View Full Version : Awsome, another remake.

13-Jul-2006, 02:21 PM
Just got this emailed to me.

'Adventures in Babysitting': Ready for the remake?
(Embedded image moved to file: pic08365.jpg)14502__babysitting_l
Elisabeth Shue warned us years ago: ''Don't f--- with the babysitter.''
Disney isn't heeding her admonition. They're remaking Adventures in
Babysitting (pictured, right), the apparently beloved comedy-adventure
starring Shue as a put-upon high-school senior whose boring night
babysitting turns into a Dante-esque odyssey through blighted '80s
cityscapes. So who's the new Shue? Raven-Symone (left), of That's So Raven,
a show I've never watched but always assumed was about Poe's wacky Goth
adolescence. (It's not, apparently.)
This office, it appears, is a stronghold of Babysitting purists who don't
want a repeat of Love Don't Cost a Thing, the (admittedly execrable) Nick
Cannon remake of Can't Buy Me Love. Types one staffer: ''oh, this is worse
than a remake of the Seven Samurai. this is sick.'' Another simply says,
''This must be stopped!''
There are contrarians, of course. ''I love how you're outraged over the
disrespect being shown to a movie that was directed by... Chris Columbus.
My feeling is that we're really grieving is the faded glory of our shared
teenage crush on Elisabeth Shue. That lucky Macchio!'' This respondent
continues with an interesting hypothetical that goes to the heart of the
''race-reversed remake'' question: ''If Shue and her charges flee into a
black club and she's gotta sing the blues to get out... where will Raven et
al find themselves? Honkytonk?'' My vote would be for a Blue Collar Comedy
Tour concert. Or a Klan rally. Whatever's funnier.

I'm glad I'm not a breakfast guy or I would have just lost my lunch.

13-Jul-2006, 02:23 PM
Yeah, I read about this earlier this morning, too. It's sad.....

The problem is, it will probably do well and make a good profit so a sequel will be ready to go.:rolleyes:

Oh well....just another crap remake for the pile. Elizabeth Shue is better looking anyway.:p

13-Jul-2006, 02:25 PM
Lets not just **** on a classic 80s movie, lets do it with a cosby kid.

13-Jul-2006, 03:05 PM
I've never even seen Adventures in Babysitting and I'm offended.

That Klan rally bit at the end is funny stuff.:evil:

13-Jul-2006, 03:14 PM
Not sound racist, but does every film with a white star in the 80's have to be remade in the 21 st century with an african american actor, and one that was annoying in her career.

They must be STOPPED! this is such Bullshe-it

13-Jul-2006, 09:44 PM
Not sound racist, but does every film with a white star in the 80's have to be remade in the 21 st century with an african american actor, and one that was annoying in her career.

They must be STOPPED! this is such Bullshe-it

The 80s? Fark the 80s! What about the Honey Mooners?!?! Talk about taking an old time classic title and churning out spun crap for the sake of a cash-in! White, black--doesn't matter to me, and I am not a big re-make hater, but that horrified me.

13-Jul-2006, 09:51 PM
The 80s? Fark the 80s! What about the Honey Mooners?!?! Talk about taking an old time classic title and churning out spun crap for the sake of a cash-in! White, black--doesn't matter to me, and I am not a big re-make hater, but that horrified me.
I hear they're remaking The Beverly Hillbillies starring Eddie Murphy as EVERY character......just kidding....LOL.....the HORROR!!!!!

13-Jul-2006, 11:08 PM
When a remake is done well....noone is ****ed.

King Kong is a great example...Peter Jackson (who I am not a huge fan of) obviously had a ton of respect for the film and it really showed with the way the film turned out.

Now I know Adventures in Babysitting is a silly teen comedy, but it resonated with a generation...I am 29 everyone I know that is my age knows this movie...if it is remade, it should be remade because someone respects it not because its already written and there is no reason to cash in.

Oh I think they remake everything with black actors because they hope black teens today didnt go back and rent white middle class 80s comedies so they hope it will be all new material.

