View Full Version : H1ZI (zombie survival mmo)

Rancid Carcass
10-Apr-2014, 11:02 AM
New DayZ-like zombie survival mmo by Sony. It seems to be using the Planetside 2 engine - and looking very nice indeed! -

“Our focus is building a sandbox style of gameplay where players can build shelters out of resources in the world,”

“First off, it’s a persistent MMO that can hold thousands of players on servers we host"



30-Apr-2014, 10:49 AM
Gameplay footage.


09-Jun-2014, 06:37 PM
New trailer from E3


10-Jun-2014, 03:38 PM

01-Jul-2014, 05:59 PM
Gameplay Demo:


20-Jan-2015, 07:23 AM
Oooooooh dear! (warning: strong language)


20-Jan-2015, 08:44 AM
This has been getting an absolute hammering online.

I think 'DayZ' is safe for the time being.

20-Jan-2015, 09:34 AM

Well at least that review was hilarious. :D

Yeah, I've also been hearing a lot of bad things about this game - not that I was ever going to bother playing it in the first place - but man, it doesn't half look shite.

20-Jan-2015, 10:03 AM
Currently No More Room in Hell and Project Zomboid are catering to my zombie gaming needs.

I remember when I first found this site. Back then, zombie games were elusive, few and far between. You had to download that Dawn of the Dead mod for Doom if you wanted any zombie action worth speaking off. Now? Man, they're all over the place.

Unlike movies tho, most videogames seem to feature the slower zombies. I'm happy!

20-Jan-2015, 01:07 PM
Currently No More Room in Hell and Project Zomboid are catering to my zombie gaming needs.

I remember when I first found this site. Back then, zombie games were elusive, few and far between. You had to download that Dawn of the Dead mod for Doom if you wanted any zombie action worth speaking off. Now? Man, they're all over the place.

Unlike movies tho, most videogames seem to feature the slower zombies. I'm happy!

I quite enjoyed the escape level (prison?) in No More Room In Hell, but found everything else very frustrating. Has it moved on much over the last 5-6 months?

20-Jan-2015, 01:30 PM
I quite enjoyed the escape level (prison?) in No More Room In Hell, but found everything else very frustrating. Has it moved on much over the last 5-6 months?

to be honest, no not really. If I recall, you didn't like the fighting mechanics, and they are exactly the same as far as I can tell. There's some new weapons and maps, that's it.

I agree with you on many points, but I think it's a fun game to sit down with a few friends, crank up some ambient horror music and try to survive in. It's very aesthetically pleasing, like the graveyard level where you see hordes of zombies coming at you through the darkness. Yeah, it can get spooky at times...

Rancid Carcass
21-Jan-2015, 04:27 PM
Took the plunge and picked up H1 yesterday, despite the negative press, and I have to say I'm finding it rather enjoyable. Only sunk a couple of hours into it at the moment thanks to an 8 hour patch-a-thon that started just as I finished downloading the bloody thing, lol, but it's not the cluster f**k that people seem to think it is, at least not anymore. Technical issues aside, it feels like a slightly more accessible DayZ, has the same tension pvp wise but where as DayZ is seemingly out to destroy you from the start in every conceivable way, this gives you a bit more wiggle room and lets you do some fun stuff before trying to murder you. Feels like you have a fighting chance. In technical terms I don't think that this plays or functions any worse than DayZ (in my experience anyway), although the zombies in H1 actually work! I wouldn't write it off just yet, still very early days and I'm sure it'll be a solid alternative to DayZ before too long - he says hopefully, having just stumped up the cash to play it, lol.

21-Jan-2015, 08:25 PM
Took the plunge and picked up H1 yesterday, despite the negative press, and I have to say I'm finding it rather enjoyable. Only sunk a couple of hours into it at the moment thanks to an 8 hour patch-a-thon that started just as I finished downloading the bloody thing, lol, but it's not the cluster f**k that people seem to think it is, at least not anymore. Technical issues aside, it feels like a slightly more accessible DayZ, has the same tension pvp wise but where as DayZ is seemingly out to destroy you from the start in every conceivable way, this gives you a bit more wiggle room and lets you do some fun stuff before trying to murder you. Feels like you have a fighting chance. In technical terms I don't think that this plays or functions any worse than DayZ (in my experience anyway), although the zombies in H1 actually work! I wouldn't write it off just yet, still very early days and I'm sure it'll be a solid alternative to DayZ before too long - he says hopefully, having just stumped up the cash to play it, lol.

Cool! Keep us posted please!

And what about all this pay-to-win nonsense with people payins X dollars for weapons/supplies to be dropped to them?

21-Jan-2015, 09:18 PM
You can pay to have air drops.

The game has been through several patches already to up the quality, but there's still some real ire out there about it. Although I think teh patches have addressed a lot of issues.