View Full Version : Just a rant - And a question

13-Jul-2006, 08:45 PM
Okay, I know zip about cars. Take mine to get the oil changed. I pull away. MY CAR IS SMOKING!!!!

So calmly, I pull over, pop the hood and say ACK!!!! as smoke billows out. (That's slang for about twenty-five cuss words.) And take the car back to the auto shop.

The guy had the balls to try and make me feel guilty about bringing the car back. "its just a little oil" he said. The entire inside of my engine was soaked in it. :mad:

So to those who know. Is the entire inside of a car glistening with oil a good thing or a bad thing? Lots of oil. Puddles inside the car. And the smoke.

Cause if I was wrong, I'll go back and tip the guy.

But if I am right........ grrrrrrr.......

13-Jul-2006, 08:53 PM
It depends on where the oil came from. If he just spilled it all over then it is not as bad as having an oil leak. Most likely, the guy just spilled it all over since it wasn't like that before hand. In that case I would say take it to another place next oil change.

Hopefully he didnt pull the dirty mechanic trick and try to mess something up inside of the car so that you have to go back to get it fixed.

13-Jul-2006, 09:08 PM
Okay, I know zip about cars. Take mine to get the oil changed. I pull away. MY CAR IS SMOKING!!!!

So calmly, I pull over, pop the hood and say ACK!!!! as smoke billows out. (That's slang for about twenty-five cuss words.) And take the car back to the auto shop.

The guy had the balls to try and make me feel guilty about bringing the car back. "its just a little oil" he said. The entire inside of my engine was soaked in it. :mad:

So to those who know. Is the entire inside of a car glistening with oil a good thing or a bad thing? Lots of oil. Puddles inside the car. And the smoke.

Cause if I was wrong, I'll go back and tip the guy.

But if I am right........ grrrrrrr.......
if "the entire inside of a car glistening with oil", sounds like the guy forgot to put the cap back on after filling the oil and it spilled over when you drove away. Generally, if there's a "leak", it goes down, not all over. Most "leaks" come from broken gaskets or a stripped nut on the pan. If it made that much mess, he forgot the cap.

13-Jul-2006, 09:23 PM
He couldv'e over tightened something or overfilled and blew a gasket(s).
Or he's a incompenatnt and poured oil all over and didn't clean it.
Most likely the oil cap thing. maybe that and overfilled.
Check the oil level.
Talk aggresively to the manager.
Bring a guy who knows something. They treat women badly and try to talk over you
"It's nothing, you don't know anything"

It doesn't take much to be an oil change guy.

13-Jul-2006, 10:30 PM
Thanks, guys. I didn't think I was wrong. It really was a lot of oil. Not normal leaks like my truck has.

I was so :mad: and yet I'm all nice to the guy, when what I really wanted to do was get out the tire iron and rework his shins.

And while I don't know cars - I am extremely handy at necropsies. We all have our special talents.:skull:

13-Jul-2006, 10:48 PM
Thanks, guys. I didn't think I was wrong. It really was a lot of oil. Not normal leaks like my truck has.

I was so :mad: and yet I'm all nice to the guy, when what I really wanted to do was get out the tire iron and rework his shins.

And while I don't know cars - I am extremely handy at necropsies. We all have our special talents.:skull:
Oh, if only you lived closer.....I LOVE dealing with these f*cks.
My gf had her oil changed and they gave her "the special"....vacuum/clean OIL FILTER CHANGE!!!!!
They did none of this, I checked the car BEFORE she took it in.....NOTHING was done.
Well,....when I took it back in, the little punk got "smart" with me....Mistake #1.
I told him if he didn't do to the car EXACTLEY what my gf paid for, I was going to pull him out back and "Insert violence here".
He whined and bitched and threatened to "go get his manager"....
.....mistake #2.
After he went all tattle tale on me.....
I took the manager AND the reciept out to the car and we both did a thorough inspection.
These little p*ssy ass punks never touched the car. No oil change, no new filter, no cleaning.
I told the manager either SHE was going to get down on her knees and do the job right OR the p*ssy punks were going to do it as I watched OR I wasn't leaving until the General Manager came to kiss my hairy white ass.
My hairy white ass has yet to be kissed from said General Manager and I've not paid a dime for any service since.

ya just gotta treat a punk ass like a punk ass.:D

oh, and don't get me started on those pizza guys......they're like butter....

13-Jul-2006, 11:32 PM
YEAH boy!
Lay that smack down!

I was a pizza delivery guy. I Lied and said I knew the neighborhood, but I didn't. When I delivered to the firehouse, there were always cops in there too
They had a full on bar!
They would give me beers and tell me not to worry about it
THEY were the guys on duty.
Thats was before they went nuts with DWI laws.

14-Jul-2006, 12:35 AM
Get this straight now fools. I will take car of her car needs.:D

Just kidding G.

14-Jul-2006, 12:38 PM
This is why I don't trust anyone to change my oil. They don't give a sh*t about your vehicle so they can always screw it up. I had a buddy that got his changed once, and they only drained out his used oil and forgot to refill it :eek:. I still don't understand how his engine didn't lock up before he figured it out....

