View Full Version : Adam Sandler

13-Jul-2006, 06:38 AM
anyone else like this this guy and his movies? Happy Gilmore was his best in my opinion

13-Jul-2006, 06:43 AM
happy gilmore was good but little nicky kicked ass, but after the fourth film of his i saw i got sick of his 'underdog gets girl and becomes opposite of what he was at start' line he uses with all his storylines.:bored:

13-Jul-2006, 07:00 AM
i like him, and was suprised by his performance in spanglish. it was good movie and suprised me that he could act outside the "goofy idiot" routine.

13-Jul-2006, 07:05 AM
I like some of his stuff, but it's all getting pretty tepid.

13-Jul-2006, 07:35 AM
I think he sucks. Especially in Little Nicky. I don't think any movie has ever annoyed me more than that. (Although I'm sure if I saw the Strangers With Candy movie it would take Little Nicky's place.)

13-Jul-2006, 02:43 PM
Little Nicky was stoopid. Waste of Dangerfield, who I truly loved.(easy Money was awesome) Billy Madison was just retarded. Even so, there are always laughs.

Punch Drunk Love was great. I loved that movie.

I liked the Strangers With Candy show. It's repulsive.

13-Jul-2006, 02:53 PM
Goofy immature guy in his late 20's (what is he, 40?) talks in silly half-whispers, and manages to score a different hot female in each film (not counting 40 first dates :) ). Happy Gilmore had a few laughs, but overall I don't care for the guys work.

Spanglish was suprisingly good though.

13-Jul-2006, 02:54 PM
Little Nicky was stoopid.

:lol: That's great. Calling something stupid....yet spelling it like that. Good one.

I enjoyed Sandler's earlier flicks but I lost interest after awhile. I think the last one that I really enjoyed was "Big Daddy". "Punch Drunk Love" and "Spanglish" were bother good too. I think he should move into more drama style films for a while.

"Billy Madison" is my favorite with "Happy Gilmore" a close second.

13-Jul-2006, 02:58 PM
he is ok, some of his movies i loved like the water boy

13-Jul-2006, 02:58 PM
:lol: That's great. Calling something stupid....yet spelling it like that. Good one... I think he should move into more drama style films for a while.

I should've put in 3 o's for emphasis!

I think he's a surprisingly good dramatic actor. Than again, it's the same character in Punch Drunk love, just played in a real world way.
Never saw Spanglish, Maybe now I will. You guys all seem to like it

What wouldv'e been Cool would be Chris Farley and Sandler doing a serious movie.

Water boy was good. Laff packed rollercoaster!

13-Jul-2006, 02:59 PM
Sandler is a great comedic actor. Little Nicky was utter crap. I find that any movie where he picks up a dielect, I hate. I guess that means little nicky and even the water boy (hated it) Punch drunk love was OK, Billy Madison was great as was happy gilmore, the wedding singer is my favorite, its a little more grown up an has nestolgia working for it.
Sanglish bored me, Click will be a rental.
Bullet proof, Sandler saved a pice of crap movie(shower sceen) Anytime a Damon Wayns movie is watchable there has to be some devine intervention.
Don't forget he rocked SNL.

13-Jul-2006, 03:01 PM
Wedding Singer. I knew I forgot one.
I really loved that movie. There are some terriffic gags in that. And Steve Buscemi.
Classic Steve. "self taught!"

13-Jul-2006, 03:08 PM
I love Adam Sandler's work. He's hilarious. And I'm glad he hasn't gone all Jack Black on his career...a streak of sucky, pointless, kiddie flicks.

13-Jul-2006, 03:22 PM
I love Adam Sandler's work. He's hilarious. And I'm glad he hasn't gone all Jack Black on his career...a streak of sucky, pointless, kiddie flicks.

Are you referring to "Nacho Libre"? I liked that flick alot. Funny stuff...

The trailer does makes it look like a kiddie flick, though.

