View Full Version : have any of you taken Augmentin for infections?

14-Jul-2006, 05:36 PM
If so was it a good drug? I have a nasty ear infection. the first time I was given omnisef(sp?) and the ear infection reoccurred as soon as i was finished with that medicine. I went back today and he prescribed me augmentin. now i told him i do not want amoxicillin(sp) for i do not respond well to it but of course he prescribes me an antibiotic augmentin that has amoxicillin(sp) in it. Aparently it has an ingredient added to fight bacterial resistance to antibiotics in it. So have any of you guys taken this stuff and did it actually work? I mean I am already at 2 visits to the doctor and want something that works. I cant afford to spend all this money or to keep calling off work. Ear infections has to be the worst thing to deal with ever. I can handle any illness but this one.

14-Jul-2006, 05:39 PM
I have not done so, but I know several females that got a breast "augmentin", and the results looked pretty positive to me! :)

14-Jul-2006, 05:49 PM
I have not done so, but I know several females that got a breast "augmentin", and the results looked pretty positive to me! :)

LMAO! I should have predicted that.....LOL!:D

14-Jul-2006, 07:33 PM
My daughter has a constant battle with ear infections because of allergies and has taken augmenton before. It wasn't bad but she used an otic drop antibiotic along with it. You definately need to take a decongestant to get rid of the excess fluid in your ear. Clatatin-D, or benadryl, or something along this line. Also putting peroxide in your infected ear every morning and night until the infection clears. If you do this it will help and you will se results a lot faster.

14-Jul-2006, 09:26 PM
My daughter has a constant battle with ear infections because of allergies and has taken augmenton before. It wasn't bad but she used an otic drop antibiotic along with it. You definately need to take a decongestant to get rid of the excess fluid in your ear. Clatatin-D, or benadryl, or something along this line. Also putting peroxide in your infected ear every morning and night until the infection clears. If you do this it will help and you will se results a lot faster.

i thought peroxide in the ear would be a bad thing?

15-Jul-2006, 12:16 AM
Actually it is not a bad thing. My daughters pediatrician had me start doing this with her ear when it gets infected and it works wonders. Sometimes it has even eliminated the need for antibiotics. (If I catch it early)

It also cleans your ears of wax.

15-Jul-2006, 04:12 AM
Actually it is not a bad thing. My daughters pediatrician had me start doing this with her ear when it gets infected and it works wonders. Sometimes it has even eliminated the need for antibiotics. (If I catch it early)

It also cleans your ears of wax.

how do you put it in your ear. is there a good method

15-Jul-2006, 04:28 AM
I usually just put it in the cap and pour a few drops in her ear but if you are doing it by yourself I would suggest a medicine dropper that you would use to give an infant meds. They are usually only designed to hold a few drops. After you leave it in your ear for about thirty seconds just place a towel next to your ear and let it drain out.

15-Jul-2006, 02:52 PM
I usually just put it in the cap and pour a few drops in her ear but if you are doing it by yourself I would suggest a medicine dropper that you would use to give an infant meds. They are usually only designed to hold a few drops. After you leave it in your ear for about thirty seconds just place a towel next to your ear and let it drain out.

I may give it a try.

15-Jul-2006, 05:39 PM
how do you put it in your ear. is there a good method
I get flus,colds, ear probs alot,when I have had augmentin it always comes in bottle with dropper,if ask your doc about it he may get druggist to include it in script if it dont. Even better call druggist and ask him/her about it. Answer to your question I get someone else to put drops in my ears. I hope you feel better soon.

16-Jul-2006, 06:48 PM
I have used augmentin
it is an antibiotic

the good news is
that it a mid strength one
so obviously you dont have such a bad
problem or they would have put you on
levaquin or something else

hope you feel better heidi

16-Jul-2006, 07:23 PM
I have used augmentin
it is an antibiotic

the good news is
that it a mid strength one
so obviously you dont have such a bad
problem or they would have put you on
levaquin or something else

hope you feel better heidi

I had it for about 3 weeks now. i am about to go postal. i tried the peroxide thing and had that awefull water in the ear feeling. I finally got it out. lol Now i am worn out. Ear infections is like torture I swear. This is my second round of antibiotics. I never get sick. About once every other year I get bronchitis but other than that I have not had one of these in about 4 years. it royaly sucks!

16-Jul-2006, 07:42 PM
Don't laugh. I was plagued with chronic ear infections as a kiddo. My ear doc had my pops blow cig smoke in my ear twice a day-- some country voodoo crap I know, but it worked... Well that and goodly doses of some opium laden cough syrup we got from-- hmm-- unconventional sources.

I am better now..
