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05-Mar-2014, 08:19 PM
I am currently reading Surviving the Evacuation Book One: London by Frank Tayell on Kindle during work lunch hours.

Told in first person diary perspective. A man with a broken leg is left behind whilst London is evacuated during a zombie pandemic. He has about fifty days for the cast to come off and scrounged enough food and drink to last about thirty-five days...

Can a single, unarmed man on crutches survive the walking dead? Fortunately, these zombies are the slow Romero type, not the raptor zombies of the Dawn remake.

I haven't finished it yet but it is a very good read. First part of a trilogy, I bought this one and the sequel Surviving the Evacuation Book Two: Wasteland at the same time. Both at £1.53.


07-Mar-2014, 11:47 PM
Interesting, I badly strained my groin a few years back, spent a week limping around with really poor mobility (no running, no jumping, no really stable base to swing a bat from etc)...and being a zombie/post apocalypse type of guy, my first thoughts were "what the fuck would I do if 'they' rose today? How would I cope, how long would I last if I couldn't find somewhere safe with a lot of supplies before I'd healed properly".

I think I will check this out! Thanks for the heads up!

08-Mar-2014, 09:04 AM
Interesting, I badly strained my groin a few years back, spent a week limping around with really poor mobility (no running, no jumping, no really stable base to swing a bat from etc)...and being a zombie/post apocalypse type of guy, my first thoughts were "what the fuck would I do if 'they' rose today? How would I cope, how long would I last if I couldn't find somewhere safe with a lot of supplies before I'd healed properly".

I think I will check this out! Thanks for the heads up!

Talking about unable to get away - My thing has always been baby wards in hospitals :eek:

08-Mar-2014, 12:51 PM
Talking about unable to get away - My thing has always been baby wards in hospitals :eek:

They can't all be yours...can they?

08-Mar-2014, 03:35 PM
They can't all be yours...can they?

No, I've always had this image of a baby ward having been left unattended due to the staff running off in terror, or being attacked... And slowly and surely the dead finding their way to it...

08-Mar-2014, 06:07 PM
And tonight's deeply unpleasant nightmare was provided by Neil from HPotD... :D

09-Mar-2014, 06:16 AM
Just ordered this last night. I'm looking forward to reading it but I have to finish Stephen King's, "Doctor Sleep" first.

09-Mar-2014, 03:12 PM
No, I've always had this image of a baby ward having been left unattended due to the staff running off in terror, or being attacked... And slowly and surely the dead finding their way to it...

That'd be a sweet scene. Also, a zombie attacking a babystroller.

17-Mar-2014, 09:52 PM
No, I've always had this image of a baby ward having been left unattended due to the staff running off in terror, or being attacked... And slowly and surely the dead finding their way to it...
It is not inconceivable that at the beginning of the outbreak many parents would take their healthy baby and go home during the early days of the crisis.
I would also imagine there is a large element of medical staff that would not abandon their posts, and that hospitals would probably be afforded the most protection from Police and Military in a Romeroverse.

But should all be lost and the maternity units abandoned then someone in a senior position would euthanize the parentless or sick babies that would be left behind.

It makes me sad thinking about the kids in the undead apocalypse and will probably ruin the whole experience for me if it ever happened. Selfish kids.

18-Mar-2014, 12:18 PM
It is not inconceivable that at the beginning of the outbreak many parents would take their healthy baby and go home during the early days of the crisis.
I would also imagine there is a large element of medical staff that would not abandon their posts, and that hospitals would probably be afforded the most protection from Police and Military in a Romeroverse.

But should all be lost and the maternity units abandoned then someone in a senior position would euthanize the parentless or sick babies that would be left behind.

It makes me sad thinking about the kids in the undead apocalypse and will probably ruin the whole experience for me if it ever happened. Selfish kids.

I can't speak for Neil, but I think the focus was on those newborns orphaned right from the start, or the parents can't get to them for some reason or another. As to the matter of the hospitals, doesn't it seem more likely that only a few of the larger facilities might get protection, and the rest left to hang? Priorities tend to get really twisted in crisis, whether it's an earthquake, flood, or zombie plague. ;)

Strictly from a fictional frame of mind, I do like the idea of euthanizing the babies as a plot device. Stories about the Undead are great for trotting out the taboos, aren't they?

18-Mar-2014, 12:27 PM
I can't speak for Neil, but I think the focus was on those newborns orphaned right from the start, or the parents can't get to them for some reason or another. As to the matter of the hospitals, doesn't it seem more likely that only a few of the larger facilities might get protection, and the rest left to hang? Priorities tend to get really twisted in crisis, whether it's an earthquake, flood, or zombie plague. ;)

Strictly from a fictional frame of mind, I do like the idea of euthanizing the babies as a plot device. Stories about the Undead are great for trotting out the taboos, aren't they?

Oh the dilemmas (as we saw in The Walking Dead ep14) could be horrific.

A nurse/doctor alone in the baby unit ward, seeing the creatures at the door(s) increasing and knowing it's only a matter of time... Surely the kindest thing (only thing!) is to inject them all with something, one by one... Can you imagine this situation! :eek:

19-Mar-2014, 03:58 AM
Yeah, but inject them with what? You'd probably want to destroy the brain to keep them from coming back.

19-Mar-2014, 09:21 AM
Yeah, but inject them with what? You'd probably want to destroy the brain to keep them from coming back.

You're over thinking it, and/or being too rational.

You have two choices as the doctor/nurse in the scenario:-
1) Try and escape and just leave the infants to their fate. To one by one be bitten/chomped to death while in total agony.
2) Try and escape but first put them out of any suffering with a quick injection of some sort (OD of anesthetic).

What would you do, try and escape some how and just leave the little ones to die in agony, or kill them yourself first?

19-Mar-2014, 11:35 PM
Remember the scene in WWZ when the church defences were overrun and the author described mothers battering their babies against walls to kill them? I had to put the book down and considered not continuing with it.

Wayzim, I would think that hospitals would be protected during the early days of outbreak as things would not really be that bad and possibly under control to an extent. Obviously once officials clicked what was going on the same state protectors would become executioners as they realised the hospitals were really just a breeding ground as people died and returned and attacked those trying to help.
I wonder what other facilities would be protected? The utilities providers for definite. The banks? Probably. What do you think would be protected?

Neil, If I were in the position I would kill them myself as humanely as possible. I think any medical professional in that position would. In terms of the scenario ever making it to screen then it would be the most heart-breaking thing to see either way. I personally hope it never makes its way to screen.

20-Mar-2014, 01:32 AM
I'd hate to use the word 'Obvious.' as there's a world of difference between the plague in Romero's universe and the one in WWZ. But even assuming there was some larger window of time with which to plan; triage in both the medical and military sense would still come into play; sooner than those in charge could ever anticipate. From someone who'd been thinking about these scenarios for way too decades ;) this story posted to HOTD's fiction section, back in 1999, was about such priorities.


20-Mar-2014, 10:11 AM
Remember the scene in WWZ when the church defences were overrun and the author described mothers battering their babies against walls to kill them? I had to put the book down and considered not continuing with it.I don't recall that!!?!

Neil, If I were in the position I would kill them myself as humanely as possible. I think any medical professional in that position would. In terms of the scenario ever making it to screen then it would be the most heart-breaking thing to see either way. I personally hope it never makes its way to screen.
That's the exact kind of scene that does need to be shown - or at least heavily implied. Think of the last Walking Dead episode!

In fact... Have you see Carriers! A part of that has just come back to me!