You should look into changing your own oil or having a boyfriend/husband/buddy do it. It's easy and you'll know that it's done right.

14-Jul-2006, 05:37 PM
So to those who know. Is the entire inside of a car glistening with oil a good thing or a bad thing? Lots of oil. Puddles inside the car. And the smoke.
Well, if the pasenger compartment was filled with oil, I would suggest that they have no idea how to change oil! :)
Hopefully he didnt pull the dirty mechanic trick and try to mess something up inside of the car so that you have to go back to get it fixed.
Yeah, I hate that! I think there are a lot of dishonest mechanics out there. Luckily, I know of a couple of honest ones, and I will only go to them.
These little p*ssy ass punks never touched the car. No oil change, no new filter, no cleaning.
I told the manager either SHE was going to get down on her knees and do the job right OR the p*ssy punks were going to do it as I watched OR I wasn't leaving until the General Manager came to kiss my hairy white ass.
My hairy white ass has yet to be kissed from said General Manager and I've not paid a dime for any service since.
WOW, sounds like the Oil-a-Changer met the Terminator!

But on a couple of occasions when I was adding a quart or two of oil to my car, I spilt some oil onto the block, and it smoked for a while until the excess oil disipated. I would suggest going to one of those "quick lube" type places to get an oil change. They are very quick, you stay in your car so you can ..."verify" that they did in fact change the oil, it is very cheap, and they usually dont do any type of repair work other than fluid replacement, therefore there is no reason for them to do something else, like cut puncture the radiator and tell you that you need a new one.

14-Jul-2006, 05:44 PM
judging by the volume of oil your looking at i'd say they facked up.

i'm figuring one of two things happened. either1) they never replaced your oil cap after filling the oil reserve. or 2) in most large oil changing chain stores. the oil is put into your car with sort of a gun looking device on a tube that connects to large tanks under the facility.

to me it sounds like the guy just dribbled oil all over you car because he was inattentive with that gun thingy.

either way never go back there again. the oil should burn off in a day or so in this heat.

14-Jul-2006, 07:23 PM
Okay, I know zip about cars. Take mine to get the oil changed. I pull away. MY CAR IS SMOKING!!!!

So calmly, I pull over, pop the hood and say ACK!!!! as smoke billows out. (That's slang for about twenty-five cuss words.) And take the car back to the auto shop.

The guy had the balls to try and make me feel guilty about bringing the car back. "its just a little oil" he said. The entire inside of my engine was soaked in it. :mad:

So to those who know. Is the entire inside of a car glistening with oil a good thing or a bad thing? Lots of oil. Puddles inside the car. And the smoke.

Cause if I was wrong, I'll go back and tip the guy.

But if I am right........ grrrrrrr.......

i do not think it hurts the carr. Just embarrassing that everyone will see the smoke and smell it. You may want to check the level though to make sure in addition to the crap all over the place that there is actually oil in the engine. that guy sounded like an ass

if "the entire inside of a car glistening with oil", sounds like the guy forgot to put the cap back on after filling the oil and it spilled over when you drove away. Generally, if there's a "leak", it goes down, not all over. Most "leaks" come from broken gaskets or a stripped nut on the pan. If it made that much mess, he forgot the cap.

The second to the last time i got an oil change the forgot to put the cap on. a month later i went to check my fluids and the4 cap was still resting on the top of the engine. go figure that nothing splattered.

14-Jul-2006, 07:26 PM
The second to the last time i got an oil change the forgot to put the cap on. a month later i went to check my fluids and the4 cap was still resting on the top of the engine. go figure that nothing splattered.

14-Jul-2006, 07:36 PM
Thanks everybody. Yeah my dad is coming to visit us for a few days. So guess what he gets to do?

15-Jul-2006, 02:19 AM

much like her regular posts. :skull:

Thanks everybody. Yeah my dad is coming to visit us for a few days. So guess what he gets to do?

no need to go that far. just take it to another shop.

or learn how to change your own oil, it's seems daunting, but in reality it's really damn easy.

15-Jul-2006, 02:25 AM
I had a buddy that got his changed once, and they only drained out his used oil and forgot to refill it :eek:. I still don't understand how his engine didn't lock up before he figured it out....

This happens a fair ammount. I know a few (3) people it's happened to, and I keep hearing about people who know others. When you think about it, that's scary as hell considering the likely consequences for one's engine.

15-Jul-2006, 04:09 PM
Sounds like an oil cap. Back when I didn't know about engines I would have maintainence performed at shops as well. On one occasion they left the washer fluid reservoir unattached which melted to the block, rendering it useless. On another, they must have intentionally loosened a wire to cause the 'check engine' light to run constantly. Of course they couldn't find the problem after a thorough electrical check for which they charged me. Most recently I had to have a part replaced due to a safety recall. The jerks loosened the steering gearbox fluid line and made the claim that they had nothing to do with the leakage.

If you have the time and means, definately learn to do your own work. If your local ordinances allow, clean the engine at a coin-op car wash (but keep the spray from the distributor and carb).