View Full Version : Zombie Safari (film)

27-Feb-2014, 10:08 PM
I found this a little while ago. There is very little information about this zombie movie, other than it will be similar to Jurassic Park, but with zombie animals.


Red Sea Media is in development on Zombie Safari, a complete riff on Steve Spielberg’s Jurassic Park – only with zombies!

Years after the zombie apocalypse, life has returned to normal. A billionaire, driven mad by what happened to his family years ago, opens a zombie safari theme park. But when the power goes out, nothing is left to stop these “captive” zombies from escaping.


Rancid Carcass
27-Feb-2014, 11:03 PM
it will be similar to Jurassic Park, but with zombie animals.

Do you think they'll screech like raptors... wait...what?!! :shifty: