View Full Version : Old members

11-Jun-2014, 12:43 PM
Any one here from the beginning ie early days when Neil started I see MZ is here still , I mean guys that where here before that toss pot Bedlam hacked and crashed the site it was down quite a long time but Neil resurrected the site also are the Friday night chat sessions still happening

11-Jun-2014, 07:31 PM
Welcome back, though I'm not a very old member here by board standards...10 or so years since Land was announced, I suppose.

I think older members trickle in here or there now and then. I know Crapping Bear recently posted and he's a pretty old member.

I see MZ is here still

Yeah, I can't believe I've known MZ, Bass, Neil and some of these other guys for 10 years. MZ was still a kid when I started posting here (happy recent birthday, by the way, MZ).

11-Jun-2014, 08:03 PM
I've been here since 2004, 10 years! I still drop in but don't tend to spend a lot of time on forums at the moment, too busy gaming when I get chance to sit at my PC! Lots of old faces that don't come on anymore, what happened to Chic, Liam, Bongholio, GRMonLI, Grimstories, Back in Black etc? Anyone still in touch with any of those guys?

11-Jun-2014, 08:35 PM
im glad Grim has gone im sorry he was an arse hole of the highest calibre always banging on about how he was a bad ass prison officer and survival expert had many an heated argument with him but crappingbear is some one i really want to catch up with i have had many an interesting conversation with him over the years and does anyone no what happened to flat head aka loshermadoso there is lots of old names on here that i remember p2501 ANDY , yeah Mz was only a young whipper snapper back when the board began well over the years i had a lot of personal shit that kept me away but now im back and staying back king of monsters was another reg that has gone there is a good few missing but PLEASE LET GRIMSTORIES STAY missing :elol:

ps NEIL if ya read this lol i swear on all things holy i will not argue with anyone :D:evil:

11-Jun-2014, 09:46 PM
I'm old, & I'm a member, & I have an old member, but I'm not an old member per se, rather a new old member if you will, since I came in around the waning days of all of that. :D

Mike70 aka Scipio70 is still around from time to time. ;)

12-Jun-2014, 12:30 AM
17 years( don't let the join date fool you. ) since I posted my first bit of fiction here.
Jeers, tears, the occasional mass influx of neophytes & posers, forums in flames - it's been fun times over-all. ;)

13-Jun-2014, 09:20 AM
Welcome back, Russ.

Been here since late '99 or 2000 myself.

Mr. Clean
15-Jun-2014, 05:22 PM
I've been here off and on since the mid 90s....several different names....Basically a moron teenager back then...thou some of you I imagine might say nothing has changed besides my age :clown:

Last thing I remember of Grimstories was he said he would kill anyone who fell asleep on guard duty....big debate ensued....this may have been the last fight he had on here...

This place use to do survival scenarios A LOT back then...people try and do them sometimes now but not much happens with those threads.

15-Jun-2014, 06:40 PM
Old members? Not sure how many of those are still around, but there's definitely no shortage of ODD members here...

16-Jun-2014, 01:14 AM
I've been here sense 1999 when I was deployed to Turkey with the USAF. I lost my old login and now I've just been a lurker reading the fiction stories and reading what most of what you guys post.

16-Jun-2014, 12:46 PM
I've been here sense 1999 when I was deployed to Turkey with the USAF. I lost my old login and now I've just been a lurker reading the fiction stories and reading what most of what you guys post.

Dude! USAF represents here. :)
My dad ( sadly deceased. ) was US Air Force from the late 50's until he retired in 1975. We were able to travel to a lot of places with him after Nam, one of which was Karamursel Air Base near Yalova, Turkey (69-72 ). Great memories about those times.

17-Jun-2014, 07:17 PM
Been here since 1997 or so.

17-Jun-2014, 08:30 PM
No idea how long I've here.
Always have had the same handle though

18-Jun-2014, 10:37 PM
My old forum user name was Wildee.
I remember the heady days of the secret 'invite only' forum. At that time there was a lot of activity on the forum, yet we had so little to debate in terms of material. The dream of a TV series. The zombie episode of Sliders got folk talking. Those were good times. IMO, this is just a faint shadow of what it once was. No offence.

When everything changed I lost my impressive post count of 400!

19-Jun-2014, 09:05 AM
I remember the heady days of the secret 'invite only' forum.

Christ, the amount of hassle/agro that "invitation only" forum caused! At least the current one doesn't cause the same problem!

19-Jun-2014, 09:41 AM
Christ, the amount of hassle/agro that "invitation only" forum caused! At least the current one doesn't cause the same problem!

I must have had some sweet amnesia where that was concerned. Not that we should ever bring it up again. ;)

19-Jun-2014, 03:49 PM
Hahahaha..."Are they talking about me in there? I wonder if they're talking about me in there? I bet they're talking about me in there..." :shifty: :lol:

19-Jun-2014, 04:49 PM
If they aren't talking about me in there then why aren't they?!?!

Mr. Clean
19-Jun-2014, 05:32 PM
Christ, the amount of hassle/agro that "invitation only" forum caused! At least the current one doesn't cause the same problem!

lol I forgot about this!

19-Jun-2014, 06:42 PM
Christ, the amount of hassle/agro that "invitation only" forum caused! At least the current one doesn't cause the same problem!

I never found out who blackballed me, but Odin help them if I ever find out.

This place use to do survival scenarios A LOT back then...people try and do them sometimes now but not much happens with those threads.

To be fair, a lot of those topics got really played out after a while, I mean how many rotating members did we have that reposted the "What's your favorite weapons for the Zombpocalypse" threads every month or 3? But I do miss that sort of discussion and the regularity we used to enjoy here. I even wanted to post a hypothetical "What would you do if you were in Rhodes' place at the start of Day" thread last year, but figured it'd languish in Dead Discussion.

19-Jun-2014, 11:42 PM
I never found out who blackballed me, but Odin help them if I ever find out.

To be fair, a lot of those topics got really played out after a while, I mean how many rotating members did we have that reposted the "What's your favorite weapons for the Zombpocalypse" threads every month or 3? But I do miss that sort of discussion and the regularity we used to enjoy here. I even wanted to post a hypothetical "What would you do if you were in Rhodes' place at the start of Day" thread last year, but figured it'd languish in Dead Discussion.

Rhodes offered a lot to be debated. The worst death in Day / Rhodes was the real victim thread hijack was a good Rhodes thread. :shifty:

19-Jun-2014, 11:47 PM
I never found out who blackballed me, but Odin help them if I ever find out.