13-Jul-2006, 11:28 PM
King Kong is a great example...Peter Jackson (who I am not a huge fan of) obviously had a ton of respect for the film and it really showed with the way the film turned out.

I have yet to see King Kong and Peter Jackoff is the reason why.
He's the perfect example of someone that believes "Bigger and Louder and MORE CGI is Better!!!" instead of ORIGINALITY and art.

Come on.... think!!!!
Bad Taste was/is good because certain media TELLS them/you it's good. If you really sit down and watch it, it sucks. I mean REALLY sucks.
Meet the Feebles - only if you're on acid.
The Frighteners??? give me a break!!! I prefer Topper (1937)
Braindead or Dead Alive, was just simple and pathetic.

Jackson is NOT a film maker or an artist......he's a hack.

IMO, Peter Jackson is the perfect example of a movie hack with NO originality (and what "originalty he thinks he has is not original, but, silly and juvinile) He may have the ability to "sell an idea and make a 'pretty picture via CGI and OTHER ARTISTS'", but his "vision" is weak.
Peter Jackoff is the Car Salesman of the Movie Industry.
Peter Jackoff IS Carl Denham.
Hate me if you want and flame my ass, but come on!!!! Money doesn't make art. And, Film making is an art-form lost (or on it's way to being lost)

Damn, I'd LOVE five minutes with Peter Jackoff - He'd bow and beg for forgiveness.

Peter Jackson is the pain in my head.

13-Jul-2006, 11:36 PM
I liked Brain dead, bad taste, Lord of the Rings and King Kong.
So I respectfully disagree, sir!
I loved the Spider Pit scene in Kong.

I also used to like acid. Alot!

13-Jul-2006, 11:37 PM
WHY?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad:

13-Jul-2006, 11:40 PM
I liked Brain dead, bad taste, Lord of the Rings and King Kong.
So I respectfully disagree, sir!
I loved the Spider Pit scene in Kong.

I also used to like acid. Alot!
Again, I haven't seen his Kong....so I can't douse it with my urine.......yet.
Ole Petey and I go back a loooong way.

I used to love acid myself.....remember the album covers? and windowpane?

13-Jul-2006, 11:54 PM
WHY?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Why do I like Peter Jackson, or why did I like Acid? Please be more specific in your hatred and anger :)

Yeah, album covers!
Windowpane blue gel.
King Tut
Sugar cubes
Bonus Points if you know what Crazy Eddie is! or was, and it aint the electronics chainstore.

Those were crazy days. I dropped once in 1990 and rode my bike way downtown at 4AM and laid inbetween the Twin towers. They seemed a million miles tall. Then a security clown rode up in a golf cart and almost ran my head over!

14-Jul-2006, 12:11 PM
I have yet to see King Kong and Peter Jackoff is the reason why.
He's the perfect example of someone that believes "Bigger and Louder and MORE CGI is Better!!!" instead of ORIGINALITY and art.

Come on.... think!!!!
Bad Taste was/is good because certain media TELLS them/you it's good. If you really sit down and watch it, it sucks. I mean REALLY sucks.
Meet the Feebles - only if you're on acid.
The Frighteners??? give me a break!!! I prefer Topper (1937)
Braindead or Dead Alive, was just simple and pathetic.

Jackson is NOT a film maker or an artist......he's a hack.

IMO, Peter Jackson is the perfect example of a movie hack with NO originality (and what "originalty he thinks he has is not original, but, silly and juvinile) He may have the ability to "sell an idea and make a 'pretty picture via CGI and OTHER ARTISTS'", but his "vision" is weak.
Peter Jackoff is the Car Salesman of the Movie Industry.
Peter Jackoff IS Carl Denham.
Hate me if you want and flame my ass, but come on!!!! Money doesn't make art. And, Film making is an art-form lost (or on it's way to being lost)

Tell me now....how exactly would you make a film about a 25-30 foot tall ape fighting three t-rex's without cgi? Would you use stop-motion animation in this day and age? That would be a little out of place, don't you think?

"Kong" is a good film. Not because of the special effects, but because of the characters. The CGI works for the film, the film doesn't work for the CGI. It's a pretty darn good film with lots of heart. I liked it alot more than the "LOTR" trilogy.

Jackson was also VERY respectful to the orginal film. A+ remake. Maybe you should give the film an honest shot before you bash it without having seen it.

"The Frighteners" is good too, man! Weird....but it's good and funny.

14-Jul-2006, 12:14 PM
Tell me now....how exactly would you make a film about a 25-30 foot tall ape fighting three t-rex's without cgi? Would you use stop-motion animation in this day and age? That would be a little out of place, don't you think?

"Kong" is a good film. Not because of the special effects, but because of the characters. The CGI works for the film, the film doesn't work for the CGI. It's a pretty darn good film with lots of heart. I liked it alot more than the "LOTR" trilogy.

Jackson was also VERY respectful to the orginal film. A+ remake. Maybe you should give the film an honest shot before you bash it without having seen it.

"The Frighteners" is good too, man! Weird....but it's good and funny.
I might sit down and watch Kong this weekend - I've been putting it off and my girlfriend gives me "that look" IF I do suggest renting it.:lol:
I give all movies I watch an honest shot, even those movies by film-makers I've hated in the past.

14-Jul-2006, 12:20 PM
Bad Taste wasn't that great - I think. But Braindead was both funny and gory, and had an excellent horror atmosphere. The Frighteners? Great story that keeps you interested. Much better than most ghost movies out there, and you KNOW it. Infact, I think I'm going to watch that tonight.

As for Lord of the Rings. It's a costly adventure, that is tremendously overhyped. The first film was very pretty, visually but lacked somewhat in the script and editing. The second film takes these faults further, and the third film is just a 3 hour long George Lucas party, where everyone and their mother are CG generated. It looks really cheesy and thus isn't very pleasant to watch.

14-Jul-2006, 12:30 PM
Bad Taste wasn't that great - I think. But Braindead was both funny and gory, and had an excellent horror atmosphere. The Frighteners? Great story that keeps you interested. Much better than most ghost movies out there, and you KNOW it. Infact, I think I'm going to watch that tonight.

Do you have the new director's cut dvd of "The Frighteners"? It's a pretty nice DVD with a documentary that's longer than the film itself :eek: . It goes into every aspect of the process of making the film. You should check it out...

14-Jul-2006, 02:52 PM
Do you have the new director's cut dvd of "The Frighteners"? It's a pretty nice DVD with a documentary that's longer than the film itself :eek: . It goes into every aspect of the process of making the film. You should check it out...

That sounds very interesting! I just checked the stores (on the net) and they have a 3-disc directors cut of the film. I had no idea there was a 3-disc version of it! Anyway, that edition holds alot of goodies, including a full-length documentary, so that must be it!

I'll order it at the end of this month together with the Kingdom of Heaven directors cut and the re-release of The Last of the Mohicans (I saw that film on the tele the other month and now I have to have it!).

14-Jul-2006, 03:12 PM
That sounds very interesting! I just checked the stores (on the net) and they have a 3-disc directors cut of the film. I had no idea there was a 3-disc version of it! Anyway, that edition holds alot of goodies, including a full-length documentary, so that must be it!

I'll order it at the end of this month together with the Kingdom of Heaven directors cut and the re-release of The Last of the Mohicans (I saw that film on the tele the other month and now I have to have it!).

Do you live in America? I'm referring to the R1 Director's Cut DVD. If you're overseas, it will be a different DVD. But it still has the same documentary, I think. The one I have is only one, double sided disc.

But anyway, it's a good documentary and the film looks great.

14-Jul-2006, 05:41 PM
No, I live in Europe. Here, there's a 1 disc directors cut version, and a 3 disc. The 1 disc version didn't have the documentary.