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View Full Version : so i finally played halo 2

general tbag
14-Jul-2006, 01:51 PM
i bought it for 5 bux and decided to play it.

i didnt mind the first halo but to over hyped in my books. almost done halo 2 and well it just more of the same, and actually less with the weaker pistol and shotgun, of which were the best weapons from 1 . it feels like a very arcadey type fps, just spray and pray .

ill have to finish b4 i write it off as a pos.

14-Jul-2006, 01:56 PM
What do you think of the differences between the original and the sequel? Do you feel like "Halo 2" is a huge improvement over the orginal with lots of new things?

general tbag
14-Jul-2006, 02:10 PM
it ok, gfx wise it was a improvement, it just feels more of the same, could of almost been a add-on pack opposed to a actually sequel. at this point i want to finish it, maybe the story etc, gets better. a few new enemies, guns, and locations, but nothing realy mind -blowing as the reviews and gamers made it out to be. i know i enjoyed playing the first one more.

for some odd reason it also has that flaw or map mirroring like halo 1 did .

14-Jul-2006, 02:28 PM
Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Everyone hailed it as the greatest FPS game ever and acted like it was such a huge improvement over the original. It's not.

It seems like they just basically took the first game and said, "okay.....let's change a few things around, slap a "2" on the box, and get it out there so we can make a sh*tload of money while the original is still fresh on people's minds."

I never actually finished the game. I got too bored with it. I finished the first one....so there's not much point in finishing the re-release("2").

14-Jul-2006, 02:59 PM
Its a well known fact that the singleplayer portion of Halo 2 is mediocre at best. The game really shines in its multiplayer modes, and thats why most people bought the game. Halo 2 lan-parties and Xbox Live really lengthen the life of it.

14-Jul-2006, 04:01 PM
hmm, I dunno, I enjoyed Halo1 and 2 quite alot, and I have played pretty much every FPS ever. :)

it sucks that they made the hand gun wimpy in part 2 tho' I loved that gun :(

14-Jul-2006, 05:06 PM
its not the best but i noticed its a fad online to rip on halo 2, but revolutionairy as it was i dont think combat evolved was THAT mutch better, and the thing i dnot get is how people laugh at its graphics but they are good.
cant wait for halo 3, halo 2 rocked ass and the twist after the credits (wont spoil it) combined with the 3rd games trailer really makes me want to skip a year to 2007.
but it still wasnt the best xbox fps that title belongs to a tie between halo and half life 2.

14-Jul-2006, 05:17 PM
its not the best but i noticed its a fad online to rip on halo 2, but revolutionairy as it was i dont think combat evolved was THAT mutch better, and the thing i dnot get is how people laugh at its graphics but they are good.
cant wait for halo 3, halo 2 rocked ass and the twist after the credits (wont spoil it) combined with the 3rd games trailer really makes me want to skip a year to 2007.
but it still wasnt the best xbox fps that title belongs to a tie between halo and half life 2.

I don't form my opinions from "fads". I'm not even a gamer. I grew out of games after my XBOX quit working. Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas were the last two games I purchased.

I formed my opinion of Halo 2 from playing Halo 2. I don't care what other people say. I'm not going to agree with someone because it's a "fad".

14-Jul-2006, 05:52 PM
i didnt mind the first halo but to over hyped in my books. almost done halo 2 and well it just more of the same, and actually less with the weaker pistol and shotgun, of which were the best weapons from 1 . it feels like a very arcadey type fps, just spray and pray .

5 bucks where exactly? i need a back up copy.

i'm curious what difficulty level your playing, cause the spray and pray only works on easy. once you hit delta halo on normal, it's find cover, then a firing position or your toast.

14-Jul-2006, 08:07 PM
I still play both Halo and Halo2 and get a ton of fun from them. I did think that Halo2 had some tweaking that made it better, but the difference between the two is negligible, really. Of course, I found this factor a bonus, since I played Halo2 before the original, so by the time I got to Halo I was so psyched that the difference was so small AND I got to play a Master Sergeant the whole time (marine tech rocks)!

Oh, and if you're waiting for the storyline to get better...keep waiting. Halo has never been known for good storyline.

14-Jul-2006, 08:18 PM
I never finished the game cause I got sucked into the multiplayer games on-line.
I am and always will be insanely addicted to Rumble Pit.

But the loss of pistol power and the new dependence on the battle rifle really tweaks my knickers.

14-Jul-2006, 08:23 PM
But the loss of pistol power and the new dependence on the battle rifle really tweaks my knickers.

I know! When I went back and played Halo after Halo2, I was shocked that Marine tech pistols actually had a use. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite figure out why the pistol had the second best scope on it (maybe if the visual of the pistol had a scope on a sight rail), but what're ya gonna do?

I never play online--I don't have Xbox online (probably will bother when I get the 360). I just love to play it Co-op offline--that's the ****, for me :D

14-Jul-2006, 11:20 PM
Played through em both and loved em, I do like the story line though, but i'm a sucker for a good sci fi opera

I suggest picking up the first book in the series
"The fall of reach"

and the third one

the second book basicly just tells the story of the halo game and it sucks, avoid it but read the first and third books. Good reads.

general tbag
16-Jul-2006, 03:25 PM
dam it getting more boring, just forcing myself to finish it at this point.

17-Jul-2006, 02:42 AM
dam it getting more boring, just forcing myself to finish it at this point.

Come on, its not THAT bad. Sure the story isn't anything to write home about and the missions can get repetitive, but the gameplay is solid and its it has got to be one of the best multiplayer games to this day.

Its better than Killzone, at least. :D

17-Jul-2006, 02:54 AM
I agree.

When you say you're getting bored, do you mean in regards to single player campaign? I've never bothered to play the game single player, so I can't say anything for or against it in that respect, but multi-player/co-op should kick ass in most people's estimations (IMO).

general tbag
17-Jul-2006, 05:25 AM
finally finished it and zoinks...

i sure wasnt missing to much, halo 2 is a prime example of the spin doctors hyping something up to much . the weapons were horrible with ai just as bad. it looked decent, nice atmosphere but really lacked the design. the story is ok, nothing really mind blowing. for what i expected and for what it was it was nothing short of disappointing. halo 2 was a step back, halo 1 was the better game by far.

btw if i game fails to tell a story in which you have to go out and buy books to complete the story, it either a bad game design or else a cash cow, and i think halo 2 has a bit of both .

i will try this game a few times online, but how the whole game is feels it a definate fps i cant see myself playing, it still feels way to arcadey, and yes i played on heroic and still found it a spray and pray type game. the game trys to borrow to much from other fps and fails.

there are good points though, loved the carbine , good atmosphere, spot on controls and only cost me 5 bux online.

opposed to halo 2, i wish they would of worked on halo 1.5 with more missions and better story structure.after halo 2 i am convinced master chief has been nuetured
also with the last fight does that mean the arbrator and master chief are buds now.i also take from the scan master chief is more like robocop