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View Full Version : Evil dead original VS evil dead remake?

07-Feb-2014, 07:06 AM
Which was better? were They mostly similair? Don't spoil anything because I haven't seen either of them YET but I want to see the original then the remake probably,

07-Feb-2014, 09:24 AM
Let's get technical. Evil dead 2 is a remake of sorts but it's not the newest remake. The very first Evil Dead is decent but has a lot of high pitched sounds that put me off. I'm odd like that I guess. But part 2 is a work of art. Certainly watch part 2. The modern remake is ok. Entertaining but as an Evil Dead fan it falls flat as most remakes do.

07-Feb-2014, 09:21 PM
They're not terribly similar, I prefer ED2 to the original one as well (though it is still worthy, worth seeing, & better than the remake as well), but the remake is pretty good. But the original(s) are still the best. :)

09-Feb-2014, 07:00 PM
Well if you mean the original compared to the newest remake, they share the same title and the basic premise of "teenagers in a cabin in the woods meet scary book monster". Other than that, they're different movies completely I think. The original was more "groundbreaking" in that I don't think there were a lot of movies like it at the time, the sound and storyline are very clearly indie movie level. The new one is ok but I don't want to say predictable, but it has the foreshadowing of skipping forward 5 pages and then going back to where you were in a book, the effects are pretty good but the story makes no sense.