I'll bet is was Bass, that shifty bastard. :shifty: :lol:

But I do miss that sort of discussion and the regularity we used to enjoy here. I even wanted to post a hypothetical "What would you do if you were in Rhodes' place at the start of Day" thread last year, but figured it'd languish in Dead Discussion.

You should have. It's a good question. One I don't think I've seen asked before.

I've never been a prolific thread starter anyway, & I kinda feel like I said everything I had to say a long time ago in regards to zeds, in an odd sort of way. So, uh yeah. :|

30-Jun-2014, 09:51 PM
I used to be a regular. Thinking about popping back in. Had some good times here!

05-Jul-2014, 02:49 AM
Hmm...don't know if I am proper old skool, but I discovered this site when I got a Sega Dreamcast well over a decade ago, I spent months here after my initial discovery reading the Hell out of the fiction section with the background music playing...happy, innocent times

I also remember the great hacking, I contacted a user here and sent them a bunch of fiction I'd saved from the site on ye olde floppy disc (had a giant desktop PC by then).

Wow...so much time has passed since then...not sure when I actually registered for the forum proper.

Edit: Profile says when I finally joined 2007...I obviously lurked for some time. :D

05-Jul-2014, 08:00 PM
I've an 'old member'.

07-Jul-2014, 02:04 PM
My first contact with this site was the fiction section as well. I remember reading lots of fan fic back in the day, way before I joined.
When I was a kid I used to watch the Friday the 13ths films a lot, and when I get into High school I'd hang around on fridaythe13thfilms.com, which had a forum. After awhile I dropped the interest in slasher-films, but I'd always been a Z-film fan.

I remember checking out the forums on and off again before joining up. But, and no hard feelings here, I seem to remember them being quite a bit uglier than this, hehe. Like a red-on-black ezBoard forum or something.

10-Jul-2014, 12:41 AM
I joined for the fiction, argued a lot with people in the fiction comments section. Grimstories if I remember right.

I kinda wish the fiction forum was that active.

Good to see everyone that's still around though.

10-Jul-2014, 10:02 AM
I joined for the fiction, argued a lot with people in the fiction comments section. Grimstories if I remember right.

I kinda wish the fiction forum was that active.

Good to see everyone that's still around though.

Christ, it's a lot more laid back now compared to some of the $hit that used to hit the fan! :)

Mr. Clean
10-Jul-2014, 05:31 PM
Christ, it's a lot more laid back now compared to some of the $hit that used to hit the fan! :)

Ban hammer comes out a hellva lot more often in these times to be fair. :p

11-Jul-2014, 02:13 AM
Hmm...don't know if I am proper old skool, but I discovered this site when I got a Sega Dreamcast well over a decade ago

Damn yo! Browsing here on what was likely the first web browsing game console! That, sir, is geek cred.

Uncle Creepy over at Dread Central used to browse here and on Kyra Schon's chat on... get this... WebTV! :eek:

15-Jul-2014, 06:56 PM
Mike70 aka Scipio70 is still around from time to time. ;)

Im still here. Been wandering around since late april and haven't even been on the net much.

Think I've been coming here since 99 or. MZ was like 14 back then.
I do miss the old days in that there was more interaction but at the same time I dont because the place was like chimps tea party.way too many trolls back then.
As for today - a lot of the old thread topics are completely played out. There o ly so many "its 2am, you are surrounded by zombies, your mercet is out of gas, you have 2 shells left, what do you do?" Threads one can be interested in.

06-Aug-2014, 08:40 AM
Hell, I'll check in. If memory serves me, I think I was one of the original posters on Neil's first message board (disc.app?) back in 97-98 (not sure). I really do not remember what my first user name was (-mas-, maybe). Some of the original crew were: Neil, John Betancourt, C. J. Hopegiver, Flyboy, Doc Oremor (aka JackDan), Jiven, Nova_Android, Lucky, DeWalt, Bob Turkee, Trooper, Beowulf, Jamie (who could forget Jamie?) and a few others whose names I have forgotten.

Those were the good ol days before the likes of Bedlam and "what's-his-name" slithered in and began the first round of trolling; before Blades11 went on his shooting spree up in Minnesota and made national news. Do any of you remember him?

On a more upbeat note, I still remember Khardis. Khardis was great!



06-Aug-2014, 01:44 PM
On a more upbeat note, I still remember Khardis. Khardis was great!



I still like to think that Khardis was a free-spirited, theater major performing some sort of online performance art.

It's the only reasonable way to explain his behavior, I feel.

06-Aug-2014, 04:26 PM
I still like to think that Khardis was a free-spirited, theater major performing some sort of online performance art.

It's the only reasonable way to explain his behavior, I feel.

I hate to shatter your illusion but khardis was the prototypical frat boy dick , who most likely founds things like lighting farts and beer can smashing contests funny. He had a youtube page.

07-Aug-2014, 02:56 AM
He had a youtube page.

Huh, never knew that.

07-Aug-2014, 07:13 PM
Huh, never knew that.

It provided frat boy confirmation. Lots of vids of 20somethings acting like a bunch of 10 year olds.

03-Sep-2014, 02:54 AM
Hey everyone. I know I'm still a 'young buck' in comparison to all you guys (joined in '05 or '06, right? Probably '06), but I just wanted to say thanks for being on the site and helping me grow into the 'man' I am today. I've learned a lot here, and I still love the original trilogy (Dawn and Day especially) as much as I did when I first watched 'em at 16. I'm 24 now, and yep, at least that hasn't changed.

PS: I want to just say thanks to Neil, Andy, Moon, Aces, Clean, bass, Lou, Mike, and a couple others I can't remember. I'm tired, sorry. Anyway, y'all really helped me through the late game of high school, so I wanted to show my appreciation for that. Maybe I'll post back here in seven years if this thread is still active. I've learned my lesson about necromancy...

03-Sep-2014, 07:41 AM
Any one here from the beginning ie early days when Neil started I see MZ is here still , I mean guys that where here before that toss pot Bedlam hacked and crashed the site it was down quite a long time but Neil resurrected the site also are the Friday night chat sessions still happening

I've been on this site sense November 1999 when i discovered it while I was deployed to Turkey in the USAF. I think I visited the site at least once a day just never much of a poster more of a lurker.

11-Sep-2014, 02:25 AM
remember when I joined here. Was a long time ago I know that. Been here long enough to remember GrimStories. A lot of people hate him but I always enjoyed his stories. Don't come around here very often anymore though I still get the birthday greetings from the site.

I do remember when the fiction discussion was the place to make enemies. I try not to get into on line arguments. I still equate it to being the winner of the Special Olympics.

