossroads of Hollywood and games. First up was word that the sultan of strange himself, director Tim Burton, is planning to direct a film version of LucasArts' beloved 1998 PC game Grim Fandango. The string of rumors tracked back to what appeared to be a typo-packed interview on the obscure film blog The Movie Center.

"Well, I'm currently woerking (sic) on Sweeny Todd (sic), which will be released in mid-2007," read the quote attributed to Burton. "After that, I'm gonna start working on a new script that was sent to me recently: Grim Fandango. It sort of follows the style of The nightmare before Christmas (sic) and Corpse Bride. It's about a surreal land of the dead, some sort of purgatory where everyone goes when they die. In that place, dead people have to make a four-year transition before they can rest in peace for all the eternity. I still don't know when we're going to start filming this, though."

Given that "Burton-esque" was an adjective often used to describe Grim Fandango when it came out, the quote seemed confirmation of a match made in nerd heaven. Problem is, the "interview" was actually a collection of quotes lifted from other press outlets. While several of the early quotes could be traced to this About.com interview with Burton, several of the others--including the Grim Fandango quote--remain of indeterminate origin, and therefore unverifiable.

Meanwhile, a single line on Dark Horizons sent out waves that traveled far beyond its Antipodean origin. In its Tuesday "News Bites" column, the Australian film site ran the following one-sentence note: "Latest rumors have Denzel Washington as the favorite for Master Chief."

While such throwaway lines could be pulled out of thin air, this one does have some basis in fact. In June, Washington did indeed fly to New Zealand, according to an article in the June 30 edition of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post. "Oscar-winner Denzel Washington has confirmed he visited Wellington to see director Peter Jackson and the Hollywood heavyweights will collaborate on a new film project," said the paper.

However, Washington told reporters at the Wellington, New Zealand airport that the meeting was about an unnamed project--that would put him behind the camera. "Speaking at the check-in counter, Washington said he would direct the movie, which he hoped would be released in two years. Jackson would provide the special effects."

Given the fact Jackson is executive-producing the Halo movie, it's easy to see how Washington's visit could start tongues a-waggin'. However, if Halo is going to stay true to the well-reviewed script written by Alex Garland, it's unlikely the Oscar-winner and sex symbol would play the Master Chief. (WARNING: script review contains adult language and spoilers.) Why? Because the screenplay, which is partially based on the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach, stays true to the spirit of the games by never revealing the Chief's face. It's hard to believe that Washington would agree to spend an entire shoot inside the Master Chief's power armor, and his unaltered voice lacks the supersoldier's clipped military gravitas. However, Washington easily has the chops and physique to play the MC's comrade in arms, Sergeant Johnson...

Bogus or not bogus?: Burton directing Grim Fandango? Not enough to go on. Washington as the Master Chief? Highly unlikely.

13-Jul-2006, 11:31 AM
Not sure whether I'd like Burton to do Grim Fandango ... that game was freakin' great, SUCH a good story and just so well made. I loved all the references to Casablanca and the whole 1940s vibe. If anyone hasn't played it, get it and play it, it's old school now, but it's just so damn good. I really must replay it actually...

13-Jul-2006, 01:55 PM
washington wouldn't eb a bad Sgt Johnson. but Dave Scully looks the part in addition to already voicing it.

13-Jul-2006, 03:31 PM
I thought Master Chief was white. Denzel is a great actor but I don't know how this part would pan out if it came to fruition. A Grim Fandango movie? I think I'd rather see a Sam & Max on the big screen...

13-Jul-2006, 06:12 PM
MC is white. actually he's practicly and albino.

13-Jul-2006, 10:29 PM
And Jedi's the most insulting installment. Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white! - Hooper, "Chasing Amy"

I duno, just thought that quote was apt at this moment. :lol:

14-Jul-2006, 04:15 AM
i was just about to make the exact same quote:lol: , i think itd be better for mc to be albino rather than typical master race action hero war films allways have.:bored:

14-Jul-2006, 12:57 PM
And Jedi's the most insulting installment. Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white! - Hooper, "Chasing Amy"

I duno, just thought that quote was apt at this moment. :lol:

"Well, isn't that true?" - Banky


I love that scene.

*Stands out of chair* "What's a newbian???" "Shut the f*ck up!" *sits down*:D

14-Jul-2006, 04:04 PM
the guy that plays Master Chief will no doubt just be a 7'2 stunt man and they'll just dub in a cool sounding voice.

14-Jul-2006, 05:11 PM
the guy that plays Master Chief will no doubt just be a 7'2 stunt man and they'll just dub in a cool sounding voice.

sounds like a vaguely familiar troma film invloving toxic waste and a mop......:D

*Stands out of chair* "What's a newbian???" "Shut the f*ck up!" *sits down*:D

"you didnt tell me you were gonna scream 'black rage' i nearly ****ed myself":lol:

14-Jul-2006, 05:50 PM
sounds like a vaguely familiar troma film invloving toxic waste and a mop......:D

not really think of the money they could save by casting a unknown actor or stuntman, and just have setev downes to the MC's voice like he has been.

they'd save millions.

Bungie has repeatedly stated that the cheif never removes his helmet during the film.

14-Jul-2006, 06:24 PM
hell just go with Kevin Nash, he's got lots of experiance playing huge nonspeaking guys in films :)

he was also kindda funny in Longest Yard :lol: