View Full Version : Generation War (WW2 drama)

01-May-2014, 10:12 PM
Did any of you UK guys catch the first episode of this last week? It's really rather excellent. Made by the same people who did "Downfall". Like Band of Brothers but from the perspective of the Germans. It has attracted some criticism for certain parts, but on the whole it is well worth a watch. Episode 2 will be on Saturday night BBC2 at 21:30 :)


02-May-2014, 12:52 AM
I have the original German version, 'Unsere mütter, Unsere väter', but I haven't found the time to actually watch it yet.

02-May-2014, 05:07 AM
Thankfully it's the original version in subtitles that they're showing, would have been a shame if they'd dubbed it.

02-May-2014, 02:07 PM
Thankfully it's the original version in subtitles that they're showing, would have been a shame if they'd dubbed it.

Ah, thanks for the heads up! I heard about this awhile ago but had completely forgotten and now it's out.

Hmmm, youtube clips of Wehrmacht troops...think I'll have to not even try and read the comments section. No Waffen-wank in the series, I hope?

02-May-2014, 07:43 PM
The SS didn't feature particularly in the first episode, but they were there. Not in a glorifying kind of way though. It's mostly just the two brothers in the Wehrmacht, a nurse, a singer and a Jew, with the story jumping between them.