11-Sep-2014, 04:13 AM
hey man hows it going

- - - Updated - - -

damn russ havent heard the name flathead in years ;)

11-Sep-2014, 08:55 AM
remember when I joined here. Was a long time ago I know that. Been here long enough to remember GrimStories. A lot of people hate him but I always enjoyed his stories.

Grim's stories were fab! Shame he asked for them all to be taken down :(

Wish he'd let them be reposted again!

11-Sep-2014, 05:16 PM
PS: I want to just say thanks to Neil, Andy, Moon, Aces, Clean, bass, Lou, Mike, and a couple others I can't remember. I'm tired, sorry. Anyway, y'all really helped me through the late game of high school, so I wanted to show my appreciation for that. Maybe I'll post back here in seven years if this thread is still active. I've learned my lesson about necromancy...

Moon, we must be slipping. We have been credited with helping someone. :lol:

As for lou, havent heard from him in eons. Maybe one of those dead elm trees on his cabin property fell on him and he finally succumbed after eating both his legs and his non-masturbatory hand.

26-Sep-2014, 08:13 AM
Im not dead.

27-Sep-2014, 11:24 AM
Im not dead.
Here--he says he's not dead!

28-Sep-2014, 07:51 AM
Here--he says he's not dead!

Good to see an old school name. :) I guess there isn't some "grandfather clause" for members from yon ago like us. I will probably be "just bitten" for the next 20 years despite being old...old...old school.

01-Oct-2014, 12:00 AM
Good to "see" you, CP!

01-Oct-2014, 03:08 AM
I know I've been absent (at least lurking only) - puppet stuff, top secret - but I'm glad y'all are still here.

01-Oct-2014, 06:55 AM

03-Oct-2014, 06:33 PM

In the "torlet" perhaps.

03-Oct-2014, 08:11 PM
I still like to think that Khardis was a free-spirited, theater major performing some sort of online performance art.

It's the only reasonable way to explain his behavior, I feel.

I hate to shatter your illusion but khardis was the prototypical frat boy dick , who most likely founds things like lighting farts and beer can smashing contests funny. He had a youtube page.

Huh, never knew that.

It provided frat boy confirmation. Lots of vids of 20somethings acting like a bunch of 10 year olds.

That is just his cover for his life as an international Man of Action.tm

Moon, we must be slipping. We have been credited with helping someone. :lol:

As for lou, havent heard from him in eons. Maybe one of those dead elm trees on his cabin property fell on him and he finally succumbed after eating both his legs and his non-masturbatory hand.

I think Lou got pissed after we had a lovers quarrel over Rob Zombie's "Halloween". :( Haven't heard from him since. :|

Im not dead.

That's because you CAN'T die CB. Word has it that Death once had a Near-Crappingbear experience...:lol:


In the "torlet" perhaps.

:lol: Maybe he's up on the roof, with FlyGirl...:D

05-Oct-2014, 03:49 AM
I'm sorry? Didn't hear you.

You'll have to speak up, Moon...

09-Nov-2014, 02:25 AM
I still pop in occasionally. I started posting before my daughter was born, so about 15 or 16 years ago. I can't remember if I used this username at the time, or I was using BrainPanBlues. It's good to see that, even after all of these years, the site is still going strong.

02-Dec-2014, 03:09 AM
I think I started coming here around 2001-2002. Probably haven't been back in at least 5 years, but today I felt like looking around. I should probably try getting back in the habit.

12-Dec-2014, 08:59 PM
old-ish I guess, not sure, I was here for the old site and still post here once every 6 months or so :bored:

23-Jan-2015, 11:55 AM
I haven't been on in a while! I tend to do most of my internet browsing on my smart phone now which is ok, but it's fiddly typing out long posts so I don't actually post much in forums these days. I start a new job Monday though and hopefully their internet policy isn't as strict as my last place so I can have a look in here more often!

23-Jan-2015, 04:31 PM
I start a new job Monday though and hopefully their internet policy isn't as strict as my last place so I can have a look in here more often!

*Pfft* F*cking jobs...constantly messing with our ability to screw around on the internet, expecting us to do work & stuff. Bastards. :lol:

31-Jan-2015, 03:57 PM
I joined the old board on Mar. 31, 2003. Seems like that makes me old. I dont come here as often as I used to.

03-Feb-2015, 03:41 AM
I joined the old board on Mar. 31, 2003. Seems like that makes me old. I dont come here as often as I used to.

I miss the arcade that Neil used to have up, but then there was this unannounced competition between Philly & myself on some of the games. Every time I got a high score in something, he had to up it a few points more; especially this virus game which drove me crazy. :annoyed:

14-Sep-2015, 12:39 AM
I've been around since the Dawn remake. Lurked for awhile, then hit the old fiction section and watched the nastiness unfold. It's definitely gotten better with age around here. I drop off for awhile then resurface when something new hits. Been a fun ride.

14-Sep-2015, 03:15 AM
I think MZ was like 14 when i started coming here and Blind2d was chewing on a teething ring. Tricky was a teenager and Moon was still able to convince women to get naked with him without resorting to hypnotism.:p

14-Sep-2015, 07:36 AM
and moon was still able to convince women to get naked with him without resorting to hypnotism.:p
lol! :)

14-Sep-2015, 06:06 PM
I think MZ was like 14 when i started coming here and Blind2d was chewing on a teething ring. Tricky was a teenager and Moon was still able to convince women to get naked with him without resorting to hypnotism.:p

Haha I was 22 when I joined dude! I'm 33 now, haven't been on much lately, life has got full of distractions and I spend much less time on forums than I used to purely because I'm always busy with something or other. I did get in the army eventually and currently in training as a reservist, as well as finally getting into a good civvy job that pays me a decent wedge! I'm still the same old me though, still loving zombie films, still gaming when I get chance, still going out on the town when I can and despite heading for my mid 30's I can still pretty much pass off as being mid 20's :D

14-Sep-2015, 06:27 PM
I think MZ was like 14 when i started coming here and Blind2d was chewing on a teething ring. Tricky was a teenager and Moon was still able to convince women to get naked with him without resorting to hypnotism.:p


I remember when I first found HPOTD. It wasn't long after I'd first seen Day of the Dead IIRC ... back in the old DiscussionApp days ... blimey ... I was just a scruffy little teen gawping at Max Power magazines with my friends in the school yard back then. :D

I love that, even with people coming and going over the years, our little enclave in this corner of the Internet is still here. When I first turned up here the zombie genre was in a pretty weak state, it had a hell of a back catalogue to its name, but not much going on at that time - now it's a huge deal and we've got two damn good zombie TV shows to watch! :)

It's rather nice to scroll through this thread and see some old familiar names (and even avatars) pop in. :cool:

16-Sep-2015, 04:52 PM
I think MZ was like 14 when i started coming here and Blind2d was chewing on a teething ring. Tricky was a teenager and Moon was still able to convince women to get naked with him without resorting to hypnotism.:p

I don't even bother now. My pecker only shoots dust bunnies from lack of use.

16-Sep-2015, 09:19 PM

I love that, even with people coming and going over the years, our little enclave in this corner of the Internet is still here. When I first turned up here the zombie genre was in a pretty weak state, it had a hell of a back catalogue to its name, but not much going on at that time:
Dude, when this place first started the Romero films, by and large, were the zombie genre (yeah there was fulci's stuff and few others but the Romero trilogy was the focal point. Then along came "28 Days Later", "Shaun", ad infinitum. The genre is so oversaturated that it is hard to separate.the wheat from the chaff.

Hell, that was so long ago that Shootem and I had sunny dipositions and were internationally known optimists. Now look at what middle.age has done.:lol:

- - - Updated - - -

I don't even bother now. My pecker only shoots dust bunnies from lack of use.
:Lol: dust bunnies? Seems that would happen because of overuse.

16-Sep-2015, 11:47 PM
Dude, when this place first started the Romero films, by and large, were the zombie genre (yeah there was fulci's stuff and few others but the Romero trilogy was the focal point. Then along came "28 Days Later", "Shaun", ad infinitum. The genre is so oversaturated that it is hard to separate.the wheat from the chaff.

Hell, that was so long ago that Shootem and I had sunny dipositions and were internationally known optimists. Now look at what middle.age has done.:lol:

- - - Updated - - -

:Lol: dust bunnies? Seems that would happen because of overuse.

No, then it would be puffs of air, like an unloaded BB gun.

No, sadly, my plumbing is so dusty with disuse now, when I go to piss it's like using a sandblaster...:eek:

17-Sep-2015, 09:27 AM
Dude, when this place first started the Romero films, by and large, were the zombie genre (yeah there was fulci's stuff and few others but the Romero trilogy was the focal point. Then along came "28 Days Later", "Shaun", ad infinitum. The genre is so oversaturated that it is hard to separate.the wheat from the chaff.

Hell, that was so long ago that Shootem and I had sunny dipositions and were internationally known optimists. Now look at what middle.age has done.:lol:

Very true. In my formative years getting into the zombie genre it was Romero as the representative of the genre, with various low budget Euro-Zombi flicks scattered around. There's so much zombie content now, but then - apart from Romero - about the most I had aside from GAR was "Zombi 2" and "Zombiethon"! Initially I rather dug Zombi 2, then I got more teenagery about it and took a disliking to it because it was ripping off GAR, but then I grew to love the Euro-Zombi movement.

No, sadly, my plumbing is so dusty with disuse now, when I go to piss it's like using a sandblaster...:eek:

Moon paints a hell of a picture, doesn't he? :D

17-Sep-2015, 05:10 PM
Moon paints a hell of a picture, doesn't he? :D

I like to think of myself as the Picasso of sexual innuendo and crude metaphor. :D

17-Sep-2015, 08:31 PM
I like to think of myself as the Picasso of sexual innuendo and crude metaphor. :D

Wouldn't you be more akin to Jackson Pollack then?

17-Sep-2015, 09:13 PM
Wouldn't you be more akin to Jackson Pollack then?

Mmm, good point.

Actually, should have gone with Van Gough. Mentally unsound, unknown failure in his lifetime, cut off a part of his ear & sent it to a chick trying to impress her. Sounds about right. :p

19-Sep-2015, 07:07 PM
I'm a new member but long time lurker, invite only forum sounds pretty cool though. Exclusive, VIP, and all that....

20-Sep-2015, 12:02 AM
According to my profile, it's been nine years since I regularly bugged everyone. Pretty cool to see a few familiar faces still kicking around though.

20-Sep-2015, 12:57 AM
According to my profile, it's been nine years since I regularly bugged everyone. Pretty cool to see a few familiar faces still kicking around though.

Wow, welcome back. You were an old timer, when I just got to the forums.

I'm a new member but long time lurker

And welcome to you as well, DotDC!

20-Sep-2015, 01:08 AM
Thanks! I actually have lurked around from time to time, I do a lot of reading in the fiction section. But decided a post about old members might be a fitting place to jump back in.

20-Sep-2015, 07:08 AM
Can't remember if I've mentioned, but the old forums (I coded) are still buried away under a pile of dust if you look hard enough - They've been taken over by the Fiction Section, but they're still there :)


20-Sep-2015, 03:42 PM
Can't remember if I've mentioned, but the old forums (I coded) are still buried away under a pile of dust if you look hard enough - They've been taken over by the Fiction Section, but they're still there :)


Whoa, now there's a walk down memory lane. Thanks for posting that, Neil!

darth los
24-Sep-2015, 07:05 PM
Anyone mention old members!?! Lol

Yeah there are a ton of old records and stuff from before 2006. Just gotta wanna find them.


24-Sep-2015, 09:31 PM
Anyone mention old members!?! Lol

Yeah there are a ton of old records and stuff from before 2006. Just gotta wanna find them.


I'd forgotten what that giraffe GIF looked like. :lol:

09-Apr-2016, 08:52 PM
I'm baaack!

10-Apr-2016, 12:16 AM

What's new? What have you been up to, man?

10-Apr-2016, 09:04 AM
Any one here from the beginning ie early days when Neil started I see MZ is here still , I mean guys that where here before that toss pot Bedlam hacked and crashed the site it was down quite a long time but Neil resurrected the site also are the Friday night chat sessions still happening


No the Friday night chats stopped a loooooong time ago. I recall when Savini used to do one as well, but that's long gone too...

Out of interest... Another little blast from the past - http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?t=18613&p=314491&viewfull=1#post314491

10-Apr-2016, 10:21 AM
Hello, Mike - welcome back! :)

10-Apr-2016, 06:11 PM

What's new? What have you been up to, man?

Got my career in the film industry started and am still playing in stupid metal/punk bands. I haven't been on here in years! I think Nick (MZ) is the only person from here that I've somewhat kept in touch with, via his Facebook status updates.

What's up with you?!

Are we all old now?

11-Apr-2016, 12:11 AM
Da Pizz! :thumbsup:

11-Apr-2016, 02:17 AM
What's up with you?!

Married, 2 year old son and a new career, so I've been busy!

Are we all old now?
Sadly, yes http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/DougOBrien/oldman_zpspbe6yala.gif

Moon Knight
28-Apr-2016, 03:16 AM
I can't believe me and MZ are only a few months apart upon joining but yet he has waaaaaaaaaaay more post than me haha. That's my dude, though. Big fan.

Actually, I disappeared for a while and mainly post on the Walking Dead forums so that would explain a lot of things. :D

28-Apr-2016, 09:38 AM
I can't believe me and MZ are only a few months apart upon joining but yet he has waaaaaaaaaaay more post than me haha. That's my dude, though. Big fan.


Well you see there you go - you keep disappearing - where's your dedication? :D Plus, I type quite fast. I'm the veritable Chatty Cathy of HPOTD. :p

Moon Knight
29-Apr-2016, 02:41 AM

Well you see there you go - you keep disappearing - where's your dedication? :D Plus, I type quite fast. I'm the veritable Chatty Cathy of HPOTD. :p

Haha I'm still trying to break 1k. That's my goal! :D

btw, you ever post any flicks you've made here? I recall seeing one- guy with a skull for a head? That was you, right? Was pretty long ago.

29-Apr-2016, 08:58 AM
Haha I'm still trying to break 1k. That's my goal! :D

btw, you ever post any flicks you've made here? I recall seeing one- guy with a skull for a head? That was you, right? Was pretty long ago.

haha, ah yes, "I Am Zombie Man" ... just a little bit of fun in the woods with a camera and a halloween mask. :D Ended up doing three of those (got a much better mask for the third one, too ;) ).

09-May-2016, 07:59 PM
Bring back Sven.

09-May-2016, 08:13 PM
Bring back Sven.

I talk to him on the phone a couple of times a week. :)

08-Jun-2016, 05:02 PM
Tell him Trance says hi! :)

29-Jun-2016, 09:08 PM
1400 I love the name of this thread. . .makes me feel young

19-Oct-2016, 09:28 AM
hell, i'll check in. If memory serves me, i think i was one of the original posters on neil's first message board (disc.app?) back in 97-98 (not sure). I really do not remember what my first user name was (-mas-, maybe). Some of the original crew were: Neil, john betancourt, c. J. Hopegiver, flyboy, doc oremor (aka jackdan), jiven, nova_android, lucky, dewalt, bob turkee, trooper, beowulf, jamie (who could forget jamie?) and a few others whose names i have forgotten.

Those were the good ol days before the likes of bedlam and "what's-his-name" slithered in and began the first round of trolling; before blades11 went on his shooting spree up in minnesota and made national news. Do any of you remember him?

On a more upbeat note, i still remember khardis. Khardis was great!




19-Oct-2016, 10:21 AM
Hmmm... Slightly bad taste :(

20-Oct-2016, 08:22 AM
What!? Tell me this blades11 story!

24-Oct-2016, 08:39 AM
I was an active member in this scene like a generation ago. Then I was hired by the CIA to do a fake shooting to take away guns or some bullshit
Now I'm allowed to come out of hiding and I'm back here again lol

31-Oct-2016, 03:06 PM
RE: Blades11 (Jeff Weise)...

Audio Documentary:-
- http://www.mprnews.org/story/2005/03/25/archive-what-happened-at-red-lake

General Info:-
- https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Jeff_Weise (Some of this seems in very poor taste IMHO)
- http://murderpedia.org/male.W/w/weise-jeffrey.htm

After those events I checked his personal messages (on the old forum), and he had discussed personal problems with people, including talk of suicide :( He also had a fiction contribution here from Nov 2003, "City Of The Damned", which is off line...

31-Oct-2016, 07:22 PM
Weren't you contacted by the FBI as well Neil?
Have a memory of that for some reason.

31-Oct-2016, 07:45 PM
Encyclopedia Dramatica is a very infamous website. It existed since 2004 and is basically a wikipedia for internet memes / culture, but mostly run by trolls and other lulzy users. The goal is to generally shock and offend, and to insult the subject of whatever the article is about.

You'll find that the article isn't shit like it was from 2005-2014 but is now extensively edited and probably one of the more informative pages online.

Authorities often contact people (whether off or online) who knew a criminal or victim (if they had a internet presence) but you can generally plead the 5th. Plus the blades11 tragedy happened 11 years ago- its a closed case.

Also Niel, you're out of PM space so I can't send you a PM so:

"I tracked down a few of his friends from MSN in 2014-16 and asked them what they remembered about him. I dont know how well you all knew that guy but from the info I gathered from some other acquaintances...

* Many of his friends were female- but he never hit on them. In real life, he got along well with girls, who often came to him for advice and support.

* Most of his e-friends described him as normal and cool, with a moderate sense of humor.

* Whenever he described his personal life, they said he described a lot of horrible stuff (in line with his life)

* Usually acted kind of emo/goth like.

* Some said he was crazy."

I'm not a fed a tumblrina or any of that shit. I'm just pissed that america and the world ignored this event and learned nothing from it. Plus most of the data about this guy's gone offline in the last 10 years- stuff that people knew from day one was lost to memory. I don't want to be egotistical but my gruntwork spent on reviving and restoring his info has provoked some sparked interest in the case again. I hear there's a guy who's doing a documentary on red lake (the victims, not the shooter. good.)

31-Oct-2016, 08:11 PM
I first visited this site shortly after I got my first computer and internet connection back in 1999. I was obsessed with the Resident Evil games and books, and worked my way through reading every single fiction story in my free time after school and weekends. I'd love to go back and read the old forums pre 2006 when the switchover happened, but my login info doesn't work anymore. Most likely because of the whole stink and subsequent exodus of myself and a few other fiction writers at the time.

Still though, this site, the forums and the fiction section in particular, are the source of some great memories for me.

31-Oct-2016, 08:21 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jeff registered an account here as far back as 2001 under this handle (Blades11) didn't he?

I've never been a member here, but I heard there was an outage for this site in 2003 or 2006 which prompted the creation of that backup yuku forum, where Jeff typed out his famous "Surviving The Dead" story. What's the situation on that? http://writerscoven.yuku.com/topic/717/t/Surviving-the-Dead.html#.WBenBsmYEno

In a investigative document ( https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/weise_blades_11.pdf )

He had 772 posts on writers coven since 2001 or whatever.

Are those sites directly related to HPOTD?

31-Oct-2016, 10:08 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jeff registered an account here as far back as 2001 under this handle (Blades11) didn't he?

I've never been a member here, but I heard there was an outage for this site in 2003 or 2006 which prompted the creation of that backup yuku forum, where Jeff typed out his famous "Surviving The Dead" story. What's the situation on that? http://writerscoven.yuku.com/topic/717/t/Surviving-the-Dead.html#.WBenBsmYEno

In a investigative document ( https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/weise_blades_11.pdf )

He had 772 posts on writers coven since 2001 or whatever.

Are those sites directly related to HPOTD?

PM is cleared now if you need to PM me...

I can check to see if/when he registered. Yes Blades11.

There wasn't an outage 2003-2006. There were possibly times when the site was down for a few days or maybe a week due to server problems, or indeed even hacks, but some users created/used other forums as a fail safe for such times...

Those other sites are nothing to do with HPotD.

I recall at "the time" being contacted by the press too.

- - - Updated - - -

Weren't you contacted by the FBI as well Neil?
Have a memory of that for some reason.

No, just the media...

13-Nov-2016, 06:24 AM
What was he like?

If he was still around today, how do you think he would've managed? He'd be like 28 right now

20-Jan-2017, 04:09 PM
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I felt like I had to post. I can't even remember when I started to visit this page, but I know two things: I was drawn by the fiction, and I was a very young, very stupid young man, haha. I recall that The only reason I even registered was because the fiction section became locked to guests. I made many friends here, and looking back on it as an adult, I can say that I definitely enjoyed my times posting here, even if some of the discussions were simply "What's better guys, King of the Hill or The Simpsons?!".

By the way, it's king of the hill. :)

22-Feb-2017, 01:52 PM
I can't believe 13 years have passed since I first visited this site, I don't come on that often anymore as I access the majority of internet sites on my phone now and typing up long posts for forums is a pain in the arse on there. I do miss message boards though, this one and others I used to use back then!

So how is everyone? Life treating you well?

18-Mar-2017, 04:09 PM
I'm an old member. Haven't posted for quite some time but I still pop in and read the fiction.

19-Mar-2017, 02:42 AM
Welcome back, Suicycho!

25-Jun-2017, 01:59 AM
Hey guys, it's been awhile. I decided to drop by and take a look and say hi.

I was a member a long time ago on the old boards, and posted for awhile on the new. Hope everyone is doing well. I work as a corrections nurse these days and finish a higher nursing degree, besides that I do some international aid nursing when the opportunity pop up.

26-Jun-2017, 06:27 PM
Hello. I found my way back here recently. My old password worked! Even though I seem to remember trying it before. I might have sent an email about it? Can't remember. Seeing lots of familiar user names in this thread. Loved the chat room. It was pretty funny. I'm also wondering if Bongholio is still posting? I like talking to him. I showed my kids, who weren't even born at the time, my two stories i have on here and they were impressed.....impressed that I could write a story at all probably. lol

17-Jul-2017, 01:19 AM
Hi, I think that I joined around 1999... Been gone for a while, but just popped back in due to the news.

17-Jul-2017, 06:03 AM
Joined back in 2002 and looks like I ceased to be active around 2007. Hearing the news of Romero's passing made me nostalgic for my old haunt.

Think I was more active on the old version of the fourm.

Good to see I still recognize some names 10 years later!

darth los
17-Jul-2017, 11:37 PM
Lurking since 03'. Joined in 06'.


24-Sep-2017, 05:06 AM
Apparently three years ago I dropped in to see how things were going and said I should get back into the habit of posting again. And then I disappeared. Maybe I should get back in the habit of posting here. I really mean it this time! I remembered my password and everything!

24-Sep-2017, 09:50 AM
Welcome back (potentially)! :)

26-Oct-2017, 01:43 AM
There was a time and/or/in a place I lived.
Say it phonetically, and peril.
:) gawd damn I amuse myself.
Hey Distant friends of times gone, bye?

{EDIT: Just realized my sig notes rock...that I left over a decade ago.]

31-Oct-2017, 07:56 PM
Good to see you, Terran!

05-Nov-2017, 11:00 AM
* They're still here.

**They're after us. They know we're still in here.

*** They're after the place. They don't know why; they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here.

* What the hell are they?

*** They're us, that's all ... when there's no more room in hell.

05-Nov-2017, 04:16 PM
Crikey! Hello DD! :thumbsup::gossip:

09-Nov-2017, 09:49 AM

I was just at weekend of the dead ... jogged a few memories, and here i am. Hope everyone is well!!!

09-Nov-2017, 04:06 PM

I was just at weekend of the dead ... jogged a few memories, and here i am. Hope everyone is well!!!

Good good. How was Weekend of the Dead?

12-Feb-2018, 08:41 AM
Hail and Shalom olde folks. Been a long time since I was here. Hope everyone is well.

12-Feb-2018, 09:01 AM
Hail and Shalom olde folks. Been a long time since I was here. Hope everyone is well.

Still shambling along :)

12-Feb-2018, 11:11 AM
Hail and Shalom olde folks. Been a long time since I was here. Hope everyone is well.

Hello! :) It's been a while since I've seen that avatar.

06-Mar-2018, 05:05 PM
Hail and Shalom olde folks. Been a long time since I was here. Hope everyone is well.

Holy crap! Been a long time! How's it been going?

08-Jul-2019, 05:16 AM
Was watching the beginning of Stranger Things 3, and got nostalgic for old days. Surprised my name and password still worked. ��
May have to browse through these threads a bit. I use to be pretty active around 2002-2005.

11-Dec-2019, 09:12 PM
Well, I popped in to see if the site was still going. Surprised everything was still here.

It has been about 7 years since I have been here if not more, but I do remember joining when the forums were green.

Not much has changed with me since I left other than I became a dad. Oh yeah, I still talk to LouCipherr too


12-Dec-2019, 04:35 AM
Congrats on entering the wonderful world of fatherhood! I've got two little ones myself these days! Glad to see ya pop in! I'll always remember running into you in St. Louis when you recommended Five Guys burgers to me and my buddies for lunch. Still got the mustang? I can't imagine that a car seat would fit in that thing!

12-Dec-2019, 10:05 AM
While I keep up with you elsewhere, it's nice to see the "DjfunkmasterG" name again. :thumbsup:

07-Jan-2020, 10:57 PM
Been here since 03. Feels like yesterday and also a lifetime. And I remember Djfunkmaster back in the day going on how awesome Dawn04 was, yada yada yada, and when he made his own zombie flick which was lame. But hey, he made it, so kudos to him on that. No offense Dj LOL

- - - Updated - - -

And by the way, thanks Neil. This site was able to bring me back to all the old memories I had as a kid when my father brought me to the drive inn to see Night and then making pretend our car broke on the way home. Oh hated him when I was 10 years old. And then seeing Dawn with my buddies when I was in middle school and not being able to sleep that night because all the disturbing gore Savini shoved in my face. And then bringing a first date to see Day. Needless to say it freaked her out so bad she wanted nothing to do with me after that.

08-Jan-2020, 06:06 PM
Been here since 03. Feels like yesterday and also a lifetime. And I remember Djfunkmaster back in the day going on how awesome Dawn04 was, yada yada yada, and when he made his own zombie flick which was lame. But hey, he made it, so kudos to him on that. No offense Dj LOL

- - - Updated - - -

And by the way, thanks Neil. This site was able to bring me back to all the old memories I had as a kid when my father brought me to the drive inn to see Night and then making pretend our car broke on the way home. Oh hated him when I was 10 years old. And then seeing Dawn with my buddies when I was in middle school and not being able to sleep that night because all the disturbing gore Savini shoved in my face. And then bringing a first date to see Day. Needless to say it freaked her out so bad she wanted nothing to do with me after that.

:) :)

Moon Knight
09-Jan-2020, 04:19 AM
Been here since 03. Feels like yesterday and also a lifetime. And I remember Djfunkmaster back in the day going on how awesome Dawn04 was, yada yada yada, and when he made his own zombie flick which was lame. But hey, he made it, so kudos to him on that. No offense Dj LOL

- - - Updated - - -

And by the way, thanks Neil. This site was able to bring me back to all the old memories I had as a kid when my father brought me to the drive inn to see Night and then making pretend our car broke on the way home. Oh hated him when I was 10 years old. And then seeing Dawn with my buddies when I was in middle school and not being able to sleep that night because all the disturbing gore Savini shoved in my face. And then bringing a first date to see Day. Needless to say it freaked her out so bad she wanted nothing to do with me after that.

Still waiting for MZ to make his zombie film masterpiece!

09-Jan-2020, 09:51 AM
Still waiting for MZ to make his zombie film masterpiece!


Perhaps one day, although the market is so overcrowded with zombie stuff now that there's very little room to do anything new or kinda new or a bit different ... although I have an idea or two floating around in my head, just little fantasies, but anyway...

I'm currently working on a pitch for a TV series at the moment (along with a director, producer, and production representative - approaching major networks and services), which thus far has been well received ... anyway, one episode does open with a zombie type thing, based on an idea I've had for like 15 or so years now, but obviously we're quite a ways off (still very much deep in the pitching phase) and you can't be sure of what you write in a script now coming to be on-screen whenever down the road, but at the moment it's a fun way to open one of the episodes that I've put in, which I think could work quite well and play into the show's slightly unusual nature. :) :D :cool:

Moon Knight
09-Jan-2020, 02:46 PM

Perhaps one day, although the market is so overcrowded with zombie stuff now that there's very little room to do anything new or kinda new or a bit different ... although I have an idea or two floating around in my head, just little fantasies, but anyway...

I'm currently working on a pitch for a TV series at the moment (along with a director, producer, and production representative - approaching major networks and services), which thus far has been well received ... anyway, one episode does open with a zombie type thing, based on an idea I've had for like 15 or so years now, but obviously we're quite a ways off (still very much deep in the pitching phase) and you can't be sure of what you write in a script now coming to be on-screen whenever down the road, but at the moment it's a fun way to open one of the episodes that I've put in, which I think could work quite well and play into the show's slightly unusual nature. :) :D :cool:

Well damn I hope this comes to fruition. Good luck, dude! Would definitely love to check it out.

Also, I’m always down to check out anything DEAD related, haha.

23-Jan-2020, 01:36 PM
Congrats on entering the wonderful world of fatherhood! I've got two little ones myself these days! Glad to see ya pop in! I'll always remember running into you in St. Louis when you recommended Five Guys burgers to me and my buddies for lunch. Still got the mustang? I can't imagine that a car seat would fit in that thing!

Do not own the Mustang anymore. Last one I owned was a 2014 in 2014. Hate the new style. I have a Chrysler 300S Hemi now, 4 door family sedan with 390 Horsepower.

Versatility and power all wrapped into 1.

24-Jan-2020, 06:41 PM
Do not own the Mustang anymore. Last one I owned was a 2014 in 2014. Hate the new style. I have a Chrysler 300S Hemi now, 4 door family sedan with 390 Horsepower.

Versatility and power all wrapped into 1.

Holy crap. How are you Mate?
I hope life's treating you well

29-Jan-2020, 03:07 AM

I made my first post when I was 28. I'll be 50 soon.

That's fuckin' crazy.

29-Jan-2020, 06:58 PM

I made my first post when I was 28. I'll be 50 soon.

That's fuckin' crazy.

Congrats and commiserations I guess :)

04-Feb-2020, 01:05 PM
Congrats and commiserations I guess :)

I'm an older member, I remember posting with people back in the day how old I cant say. I come and go these days but great to see some of the old names mentioned or actually posting. I always got along well with the lot of you. Still my favorite forums on the net.

10-Feb-2020, 01:06 PM
Just dropping in to say hello! I turned 38 last week, I think I was 22 when I first joined the forum, it's frightening how quickly time goes!

10-Feb-2020, 04:15 PM
Just dropping in to say hello! I turned 38 last week, I think I was 22 when I first joined the forum, it's frightening how quickly time goes!

Nice to see you pop in to the forum, Tricky. :)

And Happy Birthday for last week, too. :thumbsup:

13-Feb-2020, 05:14 AM
Just dropping in to say hello! I turned 38 last week, I think I was 22 when I first joined the forum, it's frightening how quickly time goes!

Nice to see you!

07-Aug-2020, 11:12 PM
Hey there. This used to be my home on the internet many years ago, currently watching Land of the dead and thought Id check out the old haunt and I am very happy to see the site is still going and has a strong community I intend to be a part of again. I was amazed that my login form 2oo5 still worked. Very happy to see this still going. Wonderful site wonderful people and yeah you guys new or old made my night. So I hope you all have a good one.

09-Aug-2020, 10:52 AM
Hey there. This used to be my home on the internet many years ago, currently watching Land of the dead and thought Id check out the old haunt and I am very happy to see the site is still going and has a strong community I intend to be a part of again. I was amazed that my login form 2oo5 still worked. Very happy to see this still going. Wonderful site wonderful people and yeah you guys new or old made my night. So I hope you all have a good one.

What did you think of LotD after all these years?

03-Dec-2020, 02:41 PM
YO! I'm back... again! A discussion about Dawn, over on Reddit, led to me Googling some stuff. Naturally, this forum was a top result. I couldn't resist coming home. Getting a hefty bit of nostalgia posting here again, especially seeing so many familiar faces from WAY back! Just scrolling through this thread, I'm transported back to my bedroom back home, putting off writing college papers so that I could endlessly talk shit with you guys. Damn and now I'm getting flashbacks of the OLD forum - the green & black one! Crazy to think that I'm now almost pushing 40 and I've been talking with a bunch of you since I was a teenager.

Life happened and I got distracted, so I disappeared for quite some time... more than once. But hopefully this time I'll be around for a good while.

Feels good to be here again!

03-Dec-2020, 02:51 PM
YO! I'm back... again! A discussion about Dawn, over on Reddit, led to me Googling some stuff. Naturally, this forum was a top result. I couldn't resist coming home. Getting a hefty bit of nostalgia posting here again, especially seeing so many familiar faces from WAY back! Just scrolling through this thread, I'm transported back to my bedroom back home, putting off writing college papers so that I could endlessly talk shit with you guys. Damn and now I'm getting flashbacks of the OLD forum - the green & black one! Crazy to think that I'm now almost pushing 40 and I've been talking with a bunch of you since I was a teenager.

Life happened and I got distracted, so I disappeared for quite some time... more than once. But hopefully this time I'll be around for a good while.

Feels good to be here again!

It's still there, hidden away :)


ps: F*** there was a lot of effort that went into writing all that from scratch!

03-Dec-2020, 02:54 PM
Wow!!! It's been so long, I thought it was green & black, but it was classic GREEN ON GREEN!

03-Dec-2020, 04:04 PM
Welcome back, Mike! Always nice to see a long-standing member return to the HPOTD fold. :thumbsup:

03-Dec-2020, 04:18 PM
Thank you, good sir! You and SlickWilly were the only people I kept in touch with outside of these forums - is he still around here? I don’t use Facebook anymore...

12-Dec-2020, 01:13 AM
Thank you, good sir! You and SlickWilly were the only people I kept in touch with outside of these forums - is he still around here? I don’t use Facebook anymore...
"The sounds of metal so loud we cracked the beams."

14-Jan-2021, 09:52 PM
I miss forums, this one and the old dune one I use to go to all those years ago. Glad to still see some activity on this one. I'm still kicking around in Indiana, I ran for state house in a heavily gerrymandered district and got clobbered, but am still a city councilman here. Working as a nurse doing telehealth right now, and still trying to volunteer for disaster aid around the nation and elsewhere when I can. I spent a couple weeks in the Navajo nation earlier this year and it was really rewarding helping their covid patients out.

I miss debating which weapons would be best or worst in a zombie apocalypse with everyone, back when the genre wasn't very big. Glad to still see some interest in the genre and folks kicking around.

02-Mar-2021, 04:21 PM
Ah yes. Having just turned 56 perhaps I should look into the use of a cane against the undead.

13-Jun-2021, 12:00 AM
It's still there, hidden away :)

Yikes, I never expected to see that again!

13-Nov-2021, 11:53 AM
Hello all its been ALONG time...

- - - Updated - - -

And I still have a MySpace? Dang I'm old...

27-Dec-2021, 05:13 AM
Oh my god…it’s still here! Talk about coming home! I got a birthday notification and it looks like I remembered my old password. Just turned 35 and was in middle school or high school when I first joined. It’s good to look around and see so many recognizable names still around!

27-Dec-2021, 11:15 AM
Oh my god…it’s still here! Talk about coming home! I got a birthday notification and it looks like I remembered my old password. Just turned 35 and was in middle school or high school when I first joined. It’s good to look around and see so many recognizable names still around!

35... Practically a baby :)

28-Dec-2021, 05:42 AM
35... Practically a baby :)

I wish my back and joints agreed with that sentiment!

19-Jun-2022, 07:34 AM
I'll be 39 next month. Ugh. Just spent 2 hours looking at old names and faces. Was such a special time, back in the day. Green on green. I remember a board even before that. Think it was Romero's own website. Memories are all jumbled together now. Hope you're all well.

19-Jun-2022, 08:44 AM
I'll be 39 next month. Ugh. Just spent 2 hours looking at old names and faces. Was such a special time, back in the day. Green on green. I remember a board even before that. Think it was Romero's own website. Memories are all jumbled together now. Hope you're all well.

Hello stranger ;)

Yeh, Romero's site just didn't seem to take off did it...

BTW - https://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?f=7 (Can't believe I wrote that forum software from the ground up :eek:)

02-Jul-2022, 11:41 PM
OMG - the old threaded format! <<<swoon>>>

13-Jul-2022, 07:46 PM
I first joined in 2006. I don’t post much but I lurk with the best of them. ��

07-Oct-2022, 09:18 PM
Posting here for the first time in eons. Good to see the forums still going strong.

08-Jun-2024, 06:44 AM
It’s great to see this place still kicking after all these years. First joined up when I was about 13 and I think it showed. I still have no idea who you never banned me, Neil. :p

08-Jun-2024, 12:55 PM
It’s great to see this place still kicking after all these years. First joined up when I was about 13 and I think it showed. I still have no idea who you never banned me, Neil. :p

Good to see an old familiar face, AFH! :cool::thumbsup:

I joined up at a similar age to you, back on the old-old version of the forum (the DiscApp days). I must admit, being new to all that (and hell, weren't we all back then?), I did actually get banned! I think I was just a bit of an annoying kid in some ways, like a little brother you don't want hanging out with you, haha. But then I got a new username and changed my behaviour (not that anyone knew, either, I think!) - been here ever since! :lol:

08-Jun-2024, 12:58 PM
Good to see an old familiar face, AFH! :cool::thumbsup:

I joined up at a similar age to you, back on the old-old version of the forum (the DiscApp days). I must admit, being new to all that (and hell, weren't we all back then?), I did actually get banned! I think I was just a bit of an annoying kid in some ways, like a little brother you don't want hanging out with you, haha. But then I got a new username and changed my behaviour (not that anyone knew, either, I think!) - been here ever since! :lol:

I was definitely the annoying little brother type kid. I posted a lot of cringey stuff, I’m sure. The things we do when we’re young and dumb :D

Glad this place is still a thing though. A lot of great memories and nice to see some familiar faces still hanging around.

10-Jun-2024, 04:58 PM
Still alive and kicking...and 54. i think I was 28 when i first started posting here. That would've been Forum Mk I, I think.