13-Jul-2006, 03:27 PM
Sandler is one of those punk-ass, wanna-be comedians you just want to slap. Hard. Very hard.
A gimmick.

13-Jul-2006, 04:30 PM
His new movie 'Click' is awesome, only because Kate Beckinsale is in it. :sneaky:
There are some good laughs in it like farting in David Hasselhoffs Mouth, but it's pretty much mediocre.

I like little nicky, some funny bits in there too.

But I'm getting fed up of his 'Angry guy/Shy guy' acting, like in 'Water Boy' and 'Anger Management'.

13-Jul-2006, 04:37 PM
Sandler is one of those punk-ass, wanna-be comedians you just want to slap. Hard. Very hard.
A gimmick.

He sure seems to be pretty damn sucessful for a "punk-ass wanna-be".:p

Besides, he was one of the people responsible for bringing SNL back....

13-Jul-2006, 04:45 PM
Anger Management was one of the most irritating movies I've ever seen. That end was retarded as hell.
Opera man? did anyone think that was funny?

13-Jul-2006, 04:47 PM
Anger Management was one of the most irritating movies I've ever seen. That end was retarded as hell.
Opera man? did anyone think that was funny?

I thought "Anger Management" was okay. The main thing that redeemed the film, for me, was Nicholson. He's the man...

I just thought of two more flicks that I enjoy and he's in:

"Airheads" - It's cheesy, I know....but I enjoy it. Must be a guilty pleasure.
"Coneheads" - True, he's only in it for a moment or two, but it's a funny flick altogether.

13-Jul-2006, 06:41 PM
Besides, he was one of the people responsible for bringing SNL back....
SNL NEVER came "back" - oh my....oh my.
IF anyone was responsible for "bringing SNL back" it was Phil Hartman.
All Sandler did was sing a few silly, stupid, childish, college, beer drinking songs.

13-Jul-2006, 06:55 PM
What a coincidence, I just got sent this lyp sync video of an Adam Sandler song:


:lol: :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 07:25 PM
SNL NEVER came "back" - oh my....oh my.
IF anyone was responsible for "bringing SNL back" it was Phil Hartman.
All Sandler did was sing a few silly, stupid, childish, college, beer drinking songs.

Hartman was one of them, too. That's why I said Sandler is ONE of the people responsible. Conan Obrian is another....but he was just a writer.

"Shlop shloppy joe":p

13-Jul-2006, 08:16 PM
Hartman was one of them, too. That's why I said Sandler is ONE of the people responsible. Conan Obrian is another....but he was just a writer.

"Shlop shloppy joe":p
oh man,....the days of Hartman....now I'm remembering....

***wavy flashback thingy since everyone thinks I'm a druggy**

Announcer: [ over SUPER ] "One hundred thousand years ago, a caveman was out hunting on the frozen wastes when he slipped and fell into a crevasse. In 1988, he was discovered by some scientists and thawed out. He then went to law school and became.. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Jingle: "He used to be a caveman,
but now he's a lawyer.
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer!"

Announcer: Brought to you by.. Gas Plus - actually gives you gas, for those times when you feel like being the joker; and by National Escort Services - if we don't get a prostitute to your door in 15 minutes, you don't pay; and by Happy Fun Ball - still legal in 16 states - it's legal, it's fun, it's Happy Fun Ball! And now, tonight's episode of "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer".

[ open on interior, courtroom, the Judge banging her gavel ]

Judge: Mr. Cirroc, are you ready to give your summation?

Cirroc: [ stepping out] It's just "Cirroc", your Honor.. and, yes, I'm ready. [ approaches the jury box ] Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm just a caveman. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW.. and run off into the hills, or wherever.. Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, I wonder: "Did little demons get inside and type it?" I don't know! My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts. But there is one thing I do know - when a man like my client slips and falls on a sidewalk in front of a public library, then he is entitled to no less than two million in compensatory damages, and two million in punitive damages. Thank you.

Judge: The jury will now retire to deliberate.

Jury Foreman: [ standing ] Your Honor.. we don't need to retire. Cirroc's words are just as true now as they were in his time. We give him the full amount.

[ the jury applauds Cirroc ]

Judge: Did you hear that, Mr. Cirroc?

Cirroc: [ cell phone to his ear ] Hang on a second.. [ to the judge ] I-I'm sorry, your Honor. I was listening to the magic voices coming out of this strange modern invention! [ smiles maliciously to the camera ]

Announcer: This has been "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer". Join us next week for another episode. Here's a scene.

[ cut to Cirroc and his caveman family standing before a podium at a political rally ]

Cirroc: Thank you! Thank you very much, thank you! First of all, let me say how happy I am to be your nominee for the United States Senate! [ applause ] You know.. thank you.. I don't really understand your Congress, or your system of checks and balances.. because, as I said during the campaign - I'm just a caveman! I fell on some ice, and later got thawed out by scientists. But there is one thing I do know - we must do everything in our power to lower the Capitol Gains Tax. Thank you!

Announcer: Next time, on "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer"..............:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 09:56 PM
All Sandler did was sing a few silly, stupid, childish, college, beer drinking songs.

So you didn't like the GAP Girls? In my opinion Chris Farley and David Spade were probably the best pair of people to play off each other (Tommy Boy is the best proof). But I thought those skits were some of the best for that time. Plus the Schmidt's Gay Beer commerical with Sandler and Farley was great.

13-Jul-2006, 10:03 PM
Plus the Schmidt's Gay Beer commerical with Sandler and Farley was great.
The GAP girls made me want to get hooked on heroin.
The "Schmidt's Gay Beer", that was funny.....but......15 seconds of funny? paaaaahleeeeze!!!
It's all about opinion....I know.....This Sandler fellow gets on my nerves....don't know why, can't explain why; he just does. (So does that idiot Jim Carey guy)
I'm a Mel Brooks/Terry Gilliam humor kinda guy (I know Gilliam was a python....and Python makes me cry tears of laughter) with a dab of John Cleese...(Fawlty Towers and fellow Python'er) -
Modern American humor?????? - It doesn't exist.
I dare you to make me laugh with ONE American "humorist".......it wont happen.......unless I can count that guy on this silly American Comedy Contest show....he has Muscular Dystrophy or smething (Josh Glass [sp]), BUT....the mother f*cker is hilarious!!! he's "Mel Brooks Hilarious"!!!!
Sandler is a hack.....he should be called Jerry Lewis, Jr......or Hey Lady!!!

13-Jul-2006, 10:26 PM
I'll agree with some of that. Mel Brooks has always been one of my favorites, my parents made me watch Spaceballs and Blazing Saddles(along with Uncle Buck and every other movie John Candy, John Belushi, and the Zucker Brothers made) a lot as a kid, and Life of Brian is probably one of the only movies to make me laugh from start to finish without interruption. But to me Sandler is good for different reasons. He's no Mel Brooks or John Belushi, but he's way better than Jimmy Fallon and the entire cast of Mad TV.

13-Jul-2006, 10:33 PM
Life of Brian is probably one of the only movies to make me laugh from start to finish without interruption.
maybe you should see Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. It's Hilarious

13-Jul-2006, 10:37 PM
Old Adam Sandler only works when you're really drunk.

However, his company put out "Grandma's Boy" which made me laugh so hard I really did cry. I had to go buy it. Couldn't help myself.

"Don't judge me, monkey.:cool:

13-Jul-2006, 11:18 PM
Adam Sandler is a personal taste....

I think he is pretty good. I thought Grandmas Boy was pretty good.

His movies are worth watching once....maybe a couple times if you really like it.

He was an above average cast member on SNL.

He was suprising in Spanglish and Punch Drunk love.

All in all I wont beat up on his career but I dont think he is one of the greats.